father christmas
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when I was a kid I always felt safe going to bed when one of two things were happening--1) it was raining because I didn't think anyone would break in if it were raining and 2)on Christmas eve, I honestly believed that criminals weren't heartless enough to break into someone's home on Christmas
I used to think Santa was real but my friends in junior school told me he's not real because they don't get presents from Santa (it turns out my friends' parents don't bother lies about Santa, they just give them presents to their face). I told my mum this, and she said that in order to get presents from Santa your parents have to register with Santa who lives in Finland when you are a baby so Santa would come by and drop your presents every year. To convince me this is true, my mum wrote a letter with Finnish spelling mistakes. But of course the truth became more and more obvious when the present from my mum and present from santa have exactly the same wrapping paper. One Christmas I stayed up all night and saw my mum placing a gift next to my bed. I still pretend I don't know Santa is fake so I could still get a tiny bit of excitment when it's the night of 24th of decemeber.
When my sister and I were in elementary school, we used to hear the big kids singing "Deck the halls with Santa Claus's balls..." around Christmastime. So we sang the song around the house, of course not knowing what "Santa Claus's balls" referred to...I just thought they were Christmas ornaments...Our mom got pretty mad at us but wouldn't tell us why or what it meant.
since I used to belive in Santa claus, I thought that he would kill you if you woke up at midnight and saw the bag of presents.
When we put out cookies and milk for Santa Claus I thought that you had to put out creamy full fat milk and thats why Santa is so fat
When I was young, I use to believe in father christmas. It seemed to hear his carriage pulled by reindeer stop in front of the house.
I was 5 yrs. old and living with my aunt and uncle in the little hotel they owned. I had a little toy red piano. At night, a few days before Christmas, I would sit in the middle of the living room floor banging on it singing,"Jingle Bells". They turned the lights off, with only the tree lights glowing,and sat in their rockers watching me stare at the big window while banging on the piano, waiting for Santa to look in to see if I was being a good girl. Unbeknownst to me, my uncle had rigged a wire behind his chair running all the way to the outside of the window. There was a big cowbell attached to it. During my performance for Santa, my uncle would reach behind his chair and pull the wire, ringing the bell! I would fly terrified into my aunts lap screaming, "I've been good, Santa! I've been good!" On Christmas morning they would put a little dirt on the window sill to indicate that Santa had indeed come through the window to deliver my presents. That was 58 yrs. ago and I love them for being so involved in my life and providing me with such good memories.
I once left my autograph book out for Santa to sign. On Christmas Day I looked in it to find I had his autograph!! Wonder if it was really my mum...?
When I was younger, I always saw pictures of Santa Claus coming down people's chimneys. But, since we didn't have a fireplace or an open chimney, I never understood how Santa got into our house. So my Mom told me he came in through the dryer vent outside.
We always left milk and cookies for Santa and baby carrots for the reindeer. Well, one Christmas morning, I found that Rudolph wasn't very hungry the previous night and had only nibbled on his carrot and left it! Those teeth marks were huge! Amazing! Absolute proof about flying reindeers! I believed in Santa until 6th grade because of that...
Three years later I learned that my dad was the one with the reindeer teeth. :B
I remember once, the first Christmas I remember, (in kindergargen), we went to my uncle's house for Christmas, and while we were driving the two hour drive back, I thought that Santa would've left more presents for us at our house, and was sorely disapointed that he hadn't, even though my mom told me he probably wouldn't have.
When I was little, I was TERRIFIED of Santa. Once, when I put out the cookies, I put some pictures of me so Santa could see how big I was. I also put out a marker and paper for him to leave me a note. When I woke up i found the marker and all the pictures in my room and I starterd to cry. I thought Santa walked into my room!! My mom told me that he used his powers to make the stuff float back in there!
I grew up in Puerto Rico where,on Jan 6, they celebrate Epiphany (or 3 Kings Day) when the Maji finally show up at the manger. My parents told us kids to put shoeboxes full of grass for the camels under our beds and in the morning we's have gifts. For some reason I believed in the camels coming into my room far longer than Santa coming down the chimney.
When I was younger, I believed in santa so strongly, I fought with kids at school to prove that he was real! i would always get into fights with my friends, and I thought that Santa would give me more presents if I stood up for him! Sometimes, my older brother would write letters to Santa, questioning his existence, and I would get soo mad at him!
I woke up early one christmas and was looking outside my window. I thought I saw santa fly across the moon in his sleigh, so I woke my older cousin up and told her, she wasn't too happy.(I think it may have been leaves swaying in the breeze)
When I was a child I used to believe in Santa Claus, I used to think that children could receive their presents from him. In addition, I used to believe that cchildren with bad behavior didn’t receive good presents, they just got pieces of charcoal. It was something really weird. Over time I could realize that it was false, it was a lie.
i used to think that santa was real every night i would leave food and drink out in the morning it was not there.one year i made a mark in the carrot to see if my parants had put it back, because they do not eat raw carrots. i checked the carrot basket in the morning and it was there that proved he was not real.
In Puerto Rico they celebrate 3 Kings Day on January 6. The children would receive one gift on Christmas from (Santa Claus) and the rest of their gifts on January 6 from the 3 Wise Men (3 Kings). The idea was for you to leave straw for the camels to eat in a box. You would wake up in the morning and see most of the straw gone since the "camels would eat it." So one year, I decided I would leave straw under my bed during another time and was really devastated when I woke up and there was nothing but the straw under my bed. I left it there for about a week before I finally gave up.
Once at preschool, during the holidays, our teachers read us a picture book about Hannukah. They told us that children got presents and chocolate coins, but the picture was of a boy playing with a dark-colored truck, so I thought children got chocolate TOYS.
I also thought that if I was bad, Santa would put, not coals, but CLOTHES in my stocking on Christmas Eve. Even today I dislike getting clothes for christmas.
One year at Christmas, my parents were tired of being woken at the wee hours of the morning, so my father told us a little white lie. He actually told us that there had been SO MANY children born in China in the past year that Santa could not POSSIBLY make it to our house before 8 a.m. that year, and that we needed to stay in bed until then. I don't remember anymore whether or not it worked.
My father had all kinds of Santa stories - look for the one about beer and salami below!
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