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At night, when i lay in my bed, next to the window, if i were restless, i would sometimes sit up and look through the window. Every time i looked through the window, the next door neighbors lights turned on (This was just a coincidence). But i thought that they were spying on me. Somehow, i got the idea that they were aliens.
When I was in high school I developed a theory that aliens had worked out a way to observe humans without us realizing it... they would push a button in their spacecraft that made it transform into the shape of a cloud. That way we would never suspect a thing! (Really, if they are smart enough to get to our planet in the first place...?)
my sister made me believe that if you didn't have a birth mark you were an alien, this was ok for me as i did but my other sister didn't, she thought for 2yrs that she was an alien, we even had a photo of her being "left" on this planet
When I was about 8 or 9 i used to think that if I didn't hide under my covers and count to 10 and be asleep by the time I was finished that these aliens would come marching down my street in rows like an army and would stare at me until I was asleep. It scared the crap out of me. So I would always lay in bed and then when I was just about ready to fall asleep then I would count to ten. I'm 14 now and sometimes I think about when I would do this and say "Boy was I dumb!"
I used to believe that teletubies where a kind of aliens
I was fiddling with a radio and heard a lot of wierd bleeping and stuff on short wave. I was sure it was aliens communicating until my dad told me it was a ram operator (morse code). I felt a fool!
When I was little I was watching Unsolved Mysteries and they did a show about aliens and Roswell. It scared me so much I was up all night crying because I thought aliens would kill us all. I was terrified of aliens for a long time after that. I couldn't watch Unsolved Mysteries for a long time either.
When I was young I honestly believed my mother was an alien, I remember sitting at the bottom of the shower crying because I thought as soon as I got out she was going to turn into an alien in front of me
I remember once when I was little my mom brought my sisters and I to McDonalds. While there I got a Happy Meal with fries. As I sat in the backseat I noticed the guy at the drive-thru was really, really old and I wondered why he was working there. He handed my mom the Happy Meal and she handed it to me. I reached in and pulled out my fries and right when I touched them I realized they were ice-cold and still frozen. I got really scared suddenly and made a conclusion that the old man was an alien trying to poison me with his ice-cold fries. I didn't say anything to my mom. I was too scared. Instead, I waited til I got home to throw them away.
At one Point I was convinced all of our lives were actually just some movie being played for giant aliens. But, since it was an alien way of tape recording, somehow the movie was able to have all our lives at the same time...
...(like the trafalmadorians!)
when i was 5 i used to think that everytime i close my eyes the people around me turned into aliens! so i went around with my eyes open all day long
Due to my extreme fear of E.T. (yes that cute little alien), I used to believe that anything the color of brown could instantly morph into E.T. even though the movie never displayed that he had any morphing powers.
I used to think that my brother was an alien from mars because he used to act so weird around everyone and he never did seem to fit in. One day I was eavesdropping on my mom and dad talking and I heard them say that my brother was an alien so I actually had proof that he was an alien. The nexy day I went to school and told all of my friends that my brother was an alien and I got in trouble for lieing. I didnt think that I was lieing so when I got home I told my mom that I had heard them talking and she told me that she was just joking and that my brother was not an alien.
I once saw a TV programme when I was younger, about aliens abducting humans. One guy on this programme said that he was abducted and had his legs spread by the aliens so that they could do experiemnts on him.
From that day on I could only get to sleep if i had my legs touching together so that the aliens could not get in between them! Even if I remember this nowadays when I am in bed, I still make my legs touch each other before I can go to sleep...and I'm 21 now! hehe
When I was around 4 or 5 I used to watch a lot of Unsolved Mysteries and Rescue 911. As a consequence, before I went to bed every night I used to say this little prayer: "Dear God, please down let my cats die, please don't let the house burn down, and please don't let aliens abduct me."
I believed that the sound of a train in the night was actually a tiny train that "the aliens" had and would come into my room in the night and abduct me.
As a girl I used to live in Mexico. During the day everything appeared normal. However, at night I believed that everyone except my brother and I were aliens. I remember I used to pray that the aliens would not control our minds and thoughts.
I believed that my real family were aliens, and they would come in the middle of the night to take me back home. However, they would only take me back if I was awake and waiting for them.
When I was liitle, I used to believe that if a spider would bite me than I would become Spider-Man!!!
When I was a child, my dad convinced me that, as a baby, he and my mom found me next to a space ship crash. The ship was from Geekatron, therefore making me a geek. He would occasionally take me out into the woods to show me the "crash site" (a huge fallen tree) and, while watching "War of the Worlds," I got so upset I cried when he told me it was a documentary about the war that killed my "real" parents.
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