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When I was a child I believed in Santa Claus who was the one who didn't give our presents, I also believed in the mouse with the teeth that was taken in exchange for some prize that we wanted, those are things that our parents tell us to brighten up our life, to make our imagination wider and better, I also believed that the clothes that were taken to us when we didn't eat all that our parents served us.

Stalin Moreta
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When I was a kid, I used to think that when there was a tooth mouse and my baby teeth came out, I would leave them under my pillow to give me money.
When I was a kid, I used to believe that clouds were cotton and that I could climb when I'm on a high mountain like in Dragon Ball Z

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When I was a child I used to believe that the elf lived in the tree that was in my house, this is what my parents told me to climb the tree since the elf was going to make me angry with him and that he could do something bad.

Fabricio Vladimir Tipan Taco
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When I was a kid
I used to believe that when I went to the forest to pick berries or strawberries I would find the elf's pot with some treasure because you always heard that it was stored there, I was curious and wanted money to buy candies, chocolates with my cousins.

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My belief about elves is due to a story my cousin told me and because I am afraid that one will appear to me.

Anderson Steven Casa Rodriguez
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As a child my belief was that there was a tooth fairy who came at night to leave me money in exchange for a tooth, it was a little reason that she came to my bed at night to remove my tooth when I slept

Nathalie Parra Armas
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A belief from my childhood is the tooth mouse. My parents made me believe that if I took out a tooth, the mouse would take my teeth and leave me money

Jordan Granizo
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When you are a child you are very dreamy and you believe everything you are told. When I was a child there was a myth that when a child plays a musical instrument well, the "leprechaun" dressed as a charro appears with a big hat covering his face dancing and they said that he stole the talent of the child or lord.

Bryan David Rodríguez Cuenca
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When I was a girl, I thought there was a Pérez mouse that if I left my teeth on the ceiling in a box to take it away leaving money in the same box and if they saw my tooth good taken care of, I would that my tooth grow fast and beautiful for be a little girl with a cute smile.

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When I was a little child, I used to believe that an extraordinary being really existed.It was "Tooth fairy" in spanish "raton de los dientes". I always expected him to come and leave a dollar coin after I put my fallen tooth under my pillow. He never left anything, though.

Gino Javier Rubio Hidalgo
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I used to believe that fairies lived un the sewers

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When I was younger, I used to believe that the tooth fairy stock all my teeth.

jean-edouard wola
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When I was younger, I used to believe when a tooth fairy was exist

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I used to think that the tooth fairy puts you in a deep sleep before stealing your tooth/teeth.

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I used to believe when I was a child in the elf, that it existed in the countryside when it is desolate

Eduardo Chancusig
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I used to believe that there were elves

flores jaime
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When I was a child, I used to believe in the tooth fairy. I used to hide the teeth in a little yellow jewelrybox in plastic that my older sister had given me. After my nap, my teeth had disappeared and I found a coin. A day, I lost my box and I put my teeth on the pillow.

During my nap my mom (the tooth fairy) looked for my tooth but did not find it but she still put a five- dollar note because she did not find a coin. When I woke up I was very happy because not only did I have a five- dollar note and the teeth stayed on my pillow. My dad made fun of her then said « oh the tooth fairy is myopic like your mother. »
Now I do not believe in the tooth fairy anymore because I grew up and that especially I do not lose my baby teeth anymore because I no longer have any.

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When I was a child I used to believe that there were elves in my garden.At this time I had a dummy. One day my parents told me to make a decorated box to put my dummy. After making the box, they put it in the garden and my parents told me that the elves would give me a present. The next day I went to take the box and in the box there was a magnifying glass.
After this wonderful moment , I looked for elves in the plants every day with the magnifying glass and in my garden hut and also looked for insects until I was seven years old:)

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This is a very elaborate belief that my mother fed me for some reason. It started when I was about six or seven and went on until I was *twelve*, although by then, I was starting to have my doubts.

She claimed that between dinner and bedtime, two to six "dream fairies" would fly around our roof and that each one was a centimeter high, and that at night, they'd sprinkle fairy dust on me and if the dust was gold, I'd have magical dreams, if it was silver I'd have "sleepy-dreamy dreams" (?), and if it was rainbow-colored, I'd have adventurous dreams. She also claimed they could mix fairy dust together to have a combination of those themes, that nightmares were brought by a different set of creatures, and that the more surreal parts of my dreams were their doing.

However, there were a few drawbacks according to her: if I shouted, they'd fly away but might come back, and being kissed goodnight specifically by her or Dad helped them stay and if I was kissed goodnight enough times, they could stick around even if I didn't get a kiss one night. She also claimed that my cat plushie's job was looking for them.

She said that there were these other fairies who were hybrids of them and the Tooth Fairy called "tinkly tooth fairies" that cleaned people's teeth who had forgotten their toothbrushes.

My cousin also believed in dream fairies, although he thought that they poured "dream goo" in your ear and that's where *all* dreams came from. He also thought that if you drank "dream goo", it would taste like cherry-flavored rum and you'd pass out but then have only good dreams. (I never bought that).

The weirdest part was that my dad also said something about dream fairies and he's not even superstitious or anything.

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My friend said she was a fairy but when I asked her to fly as proof, she said that it would make her powers disappear because she "wasn't a very good fairy". I wasn't convinced.

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