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ha ha... i used to think that if i don't go to sleep before 12 o'clock, Alians would come and take me away. I always think that Alians are in a space ship that could become invisable and they were outside searching for kids that arn't asleep. The belief was gone when i was 7, it was horrobul!

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When I was much younger than I am now I was watching this TV show that was suppose to be true unexplained alien encounters. It told of a Texas family that had seen and video taped their own alien abuction. I was terrified, I thought the tape was true. For years I refused to go down stairs at night without turning on every light among the way fearing that I would see tiny skinny alien with big eyes running around in the dark. I'm now 30 years old, I don't believe in it now, but I still find that if I'm alone in the dark I get nervous I wake up my dog and make him go with me.

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I honestly thought for the longest time that some people were aliens hiding.

Stir Stix
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When i was young(i mean real young) i tot that aliens would beam down pretty girls on to ur bed at night(not for any bed-side activities mind you). So i always slept with my body over the edge of one side of the bed.

I can tell you now that it wasn't the most comfortable nights of my life.

Then about a year later, i had this notion that perhaps nothing happened because they wanted to send down 2 girls but there wasn't any room on my bed so i began to sleep even further off the edge. lol.

Thankfully, i gave up any hope of getting "them" and began to sleep normally again.

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ok well i used to think when i was smaller that we were all in the aleins tv's and they watched our every move me made 24/7 no lie and i was sometimes even scared to use the bathroom or take a shower because i thought they were watching me...

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i used to think that that one ugly alien thing on star trek was my boyfriend.

so stupid
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i still kinda believe this

a few months ago i watched a film called alien abduction:the mcpherson tape.when they were abducted,the aliens came through this sliding glass door.i had the same door in my living room.ever since then i have been terrified i would be abducted.worst thing is,it`s supposed to be actual video footage!!!! sometimes,when the lights are off,i swear i can see that red light...........

rosie mcpherson.they returned me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I used watch X files alot and frequently with the lights on. Well I didn't believe the way people were abducted on X files. I used to think that you go up, have some coffee with the aliens, exchange whatnots about your homeplanets, maybe eat lunch or dinner or something then go back down to your planet at your front door. Like when your next door neighbor parties all night then gets ride to his front door. lolz

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My best friend would sleep with her legs crossed because she believed aliens could rape her while she was sleeping. She did this until we were close to High School age.

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After watching a crazy TV show, I believed that aliens were real. I still have a little fear of them.

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When I was about 13 I went to church camp and we had a lock-in. We watched the movie Signs. I totally believed that whole Aliens-hate-water thing. At night I was convinced they wre coming for me so I stole this one kid's lighter and set off the sprinkler system with it. Everyone was awake so they knew there really wasn't a fire but THE PEOPLE WATCHING US WERE SO MAD!!! I wasn't allowed to ever go back there ever again!

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Living out in the country, one experiences strange noises and is suspicious of unknown vehicles. Growing up in the 80s and 90s, one also has a suspicioun that there's aliens (and possibly even Aliens [as in the doublejawed, no-eyed, acid-blooded, killer bug kind]) lurking around. Combined with an overactive imagination, strange happenings take on a whole new life of their own...
I believed that there WERE aliens out there, but not all of them were evil. In fact, the good/evil split was defined by my perception of their coolness factor. Also, I thought that the idea of "living" or autonomous vehicles (or just plain creepy vehicles), such as Christine, KITT, KARR, and the truck from Duel were aliens in disguise (sorta like Transformers who couldn't transform). Creatures like the Aliens, the aien from The Thing, Christine, the truck from Duel, KARR, Airwolf, The General Lee, my great grandpa's 57 Chevy, and a whole slew of ofthers were the goodguys. ET, KITT, little green men, Triffids, Zombies, Krang, the vehicles that drove down the road at midnight-3 am (I've always suffered from insomnia), military helicopters (there's a military base located fairly close by), any strange vehicle following us for a while, and a whole lot of other "uncool" alienoid beings were the badguys. While I like to think of myself as being smarter and more logical, sometimes I still get weirded-out by unknown vehicles and I still have a tendency to talk to my great grandpa's 57 Chevy when we're alone (she's now my property).

In more recent years, I've been working on my grandpa's farm. Wheat harvest often entales cutting wheat with 2 combines, 2 auger wagons, and at least 2 rigs and trailers (often supported by an extra couple of graintrucks) from sunup to well into the night. This has led to us spawning a couple of UFO sightings by drunks and young people who were visiting the area from a city (and thus, didn't know about the nature of farm equipment). Our equipment is over 10 years old and many of the light mounts are broken or shoddily repaired, causing lights to either dangle from the mounts or to strobe or flicker when the equipment encounters rough terrain (a very common occurance in a wheatfield). One of the combines' road lights (akin to hazard flasher lights in normal vehicles, but required to be on for safe [and legal] road travel of combines and tractors) are jerry-rigged into the regular lights, causing them all to come on and flash at the same time. Combined with the almost aircraft-like sound of the engine's supercharger, this is our "UFO combine". While it wasn't our intent to cause these UFO sightings, it was something to laugh about for a while.

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When i was young i saw this movie where a lady had a zipper on her back and she unzipped it and dis alien came out. When ever i was near my mom i used to touch her back and run when she looked at me.

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i used to think my big brother was an alien i spent years trying to avoid him.lol

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When I was 8 years old I would pray to god to please please have the aliens come to abduct me. If god did this I would never ask for anything ever again. My mom heard me one night as she passed by my room and suggested that I stop because if the aliens abducted me she would miss me. I reluctantly stopped. Now that I am grown I think I may start that up again

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i used to have a blow up alien it was about 4-ft like it was huge. one nite i got up to go to the bathroom and half asleep came bac to bed wen all of a sudden the alien stoodd up straight from the other side of my bed i cried my eyes out in terror then my mum jumped up laughin frm then on at nite i wld place the alien out side of my room at nite wen one day i finally burst because i was so scared of him

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I used to believe aliens are real.

I still do.

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When I was younger and Stayed at my friends houses, I used to think they were going to peel of their human skin and were really aliens!

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When I was in grade school a girl used to say she was an alien and she had this hair elastic that she called her pet alien Huke, she would use fishing wire to make it move so everyone thought it was really an alien animal.

When we got out of the 5th grade I finally concluded that she isnt really an alien, and she taught me the trick and gave me the elastic. I thought it was pretty cool lol. She was odd though.

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I used to think one of my neighbours were martains and me and my friends ones got all our water guns and watched their house to see if they would come out.

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