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As a child, my mother had a flower box on the front porch. She tended to be pretty foul-mouthed, and her favorite curse when frustrated was "Son of a bitch!"

For some reason, I always thought that the flower box on the front porch was the "son of a bitch."

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My dad always used to say that swearing was really bad, so whenever I swore I thought I would get arrested and taken away by a huge policeman with a big round nose. (That's what I thought they all looked like!)

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I used to think that bastard was another word for beast so one time my friends and my dad were throwing snowballs and he was throwing a lot so I said dad you're a bastard!

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when ever i watched movies i couldn't help noticing how people often used the term "son of a b**ch", except it made no sense to me because i thought they were saying "sound of a beast."

Johnny M
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When my sister and I were little, we used to think that "stupid" and "shut up" were bad words. So when we heard someone say it or if one of us said it we would say, "OOOOHH!!!! You said the S word!!!" I am now 14, and when my sister or I say those words we joke around and we say that!!!

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I never believed that "p*ss" was a swear word. My friend chris tried 2 tell me when i was like 7-

me (very loudly): p*ss isn't a swear word!!!!
chris (in hushed tones): yes it is!!
me: no! its just the sound u make when ur pretending to go to the toilet!
chris: i promise, its a swear word!
me: no it isn't!!
i just wouldnt believe it! (unfortunately...)

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Until I was about 9 or 10 yeas old my mum convinced me that ironing was a swear word just because she hated doing it!

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when i was in 4th grade, i was talking about how bad this guy was in my report. i got confused and meant to say "grouch" but i thought THAT was a bad word so i said b**** instead! i felt so embarreseed when my mom saw my report with my teacher explaining to me what that actually meant.

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I was shocked, shopping in Next one day with my mum, when I looked up and read the signs 'menswear'. I got quite upset and didnt tell my mum, then seen the sign 'childrenswear'! I started to cry. My mum asked me what was wrong? I said 'mum men swear in here, and so do children!!!' Obviously I couldn't read correctly being only three years old... bless me!

Becki M UK
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My cousin used to think that putting his thumb up was like giving someone the finger so he always would always put up his thumb when he got mad at someone. Also he used to think the "stuff" in his groin area were called peanuts.

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When I was little I found this book in my brother's room. It was called 'My first words in French'.

I was reading it for a while, then I went to my dad to show him the French I could speak. I didn't know why he was laughing.

I was pronouncing them right.

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when i was little i believed that you could start swearing when you were 10 but not the big swear words just the little ones like crap , sucks , freak and then when you were a little older you could say words like s*** and b**** and f*** , needless to say i thought i was cool when i turned 10 and i could "cuss"

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Up until I was about 10 or so, I thought "the F word" was a reference to the word fart.

I was always told I wasn't allowed to say fart because I was a girl. So, one day in the grocery store, I looked at my mom and said, "Mom, when can I say the F word?" A woman looked at my mom and scowled and walked away briskly. I totally embarrassed her.

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This isn't me but when my friend's brother was younger he used to call the 46A, (which is a type of bus) the fuckty-nix A, and a light, a shite.

Once when I was little I was sitting in the car saying nonsense words are getting my brother to repeat them. Completly by mistake I came out with 'cunt'. He wouldn't repeat it. :'(

Oh, and just the other day (I am 13) I called someone a prick in front of my parents. Not realising it was a curse. They set me straight. Well...after staring at me for a few minutes.

Last one, my friend (dunno what the story is but she doesn't really know about growing up and babies and the like) and me were talking. For some odd reason the word orgasm came into the conversation, so she shouts 'Oh orgasm' loudly not realising what it meant. I don't think anyone heard her though.

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When I was in grade one, I loved to rhyme words. However, being so young, I didn't know many words to rhyme. So, one day before the bus came, I yelled to my mom and my brother that I made up a new "poem," and just yelled out "ducky fucky!" Naturally my mom and brother were shocked and tried to explain that "fuck" is a word I should never say. I didn't get why there were words I shouldn't say, but I understood enough to the point that I haven't sworn in my front of my parents since that day... granted I will swear around my brother.

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When I was like four, my family was driving somewhere. I saw a sign that had graffiti on it, and I went : "Mommy, what does f-u-c-k spell?

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when i was lil say about six or seven my school had a new pupil and she was indian and my older buddies said that s*** in indian means cool so when i walked past her that day i said i heard its s*** in india less to say she moved back and i got d a detention.

holy crap im alive
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top belief!

when i was younger (around the age 2) and in hospital with my monthly asthma attack my aunt was watching a programme with me when a man yelled "book'm dano murder one" i of course misheard this and jumped off the bed screaming" F**CK'M DANO MURDER ONE" i yelled this all theway round the hospital wioth my embarressed mother and aunt running after me and apologising.

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i believed at 9 years of age that swear words were new. i didn't realize they were age-old, but rather thought someone was just now coming up with these 'bad words'.

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i was babysitting this naughty boy who was about six i think. his dad was busy doing something near by but needed to have someone watch his son. so after running around for a while with him i got tired and wanted to have a little fun. so i told him that "hippo" was a bad word and to never say it. of course, being six, he was delighted to have been told a word not to say. so the next thing he did was run over to his dad and repetedly say "hippo! hippo! hippo!" his dad looked at him very confused and i just stood there laughing histerically. oh, hippo.

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