i used to believe

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I used to beleive that the tooth Fairy was off on monday nights, turns out my mom didnt have time to change the tooth for money that night lol
from that day on i never put a tooth out on a monday LOL

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I used to cut out and collect people's faces from magazines, I had literally thousands of them, it was my quite serious hobby when I was 7-9.
And one day for some reason I thought if gave one of them to a fairy, she'd make a real small person out of it (a few centimetres tall) and I'd have it to play with it and to dress it up and to show it off. So I picked one face I didn't really like (don't blame me, I'd miss any of them, so I tried to minimalize the loss) and put it into a box with a letter to the fairy. But the magic would only happen if I didn't look into the box for the whole day and the whole night and I never managed to do it, so the face was still there and I always hoped I'd have more willpower next day.
Until my friend saw the letter and wanted to read it and I felt so embarassed that I told her to do anything with it but read it, and she threw it into the rubbish bin. I don't know if she read it later or not, but I thought the fairy was probably offended by throwing the letter out and I took the face out of the box and stopped trying.

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Once when i was at primary school, i lost a tooth and a teacher put it in a tissue for me. When i met my mum at the gate at the end of the day i gave her the peice of tissue and the tooth fell out onto the floor! i nearly cried because i thought the tooth fairy wouldnt visit and was extremley worried that she wouldnt visit.

She would also tell me that fairies lived at the bottom of the garden under the trees.

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my brother used to tell me that a fairy called the nitzy witzy
lived in a warm white tree, and if you knocked three times
on said tree she would grant you a wish! so i went to every
white tree i could find, feeling for warmth ,knocking on them and shouting nitzy witzy!!? i want my wish! are you home?!
i think my brother was just kidding me......

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A few years ago my best friend Emily and I made fairy houses in the summer. And my mum put little fairy dolls inside the house or tent. afterabout a week or two she said we were too obsessed with fairies and it was her all along. I cried for a day!!

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when i was 4,and my teeth fell out i used 2 stay up all night and wait for the tooth fairy 2 come and give me my money.i know this sounds weird,but 1 time when my tooth fell out and i stayed up all night,probably about 10.00 i saw a strange purple light flying around my bedroom window!!in the morning i told my parents but they never believed me.

jordan reynolds
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I used to believe that a house elf lived in my kitchen because we had wooden walls and one piece of wood resembled a tiny door. So i thought that this house elf would go out every night and avoid being seen because he was too modest.

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My sister belived in Unicorns until she had 17 years !

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Also me and my friend used to believe, that gnomes live on the 5-th floor of my house, because I lived on the 6-th floor, and my friend on the 7-th. We decided that the 5-th floor would be the optimal place to place some gnomes.

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i used to believe that if my tooth came out the tooth fairy would come and kill me!!!

dangerous tooth fairy
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A few months ago, my little sister, 7, found a lost tooth. She left it under her pillow along with a letter. The next morning, she was delighted to find a coin, and a letter from the tooth fairy. The tooth fairy left her a note saying thankyou for finding the tooth, and in thanks, she recieved a coin.

For weeks afterwards, my little sister went around our house and her friends, looking for teeth. She got a few strange looks from her friends when they asked what she was looking for!

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I used to believe that Sacagewea on the Sacegewea Dollar coin was the tooth fairy!! My parents always put those under my pillow so I thought that was her own currency.

Little Blue Boy
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When I was 12, I was convinced that the November of that year, Peter Pan was going to come get me. (The note in the live-action Peter Pan movie said November 1904, and it would hae been November, 2004).

The 21st Century Wendy
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I believed that if I put a crown on my head and ate a flower at night, that I'd become a fairy and I'd be able to fly around like Tinkerbell. It never happened.

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The belief that If I didn't go to sleep the humpty-backed leprachaun would come into my bedroom, sew up my lips with bootlaces and take me off to live with the other fairies under the hawthorn tree at the bottom of our garden.

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When I was something between 5 and 7 years old, I used to believe, that if you build a house for small dwarfs, they will make your wishes come true. It supposed to happen over night, but it never come true. Houses were built from various materials - bricks, clay, grass and so on.

These small magic dwarves never gave me anything I wished for...

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i used to believe that everyone had a little fairy looking after them and my auntie even used to write letters to us from a fairy named trixie.
Me and my sister believed it for a long time.

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I used to believe in the tooth fairy.

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When i was a child i used to beliebe in fairies. I thougth that they were in the flowers and all of them fly for do the childrens dreams come true. For me they were like a little flowers with a small mouth and big eyes, but they donīt speak. My mom thougth that i was a little crazy.

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Im 16 but i still like to think mermaids and faries are real!

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