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My dad is a builder and uses alot of colourful language, but had always admonished my brother and I never to copy any of it. However, I could never understand why he would describe someone who was restless and fidgety (especially if in and out of a seat)as "up and down like a horse's drawers." What he'd actually said was "whore's drawers". (drawers are panties if you're american).

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I used to believe that "dang" was a really bad word and "damn" was the clean word to use. This got me in a lot of trouble with teachers and friends I tattled on for saying "dang".

Beaver Damnit
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i was never very religious and even when i was very young, i doubted the existence of god. but one day, when i was about four, i was at my friend's house and she had given me this very small chair to sit in. i said something like "i dont want to sit in that f--king chair!" she gasped and told me that i had sinned and said god would hate me forever if i ever said a curse word again.
i didn't say another curse word till i was eleven.

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I used to think that the word "ignorant" was a swear word. I would often tell my brother that he was "SO IGNORANT!".

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I used to think you had to get special permission from your parents to use curse words

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When i was little i got told that cherry pie was a swear word and when i went to a shop some one asked for a cherry pie and i told them off for swearing! another thing is my sister told me posters have eyes so before i went to sleep i had to kiss my posters or they wud hurt me while i was sleeping!

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I used to believe that grown ups never told dirty jokes or cursed. I thought only kids like I was did that. Then I found out in amazement that adults told dirty jokes as well.

Rosa of Final Fantasy
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When I was a kid, it seemed kids knew all the swear words. I thought swear words were a secret code that only kids knew about. I was shocked the first time I heard adults use OUR words, and doubly shocked to find out that these words had correct spellings and even appeared in printed books.  

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I remember I thought the phrase "Amen" was a curse word...because my uncle was a mean, redneck guy who cussed all the time, and he used to always say "Hey Man" which sounds like "Amen"
So I thought that phrase was also a curse word along with the F-word and everything else he said all the time...SO the first time my grandmother asked me to say a prayer...I said it...but left out the "Amen" then she told me to say it. I freaked out and told her not to curse or God would be mad at her. She was VERY confused...I explained everything...she DIED LAUGHING...then assured me it was okay to say it...so I said it REALLY quick under my breath because I still felt bad for saying it.

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We were *not* allowed to say "pee" when I was growing up. My mother told us it was a swear word, and we were to use "piddle." When ever I would hear someone say pee, I would get really embarassed.

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My mother didn't curse much, but occasionally would say "damnation". I always thought it was two words: "damn nation" and couldn't figure out what the country had to do with her cutting her finger (or whatever had caused her cursing).

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I used to believe the words "fart" and "butt" were heavy profanity. I still have trouble saying these words to this day.

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i used to believe that you were only swearing if you said 'oh god' - if you said 'oh MY god' it was fine.

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There were many crap definitions of rude words flying around my school. Twat was a pregnant goldfish, bastard was a male dog (go figure) and we thought that the worst word in the world sounded like "Rehhnaharn" because an angry Italian bloke once said it to Bugs Bunny in a cartoon.

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As I matured and reached the fourth grade or so, I began to hear guys calling one another "son of a bitch." Intrigued, I asked my dad the meaning of "bitch."

"A bitch is an old lady dog," Dad said.

"What's so bad about 'an old lady dog'?" I thought. Being on the receiving end of the epithet never bothered me for years thereafter.

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When I was young I used to think that the word bullshit was actually boo ship. I used to go around saying it and wonder why I wasn't getting into trouble...

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In my family little girls were not allowed to say the word "fart" so for the longest time I thought it was the f-word. When I was about ten years old it finally dawned on me that fart wasn't a cuss word after I saw the actual f-word spray painted on the side of my elementary school.

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I used to believe the word "wow" was a curseword. One day I said it aloud on the playground expecting to get looks from the other kids. I was completely shocked when no one paid much attention.

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When I was young I met a man who said "BS" in almost every sentence. I asked my dad what BS meant. He told me it meant "Bachelor of Storytelling". It wasn't until several years later that I learned it meant bullshit.

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I thought 'sex' was a swearword.

Dial Zero
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