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When I was 3 I watched a Micky Mouse cartoon where Mickey called Pluto a dumb mutt. I thought he said damn it, so I figured it was ok to say it. My mom wasn't happy when I repeated it...

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When I was much younger, I was talking to my dad and my sisters about skipping school, and my dad referred to it as 'wagging school'. I misheard him and said, loudly and exitedly "I want to wank!"

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You know how on machines it sometimes says mfg after the brand name (for manufacturing) well for a long time I thought it was short for motherf*cking and wondered why they would put a swear word on the machine

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I used to believe that bad words would kill my mom. I was so scared that I never said them until one day my brother had to take me with him to one of his 'debate club meetings'. I heard him say one and screamed, and yelled, 'you killed mommy!'

Rickky D
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When I was about 6, I was very innocent, and when a girl rushed into the classroom shouting "I KNOW THE F-WORD!" we were all desperate to know what this mythical, legendary word could be. "YEAH IT'S FURT" she shouted. We were very shocked. Until I was about 10, I believed that that was the "f-word" and I have a vague recollection of telling someone to "Furt off."

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When I was younger i made an action figure out of paper and materials (glue and stuff like that) and i named it 'Jerry Anus.' Of course i had NO clue what an anus is so i went up to my older sister and i was like, "Look at what i made! I named him Jerry Anus!" She died of laughter and had to explain to me what an anus was.

I'm an idiot!
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when i was in about 5th grade or so i started hearing all new words...bastard, whore, hoe, slut etc. i had no idea what these words meant, but i was very sure that bastard meant 'funny'. so one day at my friends house we were eatting dinner with her family and somebody said something rather funny, so i said 'oh, you're such a bastard!' wow, i'll never forget that!

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My younger sister saw South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut when she was 4 years old. As most of you know, that movie was VERY, VERY profane. Being only four and believing that animated movies were kid movies, she must of thought all the swear words they said in that movie weren't really bad. So...you can see what happened. Oh God, you should of seen my mom when she caught her singing "Uncle F***er".

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I use to think that flipping people off meant "hi".

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I used to think that the b-word was butt

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I used to think that beet was a bad word because it had 4 letters!

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When I was younger I was told by my parents that "foxy" was a bad word. Years later I went to the school library and was shocked to find the book "Foxy" on the shelf. I was so afraid to check it out of the library because I was sure that the librarian would contact my parents to tell them that I had checked it out so I sat there and read it at the library. After finishing the book (it was about a little fox and her adventures) I honestly thought that my parents were crazy to think that foxy was a worse word than shit, cock or fu*k.

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When my mother was little, her mother had a bunch of friends who swore a lot. As a result, she swore all of the time. Me being her daughter, she didnt want me repeating all of the words she said; so she made up a word; Hungy Gungee. I thought this word was an actual swear until i screamed it at the teacher in school one day, and she asked why i kept yelling that. I must have been like 10.

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Well, this isn't a belief, it's more an event.
I was at school one day, Grade 3 or 4, and the mailman came past. my friend Lara shouted out to him, and he replied "Mama fungoulo (I'm not sure how to spell it) Lara!" to her. She didn't know what it meant, and we didn't either, so we decided it meant Hello, or good afternoon. So we started shouting it out to people on the street. Unfortunatly, we yelled it to a middle-aged Italian woman who DID know what it meant. We got a detention each, and had to clean the ENTIRE school oval, a big task for 3 8/9 year olds.
(For those of you interested, what we were shouting basically translates into "mother-f***er" or "go f*** your mother"

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when I was about 3, i couldn't say "Frog" so I always said "Fuck". My mom's friend would always say" Tell him to frog off!" so I would scream at the top of my lungs "FUCK OFF YOU!"

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In Kindergarten, my teacher said she was "tired of all this tattle tale crap" and my jaw dropped because I thought crap was as bad as saying any swear word... I told my parents and they laughed.

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when i was younger i never used to swear at all, at school when playing football etc becuase i thought that i mite have been tagged with sum mirophone or something and my parnets would be listening, i still dont swear near my parents

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I grew up in a ranching/farm family. One time we were running cattle through a chute to put fly spray on their backs and one kicked me through the fence. I was outraged and yelled "OW! You cock sucker!" To me a cock was a rooster or chicken and a sucker was a foolish person or an idiot. I thought I was saying you idiot chicken. Even after I got into trouble, I still didn't know why what I said was bad until years later.

cowgirl from the sticks
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When I was four or five I was getting ready to go to outside and I was putting on my mitts. As I was putting on my mitts fuzz kept getting in the way so I finally shouted at my mom "THIS D*MN GREEN FUZZ!" she looked at me and told me to never say that again because it was rude. I looked her straight in the eye and said "fuzz?". So for years I thought that fuzz was a bad word that i should never say.

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From early childhood to about the age of 7 i really used to beleve that the word "woman" was a bad word. This is because the only time I heard anyone say it was when my father would sigh "I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS WOMAN!!!!" I felt that it was a bad thing to say about a girl.

I used to always believe that the word "garbage" was a curse. To me, the first syllable (gar) was okay to say but -bage was the curse part. I thought it was pronounced gar-Bitch. I know, kinda dumb.

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