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my dad used to cuss all the time around me, even though i was only 2. one day, i got a new baby doll. i went up to my mom and told her her name was b**ch.

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top belief!

When I was 4 years old, a rumor was going around the kindergarten class about BAD WORDS (we were such naughty little children). A little boy was sitting next to me during story time one day and whispered in my ear "The F word is FORK!" I still don't know if it was fork he said, or the real word, but that's what I heard and for years I didn't use the word because I was afraid I'd get in trouble...

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Iused to believe that if I sweared, the devil would climb up a rope from Hell and taunt me... My parents made me believe this, saying I was calling for the devil if I sweared.
If sure worked, but for yeasr I was scared half to death every time someone sweared

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top belief!

as a kid i had apparently heard the word dodo somewhere, probably on tv, but i had a terrible habit of mixing my words up....so imagine my mums surprise when, during a fight with my neighbour, i screamed "your a dildo!!" at the top of my lungs. i called people that for years, and never realised why adults looked at me funny when i did!

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When I was in 4th grade my friend told me about the a-word. I believed it was part of another word, "missile", as in a rocket. Looking back, I think I must have been thinking of a**hole, but somehow the idea of a mean rocket got lodged in my brain.

smarter now
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My brother used to pronounce truck as "Fruck" which sounded more like another word to some people. we would ask him all the time - "whats that over there? Say truck!" and mom would get so mad

silly girl
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one day, a long time ago, me and my older brother were in a fight. I was only like six then and I couldn't think of any good names to call him, so I decided to think of a silly made-up name. The first one that came to mind was f*****. I didnt even know the word! I just made it up!! So I called him that and everyone gasped and I got in trouble!! I tried to explain that I didn't know! lol!

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One time when I was about 6 I think,I was sitting in the back seat of the car and this other car filled with teenagers pulled up beside us.They looked over at me and they were smiling and then one of them flipped me off but of course back then I didn't know what it meant so I just smiled and did the same thing back and I'm pretty sure I did it wrong because they all started laughing even harder.To tell you the truth I just thought it was their way of saying what's up,or something.

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when i was younger my dad told me that "shut up" was a bad word and that i wasnt allowed to say it. well when i wanted to say it (instead of "be quiet") i would mumble and hisper under my breath, "shut" then i wouldnt say anything for about 5 minutes. then i would say "up". i thought that if i had enough space in between the 2 words, it wasn't bad.

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I was about 11/12, and I was telling my mum and step-dad about a teacher I hated, and I said he was a 'twat'. They were shocked, and asked if I knew what it meant...I thought then it meant a penis, but I never told them that!

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When I was six or something my best friend had asked her mum what the 'f' word was, saying she'd never tell anyone. Her mum told her it was 'frettle'. My friend told me and for years we went on believing that the 'f' word was frettle!

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I never cussed because of my inconsistent parents' reinforced protestant beliefs on me.

When I was in fourth grade a friend had dared me to say the word "damn" at lunchtime.She said go ahead! Nobody will know.No one will care.You won't get in trouble...so I proceeded to do so.

And ever since I was 12 I had the worst

Luckily I learned new words since then...

Purple HAZE
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when I was young, I knew what a jerk was, and I kinda knew what the phrase f**k off meant, so when I got angry at someone I would call them a jerk off, not knowing it was another term for masturbation

1 wierd and confused kid then
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when i was yougn i always thought sheet was spelled shite!

no wonder i was in trouble when i wrote that

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One day when I was four my mom was teaching my little brother to say frog... well he said couldn't make the r sound. I yelled "He didn't say frog he said fog".... My mom thought I had said the f word and for years after that I thought fog was a bad word.

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top belief!

When i was around 4, i thought "dead" was a bad word. I also thought "Forget it" was a bad word.

forget it
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When I was in 2nd grade I was spinning the globe and saying the name of the country the my finger landed on. Well, Fate felt like smacking me in the face.
I had heard very few curse words when I was little, so when my finger fell on Niger I said n*gger and everyone said" OOOOhh!" Then I knew I was in trouble.

nunya bizness
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top belief!

I used to think that the word b**ch was a smell. I remember thinking "Aw man that dish rag smells like b**ch. I still know what the smell was too and sometimes when I get a whiff of it that word still pops into my head.

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I once 'almost' swore in gradeschool. I said the word buster, reffering to a classmate but he thought i said 'bastard'. The whole class later started to scold me and threaten to tell the teachers saying i would be expelled. I thought there was some sort of conspiracy after that against me. I've kept my mouth quiet around them ever since although NOW they are the ones who swear about everything.

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When I was young I thought each time you said too many bad words, you'd turn into a donkey. However tehre is proof this is in fact false, since I remember in the 4th grade my classmates would curse all day! I wonder why they werent punished

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