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Bloody Mary

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Bloody Mary. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to ghosts.

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Once, I was at a sleepover and it was real late at night. A few of my friends decided to do "Bloody Mary" so we waited until twelve to do it. So my friend that was having the sleepover went and got a candle and the five of us piled into her bathroom. We all already had closed our eyes and started to spin around as say "bloody mary" three times. After the third time we opened our eyes and we saw red glowing eyes in the mirror and what looked like a lady with long black hair in the mirror. We ran out of the bathroom screaming our heads off. Later we found out that her brother had overheard us talking about doing bloody mary and he went a nd got this motion light thing he had, a manican head thing, and a long black wig. What he had did was he set up the motion light to turn on when we walked into the bathroom and he had put the wig on the head. we were so mad at him and we didn't sleep for the rest of the night. he did that when we were twelve but we were still so scared.

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My sister told me that if I said "Bloody Mary" three times in the same room as a mirror, Mary would come in your sleep and kill you. I used to get so scared because I'd just think "Bloody Mary" and once you start thinking it, it repeats in your head. I just knew she would come get me.

Little Sister
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I was on holiday in tenerife i was 10,i met a boy and we were friends through all the holiday and he said that in a old caravan site which was next to were we stayed ,that bloody mary lived there ,he was 11 ,so we went over and started throwing stones at the caravans and we saw a wierd women in a window of the caravan (they where long caravans) ,so we proper legged it down the steps back to my apartment. :P ,i dont even know if it was her or just my mind playing tricks on me.


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I used to believe that during midnight, if you looked into a mirror, Bloody Mary would come out and smile at you, cursing you to die. I still avoid going to the bathroom on the stroke of midnight.

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when I was about 5 or 6 my older cousin first told me about bloody mary. She told me that if u go into the bathroom and spin around 3 times while saying her name she would come out of the mirror and be either holding a bloody knife or her dead baby daughter. If holding the knife she would automatically kill u. If holding the baby she would give it to u and u were to hold it, and if it awoke and started to cry she would still kill u. Since I was young, I wanted to do it really bad, just so I'd look cool to my cousin and her friends. I went in the bathroom alone {because she said it doesn't work with more than 1 person} and did everything she said to do. Then after a 1minute or so, I swear I saw a faint glowing green light coming from the corner of the mirror and when I saw that I went screaming out of the bathroom. Unfornately for me I was at day care and the babies were asleep and I happened to wake them up. Boy was I in trouble! Since then I can never trust my coucin again.

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we all used to believe that if we knocked ten times on the toilet doors at school and say one two three bloody mary come to me, she would come or we would hear a noise, this would freak us all out and we would do it again and again!

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When I was in grade one somebody told me that if at midnight you go into the bathroom, turn off the light, lock the door, flush the toilet and say Bloody Mary 3 times, Bloody Mary would come out of the mirror and kill you. My friends and I believed this until one of my friend's older brother forced us to try it, with him standing outside ready to save us if she appeared.

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in the first grade a boy in my class told me about BM (bloody mary) and iff you had a mirror in front of you and behind you and you said her name she would come out of the mirror and kill you .to this day i cant even say her name out loud the thought of her scares me so bad . i still run out of the bathroom as fast as i can and i cant look in the mirror ( im 15 years old)

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I was so certain of the bloody mary myth that at a sleep over when I was 8 I refused to go in the bathroom w/the other girls to conjure her up. I was afraid she was real, I'd see her, and she would stab me to death.

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When I was in first grade my friends and i really wanted to be friends with the second graders. We believed anything they told us. One day they told us the story of Bloody Mary, the bloody ghost that lived in the mirror. If you stood all alone in the dark in front of a mirror and said "Bloody Mary" three times she'd come out of the mirror and take you with her. The second graders told us that one of their friends had been taken and the only way she would come back is if we (the first graders) rubbed mud on this one particular tree every day at recess. We figured this probably wasn't true, but did it anyways every day for a month just because the second graders would talk to us while we worked. oh gullible us!

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My papa is Phillipino & one time when I slept over at his house when I was little he told me the phillipine legend of bloody mary (Way different than the american) & he said if I didn't go to sleep when my elders told me to then bloody mary would come in while I was alone in my room & scratch my face off & use it as hers. to this day I'm still more afraid of that legend than the american verion.

Phillipino Princess
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I used to believe that if you went into a dark bathroom, looked into the mirror and said Mary Worth 3 times you would see her face, and after you turned the lights on and you looked into the mirror again your face would be all scratched and bloody. To this day I'm still scared of dark bathrooms.

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I thought when you said "Bloody Mary" three times in a dark bathroom and then looked in the mirror, you would see the evil alternate version of virgin mary, who had killed the baby jesus. I imagined her with long black hair, red glowing eyes, holding a bloody dead baby with a bloody knife in the other hand and smiling. Once when I was six, me and a friend tried it in the school bathroom, turning on the lights and saying it. We had said it three times and then all the sudden the bathroom door opened and a female teacher walked in. We saw her reflection in the mirror, knew it was Bloody Mary appearing, and ran away screaming. We never thought it would really work.

I was afraid to ever walk into a dark bathroom until I was about 10 and told someone and they explained that Mary did not have an evil twin who killed baby Jesus. They never told me where bloody mary came from though, and to this day I am not quite sure who Bloody Mary is... but i have my suspicions.

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I once heard somewhere that if you looked in the mirror in the dark at midnight and say "bloody mary" 3 times, she would come out of the mirror and kill you. I used to believe it, and when my sister did it once I started crying and ran out of the bathroom.

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There was a game that the girls I knew used to play, called "I believe in Mary Worth." If you repeated that line 50 times in front of a mirror in a darkened room, 'Mary Worth' was supposed to leap out of the glass and cut you to ribbons. Attempting this was supposed to prove your bravery, although noone seemed to get past 49 invocations.
I always thought this reffered to the comic strip dowager, which added a really baffling element to the ritual. (Why would a kindly old lady want to cut me up for believing in her??)

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I remember when I was a kid I thought that monsters were real and they were always under my bed. Well later in my life I went camping and everyone did that bloody mary thing. Well I did it and I was scared to death to go to bed for a whole year and more but I've gotten over it (thank goodnes!), but still sometimes when I go to bed I check my mirror.

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Recently an American girl came to our school for a term, and I was best friends with her. She told me and a bunch of friends how to summon Bloody Mary. My friends said 'I'm not doing it - I'll die!' and my friend just carried on, making them even more scared. I said "I'll do it." and so we went to the school bathroom, and I did it. They all ran away screaming...even though nothing had happened. They believed I was possesed for the rest of that year, even after the American girl had gone. This belief has escalated now into them thinking that I'm a ghost buster. We were thriteen and now many of us a fourteen. They're still my friends...they just star every introduction with 'and this girl's a ghost buster...'

Still Totally Crazy ^^
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i belived that if you were in the bathroom and the lights were off and you said bloddy mary 3 times and look in the mirror, you would see her walk down a spiral staircase and she would she you and kill you.

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on time when i went to my friends house for s sleep over we were playing a game and one of my friends went into the bathroom and said bloody mary two times and cane out cuz she was scared.later my other friend went into the bathroom and said it once and the first friend said "oh my gosh we said bloody mary,tomight were gonna die!" well we all got scared and we brought all are stuff and brought it down stared and we got a knife,one of my friends got so scared she started cry. about 25 minutes later she forgot all about it and started playing a video game. i will never forget that night, lol.

so gullible
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When I was in 3rd grade, my friend Katie, told us the "legend" of Bloody Mary. She said to conquer her up you go into the bathroom with a baby doll and say "Bloody Mary! I have your 's' baby!" And then her "f", "d", "h", "a", and "b" baby. She told us then she would tear off the doll's head and then she would vanish and wings would appear in the mirror. Then she told us white wings meant she was gone for good, blue wings meant you were safe for right then, and red meant she was coming back that night.

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