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when i was small(7-8) i thought that ghosts were evil spirits that you could actually see. well one day i thought i had seen a ghost so i told my mom and she told me that ghosts weren't real. then a said what about scooby doo. he fights off ghosts. my mom then told me about cartoons and how they weren't real.

Hermione Legolas Skywalker
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When I was little I had this Barney the Dinosaur Sing-Along video. It had the song "Sally the Camel" on it, where the kids would be wearing this sheet over their heads, and after each verse one would crouch down, so the "camel" lost a hump. I'm not really sure why, but I was sure that "Sally" was a ghost who lived in the hallway and would eat me unless I ran at top speed all the way down it. Meep!

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When I was 7, I watched Darby O'Gill and the Little People, and the ghost scared me so bad I slept with the covers over my head for many years after that in case the ghost ever came into my room.

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When I was 5, I walked into my parents' room to see the shadow of someone lying dead on the floor. I went screaming to my mom; and when I brought her back, the person was gone.
She told me that it must have been the ghost of "the lady who turns on the streetlamps at night".
After that, I stayed afraid of the moment of when streetlamps would turn on at night.

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When I was a child I was convinced that ghosts would come and grab my feet from the end of my bed. To this day, I still have to have my feet covered, even in hot weather!

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When I was about 4, I was so scared to go to my bedroom alone, because
there was a painting of fish hanging on the wall, and I had seen a painting
of a ghost before, so I thought that all paintings where actually where ghosts
lived, and I was afraid that the "ghost-fish" would all come out and torment
and torment/kill me. I would never tell my mom why I was scared because
I was afraid she wouldn't believe me and think I was stupid [which I was, in
that case]...

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Ive been very naively in my childhood and hence my family liked it to have me on.
Once they told me there was a ghost in our working room. From then on i resisted against all oppositions entering this room.

Tina from Germany
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When I was around 7/8 years old my dad told me my grandparents house, where I used to spend a lot of time, was haunted by a man who had hanged himself on the stairs, and that sometimes you would see him dangling from the rafters. This scared the poop out of me of course, and I was then frightened to go upstairs. I told Grandma what Dad had said and she said, "Take no notice of your dad, he's just being silly. There's no ghost. A man never hanged himself here - he actually gassed himself." Hmmm ....

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When I was 3 or 4, we lived in a small flat so when I went to bed I could hear the tv going in the next room.
About half an hour after I went to bed, A medical drama called GP came on tv that my mother watched religiously. I have no idea why, but I truly believed that if I was still awake when GPs theme song began, a ghost would appear in my room and kill me.
I was often still awake so I screwed my eyes tightly shut and pretended to be asleep even though I knew the ghost would know I was faking. I just had to keep my eyes closed and hope for the best.
I believed this until I was about 8 altho When I was 4 we moved to a bigger house, and I couldnt hear the tv anymore, so I stopped being scared.

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When I was eight or nine I used to think there a ghost following me. She was a lady dressed in a long black dress and a mourning veil. I could only see her from the corner of my eye and if I tried to look directly at her, she would disappear.

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I was spending the night at a friends when I was about 8 and her older and much wiser sister told us if we fell asleep with are hand over our heart an evil spirit would take over are bodies.
Also I believe parents should not let yungsters watch scary movies I was the biggest chicken growing up .I hated camping I thought (Jason) was gonna get me (swimming)Jaws was gonna eat me.Being outside at night allowed aliens to abduct me. I even thought a shadow I saw everynight outside my window was E.T. and don't get me started with the scary movies that said based on a true story that was the worst.

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I was conviced from about 8-12 years old that my bedroom was haunted so I would sleep in the living room on the couch. I swear everytime I tried to sleep in my bedroom a ghost would be floating inches from my face.

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my cousin and i both had this belief. she first told me about it when she thought it happened to her, and then i soon caught with what i thought was my own experience. she told me that sometimes when she wakes up in the morning and opens her eyes too quickly, she sees the face of a ghost. after having heard this, the next morning i saw the same thing. i must admit that the face looked more like a character out of "casper" than a real person.

boo radley
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top belief!

I found nothing unusual about the Stay Puft Marshmallow man in Ghostbusters. Being a kid I accepted everything, no matter how strange, as making perfect sense, so I just assumed it was common knowledge that ghosts were made of marshmallows and I just hadn't been told that yet.

Jonathan Franz
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I was very fascinated with ghosts when I was little. When I was about 5 or 6, my family was at my gran's place who lived in an old house which my sister and I used to find pretty scary. Esp. the first floor were we used to sleep. It was dark and full of strange cupboards and attics.
My sister and I were sent upstairs and my little sis fell fast asleep. But I just lay there, not tired at all.
All the grownups were still downstairs, having a good time and I felt lonely and left out.
And suddenly this thought came to my mind of how a skeleton would be climbing up the stairs and entering the room. I couldn't stop this thought, I couldn't get it out of my head, instead it grew all the more intense.
I managed to call for my sister, but she wouldn't wake up. I was really beginning to panic, I broke into cold sweat, because I FELT that skeleton come nearer. And I couldn't even go down to the grown-ups, because on the way down, I would, of course, have to pass the skeleton.
Don't get me wrong, part of me KNEW that there wasn't a skeleton, but that part didn't count at that moment.
Next I began to scream and cry, till I was hoarse, but nobody downstairs would hear me. It was as if I was all alone in the world, as if there was noone left but me.
After an eternity I managed to get up, chase down the stairs with half-closed eyes and run into the safety of the warm, light living-room.
For someone who hasn't experienced a similar thing, all this might seem pretty silly, but when I think of that night, I can even today still FEEL the fear I felt then.

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When I was little I used to tell my younger brother and sisters that our house had an attic, and that there was a girl that had lived up there long ago and they never let her down... I had them believing that there was whole bedroom up there where the girl died, and that her ghost still haunted the place. Of course, we only have a crawlspace with an entrance through my mom's closet, and there's definitely no bedroom up there, but they believed it for a long time. I still get scolded for being such a mean sister, but it was worth it. ^.~

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There was a house we used to pass all the time on the way to church. It was a very lonely looking house, and the yard was rather unkept. Most of the times when we drove by the house, the front gate would swing open or swing close. It would only swing once. I was convinced that Casper the Ghost lived in the house, and when the gate swung, Casper was moving through the gate. No one was able to convince me otherwise.

A believer
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When I was about 9, I had some friends who found the name "Kevin Traas" scratched onto the door of an old disused toilet at school. They took this to mean that a ghost named Kevin Traas (pronounced "Kevin Trays") lived there.
At playtime they would wander round with a plastic Ghostbuster PKE meter (which they termed an "Amy Peeker") to try and catch him. He even found his way into our creative writing lessons, along the lines of
"I went to scool one day an I found Kevin Traas an he tryed to kill me but I got him with a gun and he was dead"
Our teacher couln't make head or tail of it.

St Sauverais
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I used to believe that,if you stood on someones grave,that their ghost would follow you home.

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top belief!

When I was young and would wake up at night I'd always want to go through to my parents room.
The problem was on the landing I was in the middle bedroom and my parents were the one closest the stairs. I always believes the one at the end of the landing (our spare room) was haunted by ghosts. There were white ghosts which just hassled you before the big black ghost would come out.
When I got myself too scared to stay in my own room I use to run to the top of the stair and crawl into a ball as they couldnt see me if I stayed still.
Then I'd call my mum to come get me as the ghosts were deaf and couldnt hear me! It even went as far as during the day when I was going down the stairs I'd call out to my mum saying I was coming down so if a ghost got me she'd wonder where I was !!

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