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my cousin was taught that the word for asshole was "pipe."

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I was in primary school but hanging out with the 'older' girls... my little sister came over to me and asked me to play a skipping game with her and I told her to 'F*ck off'. I'd never even used those words before and had no idea where they had come from! But the older girls were saying it... My sister's eyes filled with tears and she walked away but ended up falling over and cut her knee. I felt instantly remorseful and felt like it was all my fault she got hurt. So I swore (pardon the pun) I'd never swear again. I now believe it's biologically impossible for me to swear!

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When i was 5 i would watch full house and when Michelle said heck i would cover my ears and say she is bad she said a curse word and my mom would giggle but keep watching and my sister would say that's not a bad word what the heck is your problem and i smacked her in the head my mom then told me that wasn't nice to do to my sister and heck wasn't a curse word oh i said why the heck you didn't tell me

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My parents used to make me (and still want me) to say "butter" instead of butt.

My babysitter used to make her kids say "shoot a bunny" instead of fart, and my parents adopted that phrase for my sister and I a while, until they realized it might not be such a good thing for vegetarians to say.

In kindergarten, I used to point with my middle finger, but my teacher told me to stop. I asked why, but I don't think she ever told me.

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I thought that shut up was swearing.How dumb!

Shut up!!!!!
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My parents told me the word "butt" was a very bad word and would always scould me for using it. My friends and I would get together and just say that word and laugh hysterically.

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i never knew wat the f word was until lsiting to a couple of 2pacs albums
( greatist rapper, srry for the spam)
then i knew it was a bad word and jut tried to not ssay it but would wen following his lyrics ;)

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this is really a story, my moms friends youngest kid, she says dont cuss at moms friend when she says shoot.but one day,she saw a bee and said"go make honey,you damn bees!" XD

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my friend thinks dat ''frickin''is a bad word. i later found out that he means prick

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I used to believe "fuck" was an even worse word for "penis" (I was around 7, "penis" wasn't said louder than a whisper, if at all).

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When I was little i was watching the movie Chucky and when he said Bastard I though he was saying Baxter like Buster Baxter from Arther

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I didn't know the differnce between heck and h*ll. One time I went outside and said "What the h*ll?". My mom scolded me for that.LOL

Cool Girl the potty mouth
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When I was 6, I used to believe that the S' word meant "To pee".

Babalugats the Third
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I thought "gay" was a bad word when I was young for a while. I got the idea because whenever my brother and dad would laugh when I said something, and I said it to my mom, she would say it was bad. I heard the word somewhere and said it around them and they laughed, so I just assumed.

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In my house it has never been ok to talk to someone badly.....so we never said shutup to each other. One day i got mad at my sister and told her to shutup. Anyways she got upset and told my mom that i said "bitch" i got in so much trouble...still haven't gotten her back yet.

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When I was in second or third grade, my parents were visiting a friend, and I got into a conversation with their boy, who was the same age as me, about rhymes. So we made up this game where we'd take a word, and then go through all the consonants of the alphabet, and determine whether or not there was such a word. One word that we decided to play with was 'luck'. We started through the alphabet saying, "There's such a word as 'buck', there's no such word as 'cuck', there's such a word as 'duck, there's no such word as 'fuck', there's no such word as 'guck', etc. Neither of us had never heard the word 'fuck' before, since our parents never used it. When we got to 'puck', we said there was no such word also, since neither or us had ever heard of hockey. We thought this little game was rather silly, so we kept it to ourselves because we didn't want our parents to think we were too silly. A year or two later, our family moved to California, and a new friend of mine introduced me to the word 'fuck', with fair warning that it was a nasty word. Shortly after that, I saw the word spray-painted on the side of a building, and I said, "That's a nasty word." I told my parents later on how I found out it was a nasty word.

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i remember one time i got mad i was about 10 and i went nuts and let loose a 20 minute chain of random profanities words like "shit and fuck and damn slut cunt" and i went on and on and boy did i get it

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This isn't me but when my friend's brother was younger he used to call the 46A, (which is a type of bus) the fuckty-nix A, and a light, a shite.

Once when I was little I was sitting in the car saying nonsense words are getting my brother to repeat them. Completly by mistake I came out with 'cunt'. He wouldn't repeat it. :'(

Oh, and just the other day (I am 13) I called someone a prick in front of my parents. Not realising it was a curse. They set me straight. Well...after staring at me for a few minutes.

Last one, my friend (dunno what the story is but she doesn't really know about growing up and babies and the like) and me were talking. For some odd reason the word orgasm came into the conversation, so she shouts 'Oh orgasm' loudly not realising what it meant. I don't think anyone heard her though.

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I was in the car with my "friend(ya right) and i saw the christmas lights cuz it was christmas...i said holy cow! and my "friend" say "KELSEY SWEARED! im gunna tell" i looked at her like wtc! what did i do? i was 10 at the time so i wanted to strangle her!

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There aws this swear word and i didnt no what it was my frend sed it was condom and i only found out wen i was older!

Also we had this Russian person at our school, and my frend sed that vodka was a russian swear word and my dad sed something about vodka then he told me it was a drink! lol

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