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Bloody Mary

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When I was a kid, I was so scared of the "Bloody Mary" story, not only would I not go to the bathroom at night, I wouldn't even say the name Bloody Mary, just incase she was listening. To be safe, I thought of her simply as BM.
One day, my grandmother took me to the mall, and told me to wait on a bench because she had to go to the bathroom and make a BM (Bowel-Movement). I started to cry and begged her not to do it.

My grandma still thinks I'm nuts.

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when i was in like second grade, i was at the after school care at my elementry school. i was playing on the playground with a few friends and two other friends came running and screaming out of the bathroom. they told us that they said "bloody mary" three times in the mirror, but instead of showing up in the mirror, she came through it and tried to stab them with a knife. we all were really freaked out and din't go into that bathroom after school for a whole year. i know they were lieing just to freak us out, but i still, to this day, have never said 'bloody mary' in front of a mirror.

bloody mary freaked
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Once, I was looking through one of my big brother's scary story books when I was about 6, and there was this really scary drawing of a dead lady with no eyes. I screamed and shut the book right when I saw it. The next day, I decided to read more. I read this story, that if you turned off the lights, and said "Bloody Mary" 40 times, a ghost would come out and kill you. So, I thought that lady in the picture would kill me. I never looked in the mirror when I was alone, even in the middle of the day! At night, when I needed to walk through a room, I would dart past the mirror! I was terrified of beind alone with a mirror 'til I was about 9 years old.

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my friends and i were at a party and i said lets do bloody marry! me and my friend emma both did it and no one else because they chickened out. we never believed this because we thouight it was fake. so we went to the bathroom, locked the door and windows, then turned off the lights. We said bloody mary three times, and all that happened was the lights flickered. so we went to bed with the rest of the girls. but early that morning, we all woke up to emma screaming, we walked over and her neck and hands were bloody. thank god she was still alive. i walked her to the bathroom to wash of the blood, but in the mirror there was a flashing image of bloody mary, and written in blood on the mirror was, You chanted my name, so you paid the price, be thankful i havnt killed you yet. we all thought it was emma but she swore it wasnt her. two years passed and on that same date, emma disapeared. we found her the following week murdered in the park's bathroom, with that same writing from bloody marry, the night of the sleepover.

Emma's friend, hannah
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when i was little, the neighbor kid (really mean boy) used to tell me that if i was standing in front of a mirror in the dark and spun around 3 times and said "bloody mary, bloody mary, bloody mary" then a headless bloody mary would come thru the mirror and try to steal your head. he told me that he cought his sister doing that and dove and got her out of the way JUST in the nick of time. i totaly believed this until i was like 16 or so! some boys can be so mean to little girls.. :(

scared of mary
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one night i was 7 yrs old my sister told me to do blody mary well i went into the bathroom said bm 3times it was my birthday i closed my eyes spun around 14 times and then it happend i started to choke i heard a voice in my head say happy birhday ready to meat your death? i opend my eyes i saw some whon in the mirror my sister came in and turned on the light i never did it again

spooky kid
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I used to believe that the old folk tale of "Bloody Mary" was true. The old tale was about a girl who had died and you would see her in the mirror, then she would reach out and scratch you. My mom had to take out all the mirrors in my room. I even had to have someone go to the bathroom with me because of the bathroom mirror. I believed this until I was 7 years old.

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I've heard a lot of differant stories about "Bloody Mary". My best friends and I have tried the ritual before. We all crammed into a the bathroom, with the door shut and the lights off and we said, "Bloody Mary, I killed your baby!" Five times. After the fifth time...nothing happened...I think...We all ran out fo the room screaming before we could even wait a couple seconds after saying it the fifth time, But I heard a story once...about a girl Who tried it. They say that she went into her Bathroom, closed the windows, and shut off all the lights, and closed the doors. After saying the words five times....In the mirror there was a face of an 18th or 19th Century woman in the mirror. The girl got scared and turned away from the mirror. She looked back and Bloody Mary's bloody nails were reaching out from the mirror. The nails were EXTREMLY LONG! Bloody Mary scratched the girls spine and ripped off the skin on her back. She died intsantly. I'm not sure if it's true...but I used to believe it....

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I learned that if you look into a mirror while holding something red and say bloody mary ten times, she appears in the mirror. one day in third grade my friend anna and i tried it with a pair of gym shorts. of course the lights were out, so we put a boot in the door to make a little light. we ran out screaming, but came back again. we did that every day after school.

i also learned that bloody mary was a real girl who lived a couple hundred years ago. she was in the hayloft of her parents' barn and she fell of it on to the bottom floor. her parents found her and buried her. but when she was in her coffin she woke up because she passed out and started scratching at the coffing and banging, and she pulled her own hair out. eventually she died, but legend has it every time you go near her burial site, weird things happen and you hear banging and screaming noises.

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oy... here's one belief that really had me creeped... I used to be in the YMCA after school camp at my old grade school. Every day, there were these high school kids that acted as councilers for the "camp" that brought with them those "Scary Stories to Read in the Dark" books to read to the kids. their favorite to tell was the "Bloody Mary" story, followed by stories of "Friends" or "cousins" that had done the summoning ritual of going into a dark room with a mirror and saying Bloody Mary 3 times, often followed by how thier friends narrowly escaped being killed by her by carving her name into her back three times. I've always been the gullible type, so I believed them, and was scared of the dark as it was. Then, one day, I had to use the bathroom. the head counciler sent the two guys with me to make sure I didn't cause any trouble (camp policy). Once we got there, they shoved me in the bathroom, turned off the lights, pulled the door shut, and started chanting "Bloody Mary". I was scared out of my wits, and finally forced the door open and ran as fast as I could down the hall back to the cafeteria where we stayed. I was deathly afraid to be in any dark room with a mirror for YEARS after that.

Flinx the Weasel
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When I was younger, I heard that if you said 'Bloody Mary, I killed your baby' in front of a mirror while it was dark, Mary would lock the door, and the mirror would smash. I was so convinced that Bloody Mary could do this anyway, so I used to leave her little sympathy cards by the bathroom mirror.
Incendently, my mother used to call her Bloody Maria...

Sorry for your loss. - Erika.
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I used to believe Bloody Mary was an evil badger from France who would come to your house in the night and suck your brains out with a straw if you said the words, "Bloody Mary, come tonight!" before you slept. I was led to believe this from mishearing people talking about the Bloody Mary legend. No idea what they could have really said for me to hear that 0_o

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I heard the story of blood mary just after my 15th birthday. So I wanted to try it out but got scared. I convinced one of my friends to do it first and nothing happened. So I went to try it. As soon as I finished saying Bloody Mary I felt a cold breeze coem through my window. I screamed and ran for the door but tripped. I still won't go in a bathroom alone.

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when i was younger i believed in bloody mary. One night i decided to try it out.I got everything ready and began to get a little bit shakey and then closed the door.the light was on out in the landin so i thought i would be all right.Then i said BLOODY MARY BLOODY MARY BLOODY MARY ect.Then the entire room went cold and no windows were open then i couldnt breathe and tried to get out of the bathroom but i fell and couldnt get back up and thats when i saw a lady in the bath with no eyes she grabbed my hand and started screaming i started screaming and then everything dissappeared.Then i ran out of the bathroom and a few hours later i looked at my hand and it was red the scar never left me.Whenever i look in the mirror i see her and she scares the shit out of me.DONT TRY THIS ANYWHERE ESPECIALLY IN SCHOOLS

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When I was in kindergarten, a friend told me about Bloody Mary but she said you had to be wearing socks. I asked her why the socks? She said so you would slip if you tried to run away. To this day, I can't wear socks in the bathroom at night after dark.

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When I was a kid, my friend Jessie convinced me that if you looked into a mirror in the dark, Bloody Mary would appear. Of course, I believed her, and to this day I am terrified to look in a mirror in the dark.

As a kid, I lived on the 2nd level of my home, and when I would go down the stairs, the front door was at the bottom. The front door had a huge window on it, and I was terrified I would see Bloody Mary in the glass. I would hold a pillow in front of my face when going down the stairs just so I couldn't see the glass. I am a wuss.

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Most people know the urban legend about Bloody Mary right? The ghost who appears in the mirror? Anyways when I was in 1st grade, me and my cousin were at my neighbor's house. We were all in the basement and my neighbor said, "White water means that Bloody Mary is coming to kill you!" Later when we were playing in the bathroom, we turned on the sink and white water came out! (It was just cloudy) Me and my cousin went screaming from the house. We didn't talk the rest of the day, because we we're expecting a call that my neighbor died. I look back and laugh!

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I used to believe that if you went past a mirror in the dark, a bloody woman would be there staring at you and if you made eye contact with her, she would jump out and drag you into the mirror world. I would always refuse to look at a mirror if I went past one in the dark. I think I got this from "bloody mary" stories that kids told me when I was little.

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Like a lot of people I was scared of "bloody mary" showing up in my bathroom mirror.

However, I always imagined her as the Wendy's character girl. I don't know why, probably because she was the only red-headed person I had ever seen.

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Once I was hangin out
Watching TV
and a bloody mary special came on TV
so I watched and my brother said ''Hey Rose I bet your scared! I dare you to say it!'
As being older I didnt eally think much of it being true so I said ''Okay whatever fine''
So I went in the bathroom flicked off the lights and said it ''Bloody mary bloody mary bloody mary!''
Nothing happened
Untill the next morning
There was blood coming from my eyes
and the mirror on my door was reflecting bloody mary black dress black hair no eyes right? I screamed!! But My brother had put fake blood on my eyes and took my black dress and put ot on a a chair with a mirror so the mirror reflected it with my old black wig and a fake head with fake bloody sockets for eyes it was madd scary
My brother was laguhing after .

Rosie Lee Krastanov
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