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i used to think the word "suck" was a swear word
in my old christian school they said its against the skool rules to swear, but since I was young I thought the swearing they meant was like a promise...
When I was 6, I used to believe that the S' word meant "To pee".
top belief!
When i was in kindergarden, my family moved (military), so i went to 2 schools for kindergarden. Anyway, when i got there, the first thing they did was recess before school started. I met this kid, and he told me that the middle finger meant hello. So when we got to class, i walked in and flicked off everyone. I spent the next 5 weeks in a corner.
I used to believe everything starting with f was a bad word after I learned about the "f-word".
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I thought I had invented the word "asshole". At this point I was too young to have heard it on TV. A few years later I was allowed to watch some films and TV with swearing in and when the word "asshole" was used, I was delighted. I assumed that in the few years since I had invented it, its use had become more widespread to the point that it had entered the English language. Go me!
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When I was younger, I had growing pains. One day I told my friend that my shin hurt really bad. Shocked, she shushed me and said that I shouldn't say that because God didn't like that. Anyway, it took me around 3 or four years to realize she thought I said shit. This realization was sadly discovered on a bathroom wall, when I thought they spelled shin wrong.
When i was in juniour high my teacher always told us that if we swore more than 3 times then our tounges would drop off
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When I saw my 6th grade teacher for the first time at a school assembly, I leaned over to my mom and said "He looks like a prick" thinking it meant uptight and proper, she gave me a look like she was going to smack me and told me never to use the word again. Only later, when finding a dictionary, did I understand its true meaning.
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When I was around five, me and my brother would have constant competitions on name-calling. The all-famous term was "You doo-doo bird"... Until, that is, my brother mistaken it as "You dildo!" -_-'
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when i was about 6 or 7 i heard someone say the word "f**k" and later on asked my mum what it meant. She told me it was another word for poo....which was a bad idea really considering the next day at school i informed my teacher "you've got f***ed on!" in my innocent childish way, after observing that a seagull had pooed on her....
My mom told me that "shut up" was a TERRIBLY bad word, and that "piss" was completely HORRID! My mom also never told me what the word "fart" meant. I use all 3 of these terms CONSTANTLY now, even though my mom tries to drive it from my head.
I also used to believe (Without anybody's help but my own warped mind) that these terms were BEYOND the F-word magnified by 10. "Mind your own bisiness" "Mind your own beeswax" (These I use consistantly) and, this is hilarious and my parents still tease me about it now, "Your car smells like chocolate" (I don't say this one often)
I really needed help and I still do.
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I used to think that "giving someone the finger" ment to litteraly give someone THE finger. I really thought that there was a golden finger being passed around! So, when someone said " You better stop or I'll give you the finger!" I was overjoyed !
My Dad told me that a cuss word was a word that you should never ever use, or something terrible would happen to you. I don't remember how I came to know which words were the "bad" one's. But I remember sitting on the toilet repeating every cuss word I knew and telling myself to never ever say them aloud.
When I was 7, I found out that the middle finger was bad. So I started walking around with all my fingers up except my middle finger. I thought that it meant the reverse of the middle finger. When my hand started getting tired, I quit, and that was the end of it, except I would do it for about 2 seconds until I realized that I was being weird.
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When I was younger I would say "cheese and crackers got all muddy" becasue thats what i thought i heard my parents say. In the end they were saying, "jesus christ and god all mighty". woops.
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When i was younger (around 5), i was with my sister in our room while she read a book to me. I dont remember why, but the book mentioned the word "formal". When i asked my sister what it meant, she hesitated. You see, we had a thing going at that time where we were trying to outsmart each other. Well, not wanting to lose, she said it was a bad word we call the "F-word". a few weeks later when my mom had a party, my dad told my sister "Tell your mom I'm in the bedroom right now and im trying to get dressed very formal" Well, when my sister told me to deliver the message, i hadn't exactly heard what my dad said, so i rushed in where my mom was sitting with her friends. I said, "mommy, mommy, daddy has a message for you" she asked what it was, and nervously i said "i'm sorry mommy, but i didn't hear him too well. All i know is that he said something about the bedroom and the F-Word." You can imagine the look on my mom's face!
My father is in the Army and I have lived over-seas in Europe my whole life. So insted of using English cursewords they would say it in German or Dutch so I wouldn't understand it. They told me never to repete them because they would curse me becuase I was young. Well when I was about 10 I thought I was old enough to figure out what these words ment, so I went up to these German guys and said, "Shizerkompfs" wich, well, means "S***heads" in German, they just looked at me and my mom yelled at me right there. I learned my lesson.
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this isn't mine, it's something cute my sister told me a few days ago- when she was small she believed that the words in a text marked by the asterisk* were words that the author liked best of all.
When i was about 7 years old, i was bored of saying that sonmeone was "thick" as an insult. So i thought id come up with another that rhymed.. and i came up with "prick" so i used to call all the other children in my street "prick". I was ok because they didnt know what it meant until i was watchin a programme with my mum and a woman called a man a prick. I jumped up in anger that she had stolen my word! My mum told me that she hoped that i hadnt made it up and demanded my definition. I just said it was when someone got a needle and pricked someone. I thought i was quite quick in getting out of trouble :P
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