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Bloody Mary

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Bloody Mary. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to ghosts.

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top belief!

someone once told me when i was about seven that a little boy went into the bathroom and said bloody mary three times and when his brother came home, he say blood all over the walls and the boy hanging there with a message on the mirror saying " from bloody mary". this story scred the hell out of me for years!

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My papa is Phillipino & one time when I slept over at his house when I was little he told me the phillipine legend of bloody mary (Way different than the american) & he said if I didn't go to sleep when my elders told me to then bloody mary would come in while I was alone in my room & scratch my face off & use it as hers. to this day I'm still more afraid of that legend than the american verion.

Phillipino Princess
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When I was like 6 or 7 at school me and a bunch of my friends were suppose to go in the bathroom one by one and do "Bloody Mary" and see if you could "see" her. Well i was scared and didnt wanna see her so i didnt do anything. All the other kids came back and said that when they flushed the toliet (like they were supppose to) saw her in the mirror. So from then on for a long time i thought if you flushed the toliet and looked in the mirror you would "see her" so i would flush the toliet and run out the bathroom

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top belief!

I used to believe that if you went past a mirror in the dark, a bloody woman would be there staring at you and if you made eye contact with her, she would jump out and drag you into the mirror world. I would always refuse to look at a mirror if I went past one in the dark. I think I got this from "bloody mary" stories that kids told me when I was little.

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when mt best friend courtney and i were about 5 or 6 she told me that she was born in london england and she stould in front of a mirrior and started saying "bloddy mary" and bloody mary pulled her though the mirrior and she end up in london, ontario, canada

kayla lolz courtney
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we all used to believe that if we knocked ten times on the toilet doors at school and say one two three bloody mary come to me, she would come or we would hear a noise, this would freak us all out and we would do it again and again!

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top belief!

I used to believe that the old folk tale of "Bloody Mary" was true. The old tale was about a girl who had died and you would see her in the mirror, then she would reach out and scratch you. My mom had to take out all the mirrors in my room. I even had to have someone go to the bathroom with me because of the bathroom mirror. I believed this until I was 7 years old.

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I used to think that when you flushed a toilet, that bloody mary would come out of the mirror so i would run out of the room very fast when i flushed the toilet

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top belief!

When I was about 8 or 9, i went to my friends sleepover and we talked about Bloody Mary. She told me that if you use the toilet at midnight, Bloody Mary would come out of the toilet and stick a knife up my butt. I pictured this in my head, and would NEVER use the toilet without watching the hole in there while I went. Sometimes if I thought she was coming, I'd poop a little extra so it would land on her head. Sometimes I even still check for Bloody Mary.

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top belief!

I too was terrified of the "Bloody Mary" mirror trick. In fourth grade, a new girl moved into town and she showed me scars on her stomach that she said "Bloody Mary" had given her. Even to this day I get nervous around mirrors in the dark. I'm always afraid that I'll suddenly scream "Bloody Mary" three times and she'll show up. I've always been too afraid to try it.

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once my beeeeesssssttttt friend told me that if i want to disappear i have to say bloody mary three times while in the bathroom in the dark.I always want to know how to vanish so i did it any way but didn't work!?!?!? so i told my best friend that it's over! but of course it was just a joke to pay him back. >.< lol

who Cares?
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I thought that "Bloody Mary" would kill me if I slept with any mirrors facing my bed. I was scared to death of her.. and mirrors..until I was in high school. Even then, and even now.. 10 years after high school..I dont like sleeping with mirrors in my bedroom.

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when i was about 7 my cousin (who is 4 months older than me) decided to read me the story about bloody mary. I totally freaked out because she said she knew someone who had tried it. I still have issues sleeping in front of a mirror or going to the bathroom around midnight.

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There was a massive hype at my school about "The Bloody Mary Dare". Basically, these girls told the rest of the class that if you looked into a mirror at midnight and whispered "Bloody Mary" three times, Mary's ghost would come up behind you and tap you on the back...

This petrified me; one girl said that she'd done it and she'd felt someone scratch her all the way down her back. I couldn't ever look in the mirror in the same way again. My friend used to tease me when she came over for a sleepover and start saying it, and I'd always try and stop her! IT WAS SO SCARY!

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When I was in first grade my friends and i really wanted to be friends with the second graders. We believed anything they told us. One day they told us the story of Bloody Mary, the bloody ghost that lived in the mirror. If you stood all alone in the dark in front of a mirror and said "Bloody Mary" three times she'd come out of the mirror and take you with her. The second graders told us that one of their friends had been taken and the only way she would come back is if we (the first graders) rubbed mud on this one particular tree every day at recess. We figured this probably wasn't true, but did it anyways every day for a month just because the second graders would talk to us while we worked. oh gullible us!

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I use to believe that penis' flew away somehow because my dad's friend kept telling me that... my penis flew away.

After awhile, I began to think he chops them off (since he was a chef at my dad's restaurant). So I was pretty scared and around when I was 7 or so, my sister's friend started telling me about stuff like Bloody Mary and Candy Man. One day she told me a little kid got up one night and went to the toilet without the lights on and he then got his penis chopped off (which is basically what is in the Candy Man movie if anyone has seen it) so I was all freaked out at nights and stuff.

It all began to fade away when we moved houses which was around when I was 10. =)

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I can't look at the mirror in the dark, even at 14 i can't. But it's not because of the following:
I remember the Bloody Mary thing. Ya know I researched that and found a whole bunch of info on it and even though I knew it couldnt be true I've always been creeped out. I tried chanting Bloody Mary according to the ditrections, but I always panicked and left the bathroom, somehow I always thought that the room was red and the door would be locked..from the outside.Creepy.

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I used to believe that if you flushed the toilet, turned around three times, and said "Bloody Mary" then looked in the mirror, you would see a woman's face covered in blood. Even though i knew it wasn't true, i still wanted to be sure. So everytime I flushed the toilet, I would wash my hands first, flush, and run.

llama queen
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My little brother used to reckon that if you stood in front of a mirror and said "Bloody Mary" (ie Mary Tudor) three times, she would appear in the mirror, come out and 'get you'.

St Sauverais
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I used to believe that if u stood in fromt of a bathroom mirror at night and said bloody Mary three times and flush the toilet that bloody mary would appear and stab you every time my friends and I tried to do it we would run out of the bathroom before anything would happen

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