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My parents used to make me (and still want me) to say "butter" instead of butt.

My babysitter used to make her kids say "shoot a bunny" instead of fart, and my parents adopted that phrase for my sister and I a while, until they realized it might not be such a good thing for vegetarians to say.

In kindergarten, I used to point with my middle finger, but my teacher told me to stop. I asked why, but I don't think she ever told me.

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Every time I saw the word "sex" on a form, I'd show it to my friend in class and say "they wrote a bad word!" But in a couple years later, I noticed the words "Male/Female" so I guessed that it was another word for gender.

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When I first started school I didn't know what the middle finger was. One of the kids said "I dare you to stick out the middle finger." So I said "ok" not knowing what it was. I stuck it out and the kids were all like "ooooo" and I was like "what? what did I do?" I didn't get in trouble though.

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When i was in second grade someone told me that the middle finger meant that you hated god. One time i actually did it and told that friend from then on she sayed how i hated god. That next morning when i woke up i went to go tell my parents (as i was hysterically crying)... MOMMY I AM SO SORRY I DO NOT HATE GOD! she was so confused by how i could think the middle finger meant hating god

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It's a tradition in my family to watch the movie "A Christmas Story" during the holidays. There is this one scene where Ralphie, the kid, is helping his dad change a flat tire and he drops the hubcap he was holding the screws from the tire in, and he goes, "Oh fuuuuuuudge." His parents got really upset and his mom put a bar of soap in his mouth. So for a short time in my young life, I believed that in a different context, the word "fudge" was a cuss word.

It was only later, when I was about fifteen, that I realized what Ralphie was SUPPOSED to say, and that it couldn't be said in a PG-rated family Christmas movie.

Funky Cold Candita
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When I was young, I would sing and dance to my favorite music on the radio. Well, one day I blurted out Gods name, which was said in a vain manner in the song. My family, being very Christian, knew nothing of my blurting, but I was so distraught that I slept on the floor (in the middle of winter with no blanket) for a week!
I look back and wonder "Where was my head?!"

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I found out about cursing in second grade. I remember being in the computer lab (you can TELL this was the early 90s because we had some sort of turtle math blaster thingamajig, and I didn't even know that "*" stood for multiplication), and being terrified of cursing, and what it would do to me, but still wanting to try it out. OF course cursing was the word "dumb" or GASP "Shut up". I remember me and my friend Natasha Djsevic or something were like "Well, does curshing bring you to hell?" "How many curses are you allowed?" and my friend innocently turned to me and said "Oh, about 100." I immediately started counting all the times I said dumb in my head or out loud and got so scared!!!! So insane to look back on now!

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When I was in 2nd grade, I found out what the middle finger was, it's terrifying impact that is. I was from then on scared stiff that I had accidentally lifted my middle finger and left all the other ones down. I mean, who remembers what their finger has done for the past 7 years. I believed I could go to hell if it ever happened, so I was terrified that I had accidentally did it, or was going to.

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I always used to think that the end line in the chorus for "Alice" - was Alice? Alice? Who the fork is Alice? I got really confused when my mum told me to stop singing it..

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When my mom was driving the car, she used to yell 'indictors!' really loudly to people who didn't use their indicators. I used to think it was a swearword so i cried every time she said it.

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When I was little, one of friends told me that the S word was "sex." I would get really mad at my parents whenever they said the word "sexy." I wouldn't believe them when they told me that it just meant "pretty." I still have a lot of difficulty saying the word, and that's really bad cuz now I'm in high school and I have to use that word.

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I used to believe that the "beep" sound they make in place of a curse word on TV was actually what came out of people's mouths who had Terret's Syndrome.

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I used to believe that if an adult caught you swearing, you'd have to pay a fine of 20 dollars. I was an odd kid.

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My parents made me believe that anything with F and U in it (not necessarily in that order) was a swear word. So imagine what it was like not being allowed to say "fun", "full", "feud", or worse of all, "frustrated" and "unfurnished". I wasn't told the truth till I was 14!

Bobby the amazing guy who does stuff in places where stuff happens and stuff, but my stuffing is in the turkey. :)
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when i was younger, when i meant 2 say freckles, id say freckers.she and other people were always laffing, cos it sounded like the f word.

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I use to think a whore was big scary monster, like phantom of the opera. I finally figured out I was wrong when I called my mom one. I guess I thought she was Horror-if-fying.

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This wasnt me (it was me and my uncle wen dey were little)

My Uncle we are talking bout here is the youngest out of 4 boys. And my mum was the youngest out of 3 girls. Well since my 2 aunties were too busy in their lives my mum was stuck looking after him. My uncle would swear 24/7 even if my grandad threatened to take off his belt and smack him with it across the back side! so one day my mum said "I know an even worse word u can use, its worser than f**k, its worse than sh*t. Can u guess wot it is?" so of course he thinks about it, so with that my mum says "dont tell anyone!" he nodds his head, and my mum goes "........Turnip!" Of course my uncle being young, immature and gullible every time he wanted to call someone a nasty rude word he would always call them a turnip...this happened until he realised that turnip was a vegetable not a swear word.

Polly Dolly
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Remember when comic books used to use the word "phut" as a sound effect for a dull pop? I could never figure out why grownups were so horrified when I said it out loud....

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ok i am a white gurl 2 start off with. Now i have always eavesdropped on my mother as a child (which i still am, so i still do) and i picked up a lot of stuff. And i noticed that she always whispered the word "black" when she was talking about somebody that was well, black. I actually believed untill i was 12 that this was a repulsive thing to call someone because my mother would always whisper this word. It actually ended up bieng a word in my crossword puzzle for health(dont ask) and i couldnt get the answer because i thought it was a curse!! I yelled at my mother so much for that one!

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when i was in kindergarten i came home and reported to my mother that a classmate of mine had used the "f-word" today. my mother was horrified, but tried to hide it from me as she asked what word that was. i shielded my face from my younger brother and mouthed "f-a-r-t". she agreed that that was very naughty

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