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My mother had taught us a song that went:
bird bird bo bird
banana fanna fo fird
me mi mo mird...
We started singing the song to things around us.
Then we say a truck.
truck truck bo buck... banana fanna fo...
We got in big big trouble. Another time my brother was watching my dad trying to get him a soda. the machine took his money, and he said s**t. My brother then slapped his knee and repeated him. He started to yell, then said 'where did you hear that?!' and he said 'from you!'
When I was little my mom really cracked down on swearing. She was very religious and said that when you swear, you're saying a mean thing to god and it hurts his feelings. So if I slipped up and said a bad word because I was really upset, I'd go and apologize to God. I also thought that if I didn't, I'd have really bad luck afterwards and in general didn't understand how that whole relationship with God works. When bad things happened, I though God was upset with me personally!
Once, I was playing a video game and at the end, one of the other characters said "That was pathetic!," referring to my lack of effort.
i never heard the word before, so I thought "pathetic" meant "wicked good."
When i was little i got told that cherry pie was a swear word and when i went to a shop some one asked for a cherry pie and i told them off for swearing! another thing is my sister told me posters have eyes so before i went to sleep i had to kiss my posters or they wud hurt me while i was sleeping!
When I was in 2nd grade I was spinning the globe and saying the name of the country the my finger landed on. Well, Fate felt like smacking me in the face.
I had heard very few curse words when I was little, so when my finger fell on Niger I said n*gger and everyone said" OOOOhh!" Then I knew I was in trouble.
i used tobelive "swear words" were "square words". A common mis hearing. But... id always picture a tetris style game ( green falling blocks, blue rim, black background) whenever i heard a "Square word"
When I was a little kid, I wasn't sure if the middle finger or the pinkie finger was the bad one. I think it came after I went out for tea at the ritz and put my pinkie finger up. I must have forgotten which was which! After that point, I was scared to put either finger in the upright position, or risk being a very bad person! (so i thought)
when i was about nine i thought the words 'twat' and 'twit' were synonymous. i learned better when dining with my family at a (nice) restaurant and i called a loud kid at another table a twat.
when i was about7 ish i used to think that the correct way to pronounce gand prix was grand pricks. when i shouted it out in class i had to stand in the corner for the rest of the lesson
Once when I was about 5, I was riding bikes with my friends and his older brother. His brother was riding toward their mom and said "Move, pedestrian!"
Iwas shocked, because for some reason I thought pedestrian was a "bad word." When we passed his mom, I said "I can't beleive you called your own mom a pedestrian!" he just rolled his eyes and kept peddalling
On this site, I've actually seen some publishings about the same story as mine. But here it is anyway: When I was younger(about 8 years old) I saw the movie "A Christmas Story" where in a scene Ralphie accidentally lets the word F***K slip out of his mouth(oops!). And me, picking this up, I always thought swearing was coolor when I was a kid. I thought it made you seem older. So as you probably know, in the movie, it replaces it with the word "FUDGE". So whenever I got angry or really mad I'd grow into a fit of rage saying FUDGE repeatidly, over and over....Until I got a kick in the pants from dad....
I used to believe that "biscut" was a bad word when I was younger. My dad would always say, "Son of a Biscut." I tought it was a bad word until I asked my older cousin about it when I was 9, he was 10.
When the movie, American Pie, first surfaced, I was about 11 or 12. I had heard them used the term "fudgepacker" in the movie and started using it all the time thinking it had something to do with a guy who works with chocolate. I had ended up in detention for using that word in school and no one would explain to me what it meant. I'm well aware now it is a slur against a gay man. Hahaha.
I used to believe that “shut up” was a swear word.
I was about 11/12, and I was telling my mum and step-dad about a teacher I hated, and I said he was a 'twat'. They were shocked, and asked if I knew what it meant...I thought then it meant a penis, but I never told them that!
When i was in second grade someone told me that the middle finger meant that you hated god. One time i actually did it and told that friend from then on she sayed how i hated god. That next morning when i woke up i went to go tell my parents (as i was hysterically crying)... MOMMY I AM SO SORRY I DO NOT HATE GOD! she was so confused by how i could think the middle finger meant hating god
I used 2 get da word 'prostitute' mixed up wiv 'protestant'. Very embarassin in history lessons
I'm a teacher and one of my little tattle tales came up to me one day and told me little tommy had said a bad word, so i asked him what the word was, and he said he was too embrarassed to say it, so i told him to spell it, and he goes "well... s... h..." and i said "okay!, tommy get up here!" and tommy goes "no i didnt say a bad word, i promise, so i asked my little tattler what the word was. and he wispers "stupid", leave it to first graders to spell....
When I was little, my brother told me that the word "farrell" was the worst word you could say. Then, one day I met a kid with the last name of Farrell, and I freaked out because I thought his last name was a bad word.
When I was really little, I would remark on how fat people were because I didn't realize it was rude. My mother explained it to me, but rather than understanding, I figured that "fat" was a swear word. The next time someone overweight walked by, I declared, "Mommy, that lady is NOT THIN!"
She also told me I could never say the word "ain't" so I assumed it was a swear. I was very distressed, because I was afraid this meant I wasn't allowed to sing "The Old Gray Mare" anymore.
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