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Bloody Mary

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Bloody Mary. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to ghosts.

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one day when i was ten i watched a film called BLOODY MARY it freaked me out so much i had tosleep with my light on and i wouldnt let my mum or dad to put a mirror in my room now im cool with it ! xx

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Once, I was looking through one of my big brother's scary story books when I was about 6, and there was this really scary drawing of a dead lady with no eyes. I screamed and shut the book right when I saw it. The next day, I decided to read more. I read this story, that if you turned off the lights, and said "Bloody Mary" 40 times, a ghost would come out and kill you. So, I thought that lady in the picture would kill me. I never looked in the mirror when I was alone, even in the middle of the day! At night, when I needed to walk through a room, I would dart past the mirror! I was terrified of beind alone with a mirror 'til I was about 9 years old.

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when i woz yung i used to belive dat if u sed bloody mary i killed ure baby 7 times in the mirror she wud cum and scratch ure eyez out. sophie

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a lot of people in our school(including me!) believed that if you went in the bathroom,turned all the lights off and saig 'bloody mary' 3 times she would come out and order you to kill someone!
if you didn't do as she said then she would kill you!

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My friend told me that Bloody Mary was actually a cavewoman covered in blood, and that if you walked into a dark bathroom she would come out of a mirror and kill you...and I actually believed her!

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I was afraid to be in the bathroom with the lights of because of the mirror, and that old thing kids used to dare you to do... say Bloody mary three times and she'd come out. I couldn't help saying it in my head three times and thought she'd hear my thoughts and come out to get me.

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That if you looked in a mirror at midnight and said bloody mary like 3 times or something "bloody mary" would then appear. Never worked...thank god!

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I saw the Skeleton Key in theatres, and now I absolutely cannot look into mirrors at night, or by myself in a bathroom. Me and my siblings used to do light shows in an unlit bathroom with flashlights and colored cling wrap for fun, and now I can't do it anymore, for fear of "Bloody Mary". You're supposed to grow out of these fears, but I guess I grew into them.

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a few months ago i went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. at that point i was a bit freaked. but when i closed the door i had had enough. but my bro thought it would be just "hillarios" if he LOCKED the door. and he said "ïll only let you out if you call her....you know...." then he whispered bloody mary. i knew he was scared too. so i whiped up the courage and started to say bloody mary. the third time i said it. i nearly died when i saw a collasal face in the mirror then i felt something in my arm it felt like needles. thats when my bro came in.*thank god the light was on in the hall* i looked at the mirror she was gone. i passed out. ever since alot of people around me have been dieing or been geting extreamly sick. but ill never forget the face on my brother when he came in and saw me on the floor. since then i never go in the bathroom with the lights off.

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In grade 6, older kids had drilled horror stories about bloody mary into out head so much, that when my friends started to chant bloody mary in our pitch black gym changing room i ran into the corner and started to sob

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Very simply, i thought that if i looked into a mirror, even during the daytime, bloody mary would come out and kill me.

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when i was in like second grade, i was at the after school care at my elementry school. i was playing on the playground with a few friends and two other friends came running and screaming out of the bathroom. they told us that they said "bloody mary" three times in the mirror, but instead of showing up in the mirror, she came through it and tried to stab them with a knife. we all were really freaked out and din't go into that bathroom after school for a whole year. i know they were lieing just to freak us out, but i still, to this day, have never said 'bloody mary' in front of a mirror.

bloody mary freaked
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Most people know the urban legend about Bloody Mary right? The ghost who appears in the mirror? Anyways when I was in 1st grade, me and my cousin were at my neighbor's house. We were all in the basement and my neighbor said, "White water means that Bloody Mary is coming to kill you!" Later when we were playing in the bathroom, we turned on the sink and white water came out! (It was just cloudy) Me and my cousin went screaming from the house. We didn't talk the rest of the day, because we we're expecting a call that my neighbor died. I look back and laugh!

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When I was a kid, I was so scared of the "Bloody Mary" story, not only would I not go to the bathroom at night, I wouldn't even say the name Bloody Mary, just incase she was listening. To be safe, I thought of her simply as BM.
One day, my grandmother took me to the mall, and told me to wait on a bench because she had to go to the bathroom and make a BM (Bowel-Movement). I started to cry and begged her not to do it.

My grandma still thinks I'm nuts.

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When I was probably 11 or 12, my friends told me about bloody mary. I was at my church and i didn't believe them so they told me to turn off the lights in the bathroom, run in and say "bloody mary, bloody mary i killed your son" (i think thats it) so i did, but there was this blinking red light that was in the bathroom that i didn't know about so i went in there and said it and right when i did the red light blinked and i freaked out and started screaming and then ran into the door while trying to get out.

madie bolles
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One day when I was in first grade, I was playing on the playground with my friend and she had to go to the bathroom. We went and all of a sudden some other 1st grade girls came to the bathroom and started talking about Bloody Mary. That was the first time I ever heard such a thing. I stayed with the other girls who went out of the bathroom and then back in. One of the girls did a funny thing, she tried to stick her head into the mirror and almost licked it, but nothing happened. I didn't go to the bathroom all day I was so scared. Our teacher had to take the other girls to the bathroom and said it wasn't true. I still think Bloody Mary is really scary.

Spooked School
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When I was younger,my friends and I would go and play at the school that was a couple of blocks away.We would sit on the merry-go-round .We had to say "BLOODY MARY, BLOODY MARY COME AND GET YOU BABY" three times while our eyes were closed and acting like we were holding a baby.After the third time we could open our eyes and if you saw her you could let your arms down.But if you let your arms go before the third time, she would haunt you because you killed her baby!!!!

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When I was a lot younger, probably 7 ot younger, I heard the legend of Bloody Mary from my sisters. The one I heard was that if you spun around three times and said bloody Mary three times in the bathroom with the lights off she would come and give you a long scratch down your arm. It scared me to death but I acted brave. Then I was also told about Mary's best friend, the Candy man. If you said Candy Man three times and spun around, he would scratch your eyes out. It still scares me to go into the bathroom at night if there's no one in the next room. Probably because I'm afraid of the dark though.

Amanda C
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When I was in grade school, somewhere between 2nd and 4th grade, my class discovered the story of Bloody Mary. For those who don't know, it's a story about a girl who stould in front of a mirror at midnight on Halloween and said "Bloody Mary" over and over again until a bloody face appeared and smashed the mirror and choked the girl. As the story goes, if you stand in front of any mirror in any bathroom with all the llights off and the door closed, bloody mary's face will appear and she may try to escape from the mirror. So, I, fearless girl that I was, attempted this in the girl's bathroom at my Catholic School. Nobody would stay to witness this, but I did it anyway. I was a bit disappointed when nothing happened, so I told everyone that, of course Bloody Mary showed up, and I told her that she better leave us alone or else. Everyone believed me, and I continued to tell my classmates about my converstations with "Bloody Mary."

The Toilet Freak
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My older sister loved to torment me when I was little. One day she told me she had a secret to tell me and I was extatic. So I went with her into the bathroom and she turned the lights off and said if you look into the mirror with the lights off and say 'Bloody mary.' Three times in a row she will come. I thought that bloody mary would just start killing everyone in the world and it scared me. So of course my sister used this to her advantage and tried to get me to do things for her and everytime I said no she would run into the bathroom turn off the lights stare at the mirror and start saying 'Bloody mary, bloody mary..' Before she could finish saying it the second time I would either be crying and agreeing to do it or practically jumping on her and agreeing to do it.

saving the world
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