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I thought that "bigot" was a swear word because I heard someone call someone else that as an insult (which i guess it is but I didn't know what it meant, figured it just meant jerk or asshole or something)
top belief!
When I was much younger, I was talking to my dad and my sisters about skipping school, and my dad referred to it as 'wagging school'. I misheard him and said, loudly and exitedly "I want to wank!"
top belief!
When I was little I believed that the "F word" was fart. My mom laughed at me when I told her.
My mother had taught us a song that went:
bird bird bo bird
banana fanna fo fird
me mi mo mird...
We started singing the song to things around us.
Then we say a truck.
truck truck bo buck... banana fanna fo...
We got in big big trouble. Another time my brother was watching my dad trying to get him a soda. the machine took his money, and he said s**t. My brother then slapped his knee and repeated him. He started to yell, then said 'where did you hear that?!' and he said 'from you!'
when i was small i used to think that stupid was a really bad swear word and when i heard someone say stupid i would bawl my eyes out and then expecially if my sister said it .. i would pull her hair and then one day i realized that it meant dumb and it wasnt bad so i started saying it and teaching little kids it wasnt bad and one day wen i was like 9 years old i told a kinder garden that it wasnt bad and since then i alwayz got in trouble
top belief!
My 3 year old son and I went shopping and as we were driving around the full car park he exclaimed "Mummy there's no fucking spaces!".
I blame his father...
I used to think that stupid was a curse, and when my dad took me to the hard rock cafe there was a song on called 'stupid girl' or something (it was a long time ago) where the girl sais stupid about 17 times in a row. I was in shock. my dad was like 'what?'
i also used to think that cursing was saying a bad word, and that the word 'swearing' was a bad word. And for a while, that they both meant casting a mean spell on someone...
I used to believe that the "S" word was really ship soo i went home thinking that it was ok to swear i was only like 5 and i went home and started saying holy ship because i had older friends and they always said holy s*** in front of me until i figured out it was really s*** and not ship
top belief!
When i was little i thought the F word was a religious person because my dad used to say "HOLY F..." alot.
until that day i said it in church!
About swearing, I'm Irish, and we have a....colorful word choice.
So, I was playing A-10 Cuba flight sim about 11 years ago, good old Win 95 :P (some of you might know the sim, and I just showed my age), and was stuck on a mission, so I first said f**k you to an enemy, but very, very quietly. I completed the mission, but got shot down. I then yelled something like...f**king c**t s**t b******s. At the exact moment my father walked in.
Yep. Great timing
top belief!
When I was 3 I watched a Micky Mouse cartoon where Mickey called Pluto a dumb mutt. I thought he said damn it, so I figured it was ok to say it. My mom wasn't happy when I repeated it...
top belief!
When I was 4 I was told not to use God's name in vain. I thought this just meant saying the word "God" at all. So I thought that you were supposed to say "Fairy Goshmother" instead of "Fairy Godmother".
What's weird about this is that I later found out this was just a belief on my mom's side of the family and not my dad's. It can be very confusing to be raised in a family of both a believer in God and someone who doesn't quite believe in Him that much.
not really a belief, but when I was little my friend told me he liked to make up words, so I decided to try it. On my first attempt I came up with the F word. I was playing with blocks in the living room and blurted it out right in front of both my parents, like, "Hey, look what I made". The memory of how angry they got keeps me from swearing to this day (Junior in high school).
top belief!
when i was little i thought 'rats' was a bad word. so when my brother loudly shouted out "RATS!" in frustration i was appalled that he had actually said a bad word!
As the youngest, at 5,of about a dozen cousins visiting us on our farm in 1951, I was the one who, wanting to be like the older kids, said "damn it!" in front of the grownups. My Mom washed my mouth with the suds from a bar of green Palmolive soap. I always think of it when I see 'A Christmas Story'.
I thought "gay" was a bad word when I was young for a while. I got the idea because whenever my brother and dad would laugh when I said something, and I said it to my mom, she would say it was bad. I heard the word somewhere and said it around them and they laughed, so I just assumed.
when i used to watch thomas the tank engine in kindergarten, i giggled everytime the narrator mentioned the 'fat controller' because i kept mishearing it as 'f***controller or 'f***ed controller' lol.
one time when I was little I was playing outside with my friends and I saw GRAFFITI but I was 2 young to know what it is so I was reading it and I was like
What is that? so After I went home i asked my sister
"What does FUCK mean?"
She stared yelling at me and then I never said it ever. again until 7TH GRADE!! hahahah lol
Yea then she told me what it meant!
When I was younger I rode the bus to and from school, and after school I went to a daycare. One day someone said that they were "PO'ed" and I asked my friend what they meant. He whispered really quietly what it really meant, butI didn't realize that it was a bad word.
A few days later I was in the room and my parents were talking with some friends, and one of them remarked, "Oh I'm so PO'ed." I looked at them and said in the most sincere way, "Oh, why are you pissed off?" Needless to say, my mom was not happy about this.
top belief!
I saw the "F" word in several bathrooms when I was little, and I thought that it was the name of a guy who went to different bathrooms and signed his name in them. I asked my mom who it was, and she told me to never say that word again...
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