i used to believe

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While playing in the basement at age 5, I was fairly certain I had seen a ghost for a split second as it turned a corner. It looked like my next-door neighbor, only flat like paper.

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Our house was and still is haunted by the ghosts of cats and everytime I go to bed I can feel one curling up by my foot and hear one mewing at my window some of them would even follow me to school, which made me scare my peers by rambling on and on about them but I really am glad that we still have ghosts though I do feel sorry for the poor kitties.

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When i was living with my grandmother, my older cousin told us that the huge pine tree beside the house was haunted with ghosts, and that whenever the garden chimes rang, they came out. In the winter, my two cousins, me and my sister built a 3 ft. fort and hid behind it so the ghosts couldnt get us when the chaims rang.

i'm real smart
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My older couisn loved telling ghost stories to her younger brother, me, and my younger sister. We had just moved up near her, living with my grandparents while our house was built. She said Ghosts didn't like purfume, so we sprayed everything-the beds, walls, windows, fan, books, even each individual card out of a deck-with purfume in me and my sisters room. When our parents found out, they made us scrub it off the walls and everything.

i'm real smart.
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when i first moved to be closer to family, my older cousin told her little brother, me, and my little sister about ghosts living around us all the time. We had just built our house when we went exploring with my dad in the backyard, when we found a big bumb in the ground. Daddy said that a big bear was buried their, and in turn my cousin told us that the ghost bear was living in our cellar. the cellar is divided into two rooms: the actual hard-floor, and a carpated area where we all sit and watch tv at night. Once when i was cuddling with my mom, i saw through the cat door into the hard-wood area a glowing light. i was convinced this was the Ghost Bear.

i'm real smart.
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When i was young i thought that if you said that ghosts weren't real they would get mad so i would go to my room and apologize

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last year my friend told me she'd seen 2 ghosts. i wanted to have a ghost friend too so I made one up. Then we started pretending my ghost (Kitty) was stuck in a tree and I had to go up and get her. Well I climbed up it and fell down and broke my leg in two places! I know you're thinking "ok and the point to this story is..." i had to tell the doctor about why I was climbing the tree in the first place, and Kitty became really real to me!

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When I was a child I used to believe that the steam rising from my food were ghosts.

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I used to beleive that at night unrested spirits would be around at night and if u pointed around them they would haunt you. CREEEEEPY!!!

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I used to believe that the ghost of Manfred von Richthofen (the Red Baron) haunted my room, namely because my friend and I once got bored and tried to "call a ghost." Naturally, we took it as a sign that Manfred was there whenever something fell in my closet. I used to blame every strange little sound in the night on him, often saying, "Manfred, go back to bed! I'm trying to sleep!"

Once, my older brother and I were home alone, and we kept hearing strange noises--ie, papers crashing in the kitchen--but when we went to investigate, nothing had moved at all. After that, we locked ourselves in his room whenever we were home alone and wouldn't come out until Mom or Dad got back.

Manfred was such a troublemaker. :P

Der Drache der Himmel
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In my house, you could open certain doors quickly and other doors elsewhere would close. The same thing would happen when the heat pump came on. Also, if you stepped on the pedals of my piano, some of the keys would ever-so-slightly move on their own.

My best friend and I NEEDED to get his tag-along little brother to leave us alone, so we set everything up carefully, and with a few automatically closing doors and piano keys that moved on their own, Nicky was convinced my house was haunted.

And when we played over at THEIR house? I came over with a ceramic pot and we told Nicky it had the ghost in it.

He never bothered us much.

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I use to believe that if I was alone and I said the word ghost loudly that a ghost would come and get me.

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I used to believe that when i was younger, that when i was sad that a ghost would come tell me to shut my mouth and kill me

Johnson Joe
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Instead of being afraid of the "Boogie Man" I imagined he looked like the ghost that was on the movie Ghostbusters logo and it walked around with sunglasses on dancing and singing "Boogie Man, Boogie Man, Boo boo boo boo Boogie Man" So I wasn't afraid of him. I tried to find him.

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I used to believe that ghosts had special calls to come out of my closent and I had to be really quiet or I might say the special call that the ghosts have and they would come and get me

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I used to believe that every time I exited my room ghosts would come out of my closent and when I went in my room they would go back in the closent. But this was only at night.

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When I was little, I sincerely believed that there were two ghosts that only I could see. One of them was an English butler who lived in the corner of my dining room. The other one was a drunk, lecherous cowboy with a gun that layed under my grandma's pool table in the basement. It took me years to stop believing in them.

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not really sure where to put this, but I figured ghosts was probably most apt. When I was really little I used to be terrified of touching the edges of the shadows as I thought they could hurt me. When the car went under shadows I'd close my eyes, cos then they wouldn't know I was there, and when I was walking I would jump into the centre of the shadow and then out again.

later, when I was around nine my year went on a school trip to a seaside town, and mass hysteria as the largest girls dorm started claiing to see ghosts. I saw a child-sized hand print on the back of one girls jumper, and when I touched it it gave me and electric shock- later I did some research and found out the place had been an orphanage before and several girls had died young, and one eight year old child had drowned- having seen, just before I left, a faint outline of a girl walking into the sea, I was more than a little creeped out by this

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I used to beliave that ghosts moved us and if ghosts werent around that we would just flop around.

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When I was about four I started to believe that everytime I couldn't find something it was because the ghosts living in my grandma's house (where we lived, too) were playing jokes on me and hiding them. I used to walk around saying, "Come on, guys! It's not funny anymore!" Still to this day I find myself thinking about that whenever I can't find something!

Monique Alejandra
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