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i used to believe that the word 'fart' was a swear word. all our family used the word 'pump'. i eventually got embarrassed about using this word at school and began using the naughty 'fart' word. all the family use it now.
when my younger brother got to the 'swearing' age i told him 'chuff' was a swear word. he's still not to sure if it is or not, oh well it's funny coz none of his sentences make sense, coz in the middle of a sentence he'll say chuffing!
I used to believe that the meaning of term "screw you" was "forget you" (or something like that) because, often when people are frustrated, they'll say "screw this!"
As a child, I had just broken up with my "first boyfriend." My "friend" liked him and was talking relentlessly about him one day. I soon became annoyed with this (my wounds still fresh) and responded to her: "Well, just screw him! I don't care anymore!"
She obviously knew the exact meaning of "screw" because she never talked to me again.
I'm and eighth grade teacher and a little 1st grader came to me and told me billy the 8th grader had said the f-word on the bus, and so i asked billy, and he said he'd never said that one the bus, ever, so i asked the 1st grader what the f-word was, and she told me she wasnt allowed to said that word, so i had her wisper it to me, and it was "fart", so i just told billy right infront of her not to be saying that f-word (fart) anymore
In 2nd grade, I didn't know what jerk off meant. I thought it was a worse term for jerk, but not a curse word, so I could use it. So I would run around the schoolyard calling people jerk offs and having no clue what it really meant...
When I taught preschool, I had a class of four year olds, and we were talking about rhyming words. I was asking what words rhyme with truck. I got words like duck, luck, etc. One girl said f**k. It was so innocent, though, I just think she was putting the sounds together. I don't think she knew it was a bad word.
Another girl in the same class, drew a picture on the back of her 1 paper, she was supposed to draw a picture of 1 thing. I asked her what it was and she said it was a bitch. It took me a long time to figure out she was saying fish, I guess she just couldn't quite form the word right.
When I was about 4 yrs old we lived in california. My parants use to call all the bad freeway drivers jerks and assholes. From then on I must have thought when something got in your way it was either a jerk or an asshole. One day I was out driving my barbie car around and crashed into a fence. so I quickly got out of my barbie car looked at the fence and said get out of my way you asshole! my mom who had been watching me looked over in disbelief at wut had just come out of her 4 yr olds mouth
When i was v.little around 3 or 4 our house was being refurbished and the builders were putting new locks on the doors....well anyway i was running around looking at the what the builders were doing and i noticed a V.BAD word the builders wrote on the locks of the door....BASTA was the manafacturer of the locks and was printed on them! Being such a naive child i thought it was basta** and couldnt understand how naughty the builders were and started callin them BASTA's right back! lol
At one point, I though that "sorry" was a swear word. Whenever I was told to say it, I'd spell it out instead (S-O-R-R-Y), because I thought it would reduce the effect
I thought the C-word was crap.
As I matured and reached the fourth grade or so, I began to hear guys calling one another "son of a bitch." Intrigued, I asked my dad the meaning of "bitch."
"A bitch is an old lady dog," Dad said.
"What's so bad about 'an old lady dog'?" I thought. Being on the receiving end of the epithet never bothered me for years thereafter.
when i was younger my dad told me that "shut up" was a bad word and that i wasnt allowed to say it. well when i wanted to say it (instead of "be quiet") i would mumble and hisper under my breath, "shut" then i wouldnt say anything for about 5 minutes. then i would say "up". i thought that if i had enough space in between the 2 words, it wasn't bad.
Every time I saw the word "sex" on a form, I'd show it to my friend in class and say "they wrote a bad word!" But in a couple years later, I noticed the words "Male/Female" so I guessed that it was another word for gender.
I used to think that fart was a bad word and then i heard my mom say it once and I was so shocked.
Once, when I was little, I watched this g rated movie (it was animated) and the person on the phone said the word 'crook'. From then on, I thought 'crook' was a swearword.
i used to believe that the f word was "funk"!!!
I used to believe that giving someone the finger actually put a curse on them. So I'd secretly go around my kindergarden class "cursing" the kids I didn't like luckily with my ring finger.
My friend told me that in Spanish Cavron(?) meant beautiful flopwer and that Pendejo meant cute puppy. So I went to my friend that I liked and I was all like "Cavron, you look like a Pendejo!" and then he told me what it meant and i got pissed at my friend who told me that!
when we were kids, my dad would always call me and my sister 'little buggers' when we were being bold. we didnt know that buggering meant anal sex, and he certainly didnt mean it in that way. so one day when on holiday and my sister had just turned 17 my dad let her have her first alcohol drink, some alco-pop which she got drunk on very quickly. we were telling jokes etc when my sister told a rude one and my dad colled her a little bugger. she stood up in the very busy bar and said for everyone to hear 'Ah stop buggering me! You're always buggering me! Go bugger someone else, you big bugger!' Needless to say she got in a lot of trouble and we prompty left the bar!
Ok..well when I was little, my parents were watching tv, and I was in the room to..I had never heard of a basta*d...So I really dident know it was a cuss word I figured you said it when you were mad at someone. So, a day or so later I wanted to sound imporant and we were fishing and I was going to try and catch the minnow out of the bucket and it kept slipping out of my hand so i shouted///"You backstard!" and They got a good laugh at my misunerstanding and then explained I shouldent say that word...
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