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I used to believe that Peter Pan would come for me and take me to Neverland. I remember planning what Jammies to wear that night, and which ones were best for adventures and flying. lol (:

Fiona Duncan
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in the bogie fairy

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Not to long ago, me and one of my BBF nmed Lillian (Lily or Lilybug for shory) played in these woods behind my house. (Her Mom's work is next to them.) I had recently started coming again,and it was Book Fair time. We both bught the same book on Faeries, and we said there were some in the forest. Later, I found out Lilybug's sister Catherine made fun of our belief.

Breeze (or Bree for short)
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when i was litltle i was asleep in my bed and i feel a fingernail scratch my foot i thought it was the toothfairy so i used to write hello toothfairy on my feet at thinking she would see.

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i tell my daugher the little mole/freckle she has on her hand is fairy poo, that a fairy came in the night and left a poo and that when shes older the fairy will give her money instead when she leaves a tooth.

shes only two, and she goes up to complete strangers saying 'do you like my fairy poo?' while pointing to her hand!

she will probly be on this site in years to come telling this story!!

mean momma
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When I was something between 5 and 7 years old, I used to believe, that if you build a house for small dwarfs, they will make your wishes come true. It supposed to happen over night, but it never come true. Houses were built from various materials - bricks, clay, grass and so on.

These small magic dwarves never gave me anything I wished for...

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When I was little I would look out the window at night and see fireflies. I used to believe they were fairies. I know it's lame, but I still believe in fairies.

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My next door neighbour's garden had a lamppost like the one in Narnia, and I believed that when it snowed it was possible to cross over into Narnia if i could just get into the garden. But I was very short and I couldn't climb the fence, so I'll never know if it was true or not.

Midget Magic
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as a child, i believed in the tooth fairy. i used to watch the time, fall asleep, and wake up seeing that only minutes passed when i realized that i had a dollar under my pillow. my last tooth fell out at the age of 11. i swear i found all the keys to the rooms in our house, i hid them and locked myself in my room to see what would really happen. once again, 10 minutes, i fell asleep, i woke up to a locked room and of course, i had a dollar. i was totally pissed because still to this day, i believe in the tooth fairy and i'm 20! what the heck? LMAO

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i was always dreamed dat the toooth fairy would rob my house stomp on ali and then hit cidney [the witch] and steeel my home work

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When I was little, I lost a tooth, I mean really lost it. I could not find it anywhere and I was SO upset because then I thought I wouldn't get any money from the Tooth fairy. So I had my aunt help me write a note to the tooth fairy explaining to him/her that I was REALLY sorry about losing the tooth that I've been a good girl and really wanted money. Well, it must have worked because the next morning there was a dollar under my pillow, lol. I used to think the Tooth fairy looked like Tinkerbell from Peter Pan, LMAO!

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When I was little I asked my mum why there were little doors on the side of lamposts. She told me that little fairy people live inside and take it in turns to get on their little bikes and cycle round turning all the lights on - thats why lamposts make a clicking sound too, because thats the sound of their wheels winding down.

Lou B Lou
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I used to believe in the tooth fairy until I was about nine or ten.I made my mum and dad promise to not come in my bedroom that night. The next morning I looked under my pillow and my tooth was still there with the note I'd written, that's when I learned that the Tooth Fairy didn't exist!

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I live in a cottage and there's a hole in one of the beams on the stairs, with a bit of wood stuck in it. I used to believe that it was a lever, if I could get this lever-thing out of the hole, I would be transported to fairyland.
Sadly, the wood hasn't come out yet....

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The belief that If I didn't go to sleep the humpty-backed leprachaun would come into my bedroom, sew up my lips with bootlaces and take me off to live with the other fairies under the hawthorn tree at the bottom of our garden.

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When I was about 6 years old, my dad told me that the tooth fairy would take my baby teeth and out them in the mouths of new babies to grow. I was pretty grossed out by the thought that my baby teeth had come from another person.
He also told me that fairy floss (candy floss in USA) was collected from flowers, where the fairies had farted it out. I used to love fairy floss, so I guess he was trying to save those teeth!
I really didn;t trust fairies for a while there

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When I was 2 or 3, (can't remember which), my Grandma, "Nana," said, "Aunt Katie is your Godmother." I replied, "No she is not, she doesn't even have a magic wand!" I hate princess stuff now, but back then, I guess I watched a little too much "Cinderella"!

Peanut, age 1-month-till-I'm-9
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when i was 4,and my teeth fell out i used 2 stay up all night and wait for the tooth fairy 2 come and give me my money.i know this sounds weird,but 1 time when my tooth fell out and i stayed up all night,probably about 10.00 i saw a strange purple light flying around my bedroom window!!in the morning i told my parents but they never believed me.

jordan reynolds
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My friend used to believe she could transform into anything she liked. She was the queen of the unicorns, the magic snow spider, and the fairy queen all at once. She used to 'Transform' in front of the kids at school. For the sake of our friendship i pretended i believed, which kind of meant she was my only friend! I thought she was a bit crazy, but then again, i knew i was Princess bluebell of the fairies who thwarted fairy hunters as i flew off to fairyland with my sister, Princess Snowdrop, every night! But only my twin sister (AKA princess Snowdrop) knew about it. I still like to visit the fairies every once ina while to remind them whos boss......

PrincessBluebellof FairyLand
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I used to know all about fairies. Garden fairies... all kinds of fairies. I used to believe that I could make a fairy house and the next morning there would be fairies in side. When I tried it and there were none there I wouldn't stop crying, until my mom said that it wasn't a magical place enough for them - and I believed her ... ha!

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