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father christmas

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One Christas when I was probibly 4, "Santa" gave me coal bubble gum when I asked for a doll house! Then ofcourse my perants found my doll hosue but it was made out of card board so for a while, I thought santa's full name was Saiton Santa.

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I learned from an early age that Father Christmas, or whatever you want to call him, wasn't real. Therefore, the first time I saw a man in a Santa suit, I freaked out. ("A Visit From St. Nicholas" triggered similar freak-outs for years afterwards.)

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I believed that Reindeer loved popcorn, and so I would cook a bag and scatter it on the porch.

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I used to believe that Santa Claus and God where best friends.I used to pray to god to tell stuff to santa claus for me.I also used to believe that the elves had invisible video cameras everywhere to watch me.Where they couldn't get video camera's santa asked god for help to keept watch!

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because of santa clause being able to deliver to so many houses a night around the world, I thought he must be god. then I thought I was a genius because I figured I was the only person who had ever considered it.

until I learned at 9 that santa was fake

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I used to believe Santa Claus squeezed through our chimney and out through our fireplace until I realised we didn't have a chimney or a fireplace!

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my mum used to label my christmas presents 'love santa' so 1 year when i was about 5 i asked her in all seriousness why her and my dad didn't buy me any presents. She swears thats the closest shes ever come to hitting me!!

santa claus
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When I was a little kid and still believed in Santa, my mom, trying to make me be good, told me "Santa is always watching you. He sees everything you do and if he sees you being bad he won't bring you any presents for Christmas."

I became terrified of Santa seeing me naked. I had to go into my closet and shut the door whenever i changed into my pajamas at night because I was so afraid of him watching me. I would imagine him outside my window looking in at night watching me. It really creeped me out.

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When I was little I told a few kids in my class that no grown ups believed in God an that you were told the truth when you got older like Santa Claus

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My sister believed that Santa was real. She always said, "I have the proof!" To this day I still don't know what she was talking about. (She is 18 now)

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i used to belief in santa when i was younger and chrismas used to feel magical but now christmas has never been the same since i ound out he wasnt real the magic was truely lost!

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my parents used to tell me that if i didn't go to sleep on time on chistmas eve that santa wouldin't come and give me my present

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I once saw a Christmas episode of the show 'Full House' and there was a guy dressed up as Santa on it. I knew all about fake mall santas but for some reason I thought that this looked like The Real Santa. So I asked my mom if it was really Santa and she said 'sure.' So from then on I thought the actual Santa was on Full House. I was amazed they actually got him to appear on tv.

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Once when I still believed in Santa and the Tooth Fairy I lost a tooth on Christmas Eve. My mom told me the Tooth fairy would probably be too tired to take my tooth. It turned out that she was right. I really was a bit disappointed, but surprised how my mom called it. I was 8 then and now I no longer believe in either Santa or the Tooth Fairy.Lol

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I used to believe in Santa, easter bunny and the tooth fairie. I used to believe that I would be a supermodel.

Mayara Rodrigues, RJ - Brasil
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I believed in Santa up until about the age 8. One night, my aunt called me over to the phone saying someone wanted to say Hello. Well, I answered and was like, 'Hello?' and this poorly voiced 'Ho, Ho, Ho! Merrrrry Christmas! Have you been a good little girl this year?' came booming out from the speaker. I instantly knew it was my cousin upstairs on the other line. I was like, 'This isn't Santa, this is Kevin!' and I hung up the phone and ran upstairs to beat him up, lol. I then knew that the parents just hid the presents in a secret place and put them out on Christmas Eve while you were sleeping.

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I used to think that Santa liked my brother and I more than all the other kids in the world because we gave him beer instead of milk on christmas eve

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I believed in father christmas until i was 10. I only found out he wasn't real when i got a toy sword and on the back it said "made in china" and i said to my mum "doesn't father christmas make toys in the north pole?" and she had to tell me he wasn't real. I was so upset. I loved him so much. It felt like he'd died!

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I thought very long and hard about the Father Christmas issue as a child. I eventually came to the conclusion that he couldn't possibly be what everyone said. How could a fat man and some magic deer go all around the world, dispensing brand name toys out of the back of an apparently limitless pile on a sled? No, to my 8 year old brain, the answer was simple: This "Father Christmas" was an alien. I confronted my parents with my findings and they were told me the truth.

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i used to believe that santa could shrink really small, because one year i said to my mum "how does santa get in? we don't have a chimney" so my mum told me he came in through the letter box.....

Also, bit emmbaressing this, i am 15 and it was only last year, i asked my mum if santa minds us going to bed later and she told me "Heather, Santa doesn't exsits it's me that puts the presents out" i was absolutly gobsmacked!! more that my mum could lie to me all that time than the fact he didn't exsist!!

= [ Santa's gone?? ] =
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