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When i was around 4, i thought "dead" was a bad word. I also thought "Forget it" was a bad word.
I said "Cheeses!" in front of nuns n they askd me to repeat the word so I repeat it and said its Cheeses as in the cheese we eat.
After a few years I came to realize that it was really Jesus! instead of Cheeses!.
When I was little, I believed that French had no cursewords because it was a "noble and sweet" language, like my teacher used to describe it!
This is a long, involved case of misunderstanding.
When I was little, I had a lot of science toys. A lot. Little test tubes and experiments. My parents kept them in a big, round tin and put them up so I couldn't play with them without supervision, because there were glass parts. I know now that this was an old Coca Cola tin, but I didn't at the time. It had an old man on it.
I wondered if what was on the tin correlated with what was inside. I guess I assumed the man must have been a scientist. I tried to ask my father, who was in the next room watching hockey on TV.
I asked, "Daddy, who is this man on the tin?"
He didn't hear me, and proceeded to yell "Mother fucker!" at the TV.
The next day, when he picked me up from school, he asked if I wanted to go to the park. I said, "Maybe later. I want to go home and play with mother fucker."
when i was little my mom tol me that if u said a bad word ur mouth would get all filled with soap so whenever i accidently said a bad word i would run to the bathroom start spitting like crazy.
a little while ago my brother used to think shutup was a swear word. Every time I said it he would tell. One day I said it and he told and said this : "Mom, Rachael said the S word. But don't worry, it wasn't shit!"
When i was 9 i didnt know what a blow job was. We were doing this science experiment in school (cant remember what it was now, but something to do with balloons) and our teacher had let us come up with our own titles for it. In discussion, a lad at my table suggested i call it " A Blow-Job" - well i thought this was fantastic and proudly wrote it down and went to show it to the teacher thinking she'd really praise me. Instead she laughed at me and told my mother!
When I was in elementary school, my grandmother told me that if I showed my middle finger to anyone it means that I hated God. So one day I saw a kid on the bus hold up his middle finger. I said to my friend, "he hates God." She was confused.
When I was 4 I was told not to use God's name in vain. I thought this just meant saying the word "God" at all. So I thought that you were supposed to say "Fairy Goshmother" instead of "Fairy Godmother".
What's weird about this is that I later found out this was just a belief on my mom's side of the family and not my dad's. It can be very confusing to be raised in a family of both a believer in God and someone who doesn't quite believe in Him that much.
When I was in highschool, some friends of mine learned German, and they carefully looked up in the dictionary how to be abusive in German. They used to say to each other (and anyone else who wouldn't slap them) "du bist eine runzel hahn" -- meaning "you are a wrinkled cock".
Once I was in University my family had a Swiss exchange student come and stay, and somehow this came up with her. She at first looked puzzled, and then said "why did they find it so offensive to call each other wrinkled rooster?"
as a kid i had apparently heard the word dodo somewhere, probably on tv, but i had a terrible habit of mixing my words up....so imagine my mums surprise when, during a fight with my neighbour, i screamed "your a dildo!!" at the top of my lungs. i called people that for years, and never realised why adults looked at me funny when i did!
I thought, that a word "whore" was just another word for "woman" and my mom was furious when i called her that.
I used to think a "potty mouth" meant someone who ate doodoo.
I used to believe that if you said a swear word, God would send a bolt of thunder and strike you dead right where you stood. One day when I was feeling quite reckless and perhaps stupid, I stood in the middle of my bedroom and said the "F" word out loud. And, lo and behold, I'm still here.
I used to believe that 'amateur' was an extremely bad word.
I thought that since putting up the middle finger meant "Fuck you" I thought that the other fingers meant other swears...
when i was little i thought 'rats' was a bad word. so when my brother loudly shouted out "RATS!" in frustration i was appalled that he had actually said a bad word!
When I was younger, I had growing pains. One day I told my friend that my shin hurt really bad. Shocked, she shushed me and said that I shouldn't say that because God didn't like that. Anyway, it took me around 3 or four years to realize she thought I said shit. This realization was sadly discovered on a bathroom wall, when I thought they spelled shin wrong.
When I was about 6 I was in the back garden and my Mum tripped over, I laughed and said 'Your such a twat', my mum belted
me for that and I didn't understand why at the time.
I thought Twit and Twat meant the same thing.
My cousin used to think that "body" was a swear word.
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