Bloody Mary
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I was told by my sister that if you shouted 'Bloody Mary' in front of any mirror three times then Mary (Queen of Scots) would come out from the mirror with an axe, covered in blood to kill you! And even though I don't believe in this anymore I still can't bring myself to say it that third time, I've tried and I always chicken out!
a few months ago i went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. at that point i was a bit freaked. but when i closed the door i had had enough. but my bro thought it would be just "hillarios" if he LOCKED the door. and he said "ïll only let you out if you call know...." then he whispered bloody mary. i knew he was scared too. so i whiped up the courage and started to say bloody mary. the third time i said it. i nearly died when i saw a collasal face in the mirror then i felt something in my arm it felt like needles. thats when my bro came in.*thank god the light was on in the hall* i looked at the mirror she was gone. i passed out. ever since alot of people around me have been dieing or been geting extreamly sick. but ill never forget the face on my brother when he came in and saw me on the floor. since then i never go in the bathroom with the lights off.
At a sleep over, my friend Becca told me the tale of bloody mary. I had to belive her; she was older than me! She stood outside the door and I said, "Bloody Mary, I hath killed your child" I herd a deep womans voice say, "Hath killed my child?! YOUR LIFE I SHALL TAKE! YOUR LIMBS I WILL BREAK!!!!" I ran out the door screaming. When I ran into Becca, she said, "Dude, it was just mom. There's no bloody mary" From now on, my bathroom door is wide open and ALL lights are on when I use the bathroom.
When I was younger, my mom used to do daycare. My friends, my brother, and I used to all cram into the bathroom and do Bloody Mary. We used believe if you turned around 3 times and chanted her name 3 times, she would appear in the mirror. I pictured her like an 18th century Spanish senorita and she would be holding a knife and a rose. Depending on the color of her rose when she appeared, she would do something to you. Different colors meant different things.
Ex: Blue=She would spare your life
Red= She would kill you with her knife
We would all run out of the bathroom screaming. I still think I really saw her...
We did the same thing with the Candyman and someone else but I don't remember who...
When I was little, my cousin was babysitting and she told me that Bloody Mary would come randomly in the middle of the night and steal my feet. When i asked her if it would hurt, she said, "no, it tickles."
needless to say, i wanted to keep my feet, and so I always covered them up at night.
i used to belive that if you stare at yourself long enouf in the mirror your reflection would turn into a freaky lookin monster!
i also thought (still do....kinda) that if you say "bloody mary" 3 times while the water faucet is running she would pop out and kill you! i was soo scared when i heard that. i believe it cuz my friend tried it at school in the bathroom and saw her in the mirror and the doors locked on her.(thats wat she said) another friend tried it and heard voices whispering to her.......i never tried bloody mary and NEVER will
My older sister loved to torment me when I was little. One day she told me she had a secret to tell me and I was extatic. So I went with her into the bathroom and she turned the lights off and said if you look into the mirror with the lights off and say 'Bloody mary.' Three times in a row she will come. I thought that bloody mary would just start killing everyone in the world and it scared me. So of course my sister used this to her advantage and tried to get me to do things for her and everytime I said no she would run into the bathroom turn off the lights stare at the mirror and start saying 'Bloody mary, bloody mary..' Before she could finish saying it the second time I would either be crying and agreeing to do it or practically jumping on her and agreeing to do it.
I too was terrified of the "Bloody Mary" mirror trick. In fourth grade, a new girl moved into town and she showed me scars on her stomach that she said "Bloody Mary" had given her. Even to this day I get nervous around mirrors in the dark. I'm always afraid that I'll suddenly scream "Bloody Mary" three times and she'll show up. I've always been too afraid to try it.
someone once told me when i was about seven that a little boy went into the bathroom and said bloody mary three times and when his brother came home, he say blood all over the walls and the boy hanging there with a message on the mirror saying " from bloody mary". this story scred the hell out of me for years!
Ok. This is a true story that my friend told me. Her friend did Bloody Mary in the bathroom, and then, the next day, she was walking by a barb wire fence, and it turns out that one of the wires where sticking out, and it made a huge whole in her head. I have never seen her since.
When i was younger i believed in bloody mary my cousin told me it wasnt real but i decided to try it out.After 2 years i got it all ready but then i backed down. NO I SHOUTED TO MYSELF BLOODY MARY BLOODY MARY BLOODY MARYCOME GET ME.Then the entire room went silent and cold then i couldnt breathe and tried to get out of the bathroom and then i saw a woman in the bath and she began to scream at me i couldnt get the sound out of my head dont try this kids
My friend told me the story of "Bloody Mary" and i wouldn't go into a room that had a mirror with the lights out for months. She kept telling me the story over and over. But I always tyied to act tough and I would say that I didn't believe her. But she always siad that one of her friends had try it and has scars to prove its real.
i used to belive in bloody mary so much that i thought i saw bloody letters on the mirror saying bloody mary gonna get you but then i found out it was my brother who spraypainted in red the words
When I was younger,my friends and I would go and play at the school that was a couple of blocks away.We would sit on the merry-go-round .We had to say "BLOODY MARY, BLOODY MARY COME AND GET YOU BABY" three times while our eyes were closed and acting like we were holding a baby.After the third time we could open our eyes and if you saw her you could let your arms down.But if you let your arms go before the third time, she would haunt you because you killed her baby!!!!
I believed that Bloody Mary's favorite color was hot pink, and if I happened to make the mistake of wearing hot pink while saying "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary" in front of a mirror in a dark room, all would be lost. Especially if it was exactly midnight.
I was petrified out of my mind about this.
When I was a lot younger, probably 7 ot younger, I heard the legend of Bloody Mary from my sisters. The one I heard was that if you spun around three times and said bloody Mary three times in the bathroom with the lights off she would come and give you a long scratch down your arm. It scared me to death but I acted brave. Then I was also told about Mary's best friend, the Candy man. If you said Candy Man three times and spun around, he would scratch your eyes out. It still scares me to go into the bathroom at night if there's no one in the next room. Probably because I'm afraid of the dark though.
when i was 10, i was sleeping over at my friends for her birthday, 3 of us went into the bathroom, switched the lights off and chanted 'bloody mary' 3 times then we all felt a tap on our left shoulder turned back and.......... NO-ONE WAS THERE!!!
next morning we were getting dressed and the three of us that went into the bathroom the previous night we all had IDENTICAL SCRATCHES on our backs in the shape of something like a 'M' to this day we never know what happened!!!
I was afraid to be in the bathroom with the lights of because of the mirror, and that old thing kids used to dare you to do... say Bloody mary three times and she'd come out. I couldn't help saying it in my head three times and thought she'd hear my thoughts and come out to get me.
I was about 10 years old at a sleep over when a few girls did Bloody Mary in the downstairs bathroom. I was so freaked out about it that I didn't use that bathroom the rest of the time I was there, even during the day, and, to this day, I can't look at mirrors at night.
There was a massive hype at my school about "The Bloody Mary Dare". Basically, these girls told the rest of the class that if you looked into a mirror at midnight and whispered "Bloody Mary" three times, Mary's ghost would come up behind you and tap you on the back...
This petrified me; one girl said that she'd done it and she'd felt someone scratch her all the way down her back. I couldn't ever look in the mirror in the same way again. My friend used to tease me when she came over for a sleepover and start saying it, and I'd always try and stop her! IT WAS SO SCARY!
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