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When I was younger I rode the bus to and from school, and after school I went to a daycare. One day someone said that they were "PO'ed" and I asked my friend what they meant. He whispered really quietly what it really meant, butI didn't realize that it was a bad word.

A few days later I was in the room and my parents were talking with some friends, and one of them remarked, "Oh I'm so PO'ed." I looked at them and said in the most sincere way, "Oh, why are you pissed off?" Needless to say, my mom was not happy about this.

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when i used to watch thomas the tank engine in kindergarten, i giggled everytime the narrator mentioned the 'fat controller' because i kept mishearing it as 'f***controller or 'f***ed controller' lol.

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I thought the f-word was fart.

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I used to believe that if an adult caught you swearing, you'd have to pay a fine of 20 dollars. I was an odd kid.

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when i was like 3 i learned how to read my first book.... that book happened to be a sex book, and i thought it was like all my other books. my mother encouraged me to use the words that i had been reading and one time at dinner ( my mom had guests over) she asked me to say the words i had read in my books...so out of my mouth comes the dirtiest words ie; c***, Cu*, P***s, V****a, D***o....so on and so forth lol i didnt get in trouble but my mom found my special book...hehehe lol

amy nay
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When I was about 8 or so, I was listening to talk radio in the car when the speaker was talking about an "n-word." Gasp! I thought I knew all the swear words. I asked my Mom what it was and she lied saying she didn't know. I thought I could figure it out. I rattled of a bunch of made-up words starting with "n." I wasn't very creative. They were words like, "nit" and "nuck."

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A good friend of mine had a niece. Apparently at some point one of her mom's clever boyfriends had told her that aligators and crocodiles were called fu**igators and fu**odiles. She was so convinced of this fact that no one could get her to stop saying it, at school church or to the neighbors. My friend and I thought it was hilarious but I've always wondered if she ever learned better, she wasn't a very bright girl.

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I used to believe that bizarre was a swear word.

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My gramma once told me that if i curse the world "damn", a cruel beast with a skull face would come to take me to the "child-who-curse" land, and I could never see my parents again.

Thank God, I grew up and now I can curse like hell!! Hee-Haa!!

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When I was 4 yrs old, my Dad was adding a room onto our house. I saw him hit his finger with the hammer, he didn't say anything afterwards and I asked him "Daddy, aren't you going to call it a "sonofabitch"? I think he had a hard time keeping a straight face.

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When I was a little kid I was told by some religious person that swearing would make God put a curse on you, but if you were a child, God would forgive you, but when you got older and sweared, God would give you consequences. I believed then that if you cursed when you were over the age of ten, God would electricute you and you would die on the spot. :O However, if you were nine and under, he'd forgive you, but you'd be warned and watched for a long time.

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I once was playing a computer game (Monkey Island 2) that displayed text whenever a character said something. At one point in the game, the character said "Do you know how many times a DAY I have to hear about the d*** stump joke?"

One of my sister's friends then said "Oh! he just said the 'D' word!"

Seeing as it was in all caps, I assumed "day" was the D word that had been said.

For weeks later, I thought "day" was a curse

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When I was about 10, I got my first tiny tiny tv in my room. Me and a friend were watching it one morning and it was the Jerry Springer Show and we were hooked! (I know! It was bad to watch that junk so young). After we saw like 5 episodes we would tie our shirts up all slutty and say every cuss word there was because we seriously thought it was cool. But we never did it in front of anyone but the two of us!

Stephanie &%#%*(*!
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i used to beleive that swearing would get you thrown i jail....and my dad was a police officer... i think that he told me that.

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When I was in the 2nd grade I was in religious ed. with my mum teaching, and someone had written "F--- God" on the board, and it looked like my mother's handwriting. So I said "What's ---- mean?" She got a really, really angry look and told me to ask her after class. I still thought it was a religious word and was quite perplexed. In the car on the way home she told me it meant "sex in an angry way." After seeing my first rated R movie, I didn't understand all the talk about "'sex in an angry way' you" but I got the main idea after hearing some playground talk.

A year later, I stuck up my pinkie and some girl told me that it was a dirty gesture because she thought it was my middle finger and refused to be my friend. For years after that I thought sticking just your pinkie up was really, really bad.

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When I was at primary school I thought you had to be at least 18 to swear.

Mike W
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My mother told me that when she was little a girl told her that waving the finger meant "hi!".So she waved it at someone in the next car and got in trouble for it.

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When I was in primary school, we used to do this little rhyme where we said, "Silence in the courtyard, silence in the street, the biggest twit in England is just about to speak - starting from now." One time I said this little rhyme, but instead of saying 'twit' I said 'twat' because I thought they meant the same thing and were equally rude. Twit isn't a very rude word, so I assumed that twat wasn't either. So the little boy, Tim, who had spoken and been crowned the biggest twat in England, by me, went mooching to the teacher and went "She said I was the biggest twat." and I got severely told off. *blush*

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I used to believe that in America (I'm English) it was thought of as swearing to stick up your pinkie finger without the others.

I also thought that swearing could get you a heafty prison sentance in America so when we were going on holiday there soon and my dad swore I got upset.

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one day at a family party me and my cousin were about 4 and we were sitting outside with our 14 year old cousin and in the yard across the street a boy about 11 or 12 came out and gave me and my other 4 year old cousin the finger. we asked our older cousin what it meant and he jokingly told us it meant the boy loved us. so we acted all flirtacious and went on about a week giving cute boys the finger until our mothers told us it meant something bad ...

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