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I thought there was NO difference between heck and, well, that Other Word, heheh, (don't want to mention it on this site) and so I' always like, What the h---!!!!!!!!!

mooga looga!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) cheesey name, i kno!
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when I was about 3, i couldn't say "Frog" so I always said "Fuck". My mom's friend would always say" Tell him to frog off!" so I would scream at the top of my lungs "FUCK OFF YOU!"

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Well, this isn't a belief, it's more an event.
I was at school one day, Grade 3 or 4, and the mailman came past. my friend Lara shouted out to him, and he replied "Mama fungoulo (I'm not sure how to spell it) Lara!" to her. She didn't know what it meant, and we didn't either, so we decided it meant Hello, or good afternoon. So we started shouting it out to people on the street. Unfortunatly, we yelled it to a middle-aged Italian woman who DID know what it meant. We got a detention each, and had to clean the ENTIRE school oval, a big task for 3 8/9 year olds.
(For those of you interested, what we were shouting basically translates into "mother-f***er" or "go f*** your mother"

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i use to belive that if you swear then youll die in a riot!im a dumbass

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when i was little my mom tol me that if u said a bad word ur mouth would get all filled with soap so whenever i accidently said a bad word i would run to the bathroom start spitting like crazy.

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A young friend believed that the word dummy was a swear word. I used dummy to describe a puppet and was scolded by the girl. "My teacher said that was a bad word!"
It was fine by my use of the word.

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I used to believe that the meaning of term "screw you" was "forget you" (or something like that) because, often when people are frustrated, they'll say "screw this!"

As a child, I had just broken up with my "first boyfriend." My "friend" liked him and was talking relentlessly about him one day. I soon became annoyed with this (my wounds still fresh) and responded to her: "Well, just screw him! I don't care anymore!"

She obviously knew the exact meaning of "screw" because she never talked to me again.

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my friend used to think "dumbass" was pronounced literally, so she went around calling people a "dum-bass" right up until she was 16. She only figured out then that it was acutally "dum-arse" but a hell-of-a-lot of people thought it was hilarious when she said it!

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for some reason, i distinctly remember the first time i heard the words "shit" and "fuck". i was sitting in the doctors' surgery with my mum and best friend, aged about 5 or 6 (i'm guessing). anyway, my best friend was repeating these words and i asked if i could have one. i rather liked the sound of "fuck", thinking it just sounded nice and round and squidgy as a word. i adopted this word and it was only later that i learned it's true meaning. I was disappointed to find out that my lovely word meant something so "rude" and "naughty".

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when i was six i called my tehcer a fucker: i thought it meant a mean person

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My parents were fairly tollerant about me watching TV programmes for a slightly older audience. My brother got me addicted to South Park at around age 8. My brother always told me, "NEVER repeat the words you hear on South Park or mum and dad will abandon you." I haven't sworn since, and frequently tell people not to do so, even though I am fully aware that my parents aren't so heartless.

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When i was young my dad told me to stop calling my friend a bitch and to call her a "bench" which was way worse. To this day i sometimes catch myself muttering 'bench' after someone annoys me.

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when i was about 6, my friend and i believed that there would be terrible consequences if you said a swear word. ( you'd be grounded for eternity, or you'd blow up, of the swear elves would come at night and sew your lips together) we decicded to make our own swears and not tell them to anybody so no one would be able to punish us for saying them. As i recall we had one swear for every letter. Once, we were given a time out by the 1st grade teacher, and we were so shocked that she didn't react when we called her the j,k,b,t,y,w,e,and r words.

"I'm disapointed in you two. usually you remember to use indoor voices"

"Juktre kupds, you bhugfes tyuer."
"Yeah, your a ympos werfen rebmez"

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when i was very young and learning to talk, i just repeated everything people said around me. My parents were usually pretty careful about what they said when i was present, but once we were in the car and someone cut in front of us or something, and my dad said "Oh, damn it!" And then of course my mum and dad could hear from the back seat "Damn it! Damn it!"

To this day, whenever i am at a family gathering with my parent and someone says damn, they just HAVE to tell the story.

you just have no idea how embaressing...

junior sweargirl
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Me and my friend used to play games when we were about 8, in the playground at school. one day he said "ok i'll be asterix and you can be bollocks" so that night i told my mother that we'd been playing and i was bollocks. When she asked where i heard that word i told her i didn't know...

monsieur moose
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when i was younger, around 7 or 8, i was watching a program when an advert about the grand prix was on. knowing my father was big on cars, and me seeing the cars flashing by in the background, i ran in on my parents who were holding a conversation with my nextdoor neighbours who we invited round for tea, i ran in and shouted "Dad Dad! the Grand Pricks(prix) are on tv!"

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when i was about nine i thought the words 'twat' and 'twit' were synonymous. i learned better when dining with my family at a (nice) restaurant and i called a loud kid at another table a twat.

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when my younger brother got to the 'swearing' age i told him 'chuff' was a swear word. he's still not to sure if it is or not, oh well it's funny coz none of his sentences make sense, coz in the middle of a sentence he'll say chuffing!

evil older sister
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i used to think that bollucks (is dat how ya spell it?) was wot called your parents because i saw a boy sayin bollucks to 2 old peeps so i thought that it was fine. so i went home and said im home bollucks! oh i was in deep doodoo!

idiot feautures
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I used to get the words 'twat' and 'twit' mixed up. I called my sister a twat in front of my mother once, and she was quite suprised, saying "I don't think you meant to use that word." I proudly proclaimed, "I *like* the word twat!" and skipped off to my room.

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