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When i was little i thought the word garbage was a bad word. I thought it was garBITCH.

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WEll, this isn't exactly my belief, it's my friends, but still....

when my friend arthur was little, he called his mum the C word. he was amazed at his mothers reaction, as he thought that it ment 'twit'!

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I used to think if you said a bad word you would get arested

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I was about eleven and knew that the f-word was bad, so i asked my mom and dad if I could say "f*cky" since it wasn't exactly the same thing. When they said no, I was shocked. So I couldn't say forms of swear words.

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I thought that "cocky" was a bad word since it has "cock" in it

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When I was young I thought each time you said too many bad words, you'd turn into a donkey. However tehre is proof this is in fact false, since I remember in the 4th grade my classmates would curse all day! I wonder why they werent punished

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My brother used to pronounce truck as "Fruck" which sounded more like another word to some people. we would ask him all the time - "whats that over there? Say truck!" and mom would get so mad

silly girl
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I use to think a whore was big scary monster, like phantom of the opera. I finally figured out I was wrong when I called my mom one. I guess I thought she was Horror-if-fying.

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My father is in the Army and I have lived over-seas in Europe my whole life. So insted of using English cursewords they would say it in German or Dutch so I wouldn't understand it. They told me never to repete them because they would curse me becuase I was young. Well when I was about 10 I thought I was old enough to figure out what these words ment, so I went up to these German guys and said, "Shizerkompfs" wich, well, means "S***heads" in German, they just looked at me and my mom yelled at me right there. I learned my lesson.

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one day in second grade my class was listening to the announcements. some music came on and i said this is funky music. a girl said ooooh he said the f word. i started crying and thought that was the f word until a friend told me it in third grade

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When me and my brother were little our parents TRY they're best NOT to swear infrount of us cause you know how kids are they'll repeat everything you say so instead of swearing they would spell out the swearing word say for instances if they wanted to say DAMN they would say D A M N!!!! And me and my brother would be so confused til we started to learn to read and spell cause then when our parents would spell out a swearing word we would say "DAD DON'T YOU MEAN SHIT INSTEAD OF S H I T"?

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My godson has is absoutly in love with all trucks. Unfortunatly he does not get the "tr" in there so it comes out f*ck. I could have dies when he yelled "Holy Cow big f*ck"

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When I was younger... my Grandma used to tell me when people were saying 'curse words,' and never to say them. The only time I recall her telling me this is when someone said something bad in spanish (her 2nd language). I got really afraid, thinking that spanish was an evil language and when somebody was telling you something in spanish, something horrible would happen.

She would also tell me never to 'swear.' One day at school, my best friend told me a secret. He told me to swear not to tell anybody. I instantly was alarmed, ran to the teacher and said '--soandso-- is SWEARING!' I got him in sooo much trouble! I feel bad now that I know what it is :(

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One day, when I was about 5 or 6, I heard my sisters friend use the word 'hooker' hah. and I had no idea what it meant so when my mom came outside she came up to me, my sister and her friend and I said "hey mom, she's a hooker!' my mom looked shocked out of her mind and told me never to say that again.

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Our parents would not tolerate swearing, and even today I think less of any woman who swears, or any man who swears in the presence of a woman. As kids we were all having dinner when my mother dropped something and said, "Damn!" There was shocked silence until my Dad said, "Robert, I think your mother would like some jam."
Many years later, home after four years away with the Navy, I was trying to start the lawnmower, and let out an exasperated "Bugger it!", realising with horror that my Dad was nearby. Dad just smiled - after all he had been overseas with the Army thirty years beforehand, and could swear in arabic!
Isn't it wonderful, when you leave home convinced your father knows nothing, how much the old boy has learned by the time you get back?

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I wrote some naughty words on the typewriter one time, thinking as long as you don't say those words, it was all right. I still got a whipping.

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when i was in 5th grade i was in catholic school. well we were allowed to bring toys to school, so this little 1st grader had these little "bionicle" robot things, and he was making them fight, w/ all the sound effects and everything. i rolled my eyes and said "bionicles are dumb" so this kid, he gasps and his eyes get real big as if i had just totally cussed him out. then he gets all teary eyed and runs to the teacher screamed (rather loudly) SHE SAID THE D WORD! lol ;)

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When my sister and I were little, we used to think that "stupid" and "shut up" were bad words. So when we heard someone say it or if one of us said it we would say, "OOOOHH!!!! You said the S word!!!" I am now 14, and when my sister or I say those words we joke around and we say that!!!

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I was so paranoid as a kid when it came to swearing. I truely and actually believed that the phrase "shut up", even in a joking manner, was considered cussing.
Whenever I got mad on the playground, I would always yell "BE QUIET!!!" instead of shut up. Needless to say, that didn't really work. ^-^
But nevertheless, it wasn't until the fifth grade until I started saying "shut up".

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I thought it was against the law to swear. I only knew it was bad, and imagined it to be as bad as stealing, murder ect.

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