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i been always terrified of BM(bloody marry)
when i was a little girl i always was interested in her i always read her stories.... even i know that the lights on but im still scared of her , now i cant go to the bathroom for 2 miniutes and if i do i always cover the mirror.

scary girl
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When I was 4, i accidentally saw like 5 minutes of "Ghostbusters" and it was the scene where Dana is sitting in armchair and is attacked by some hands coming out of the chair.
For next 2 years i believed there could be monsters inside an armchair which could attack you if you were alone in the room.

I am an adult now and I am still nervous when watching Ghostbusters.

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My grandma told me that midnight was when ghosts and demons come out to take away children that aren't asleep yet. I completely believed her and instead of making me go to sleep it kept me up (for many years) because I was scared of the ghosts and demons.

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Ah, the stories I could tell on my superstitions..
But one of my personal favourite beliefs as a kid had to be my fears of ghosts. They literally haunted my childhood.
This is a little long..
I was one of those kids with an overactive imagination and a love of horror films, which quickly proved a bad combination. I was hooked on the films during the day and terrified once the lights went out.
All of this resulted in the eventual belief forming that if I did not have every part of my body covered by the duvet, a ghost could grab me and "drag me away." I was never clear on where I would be dragged; just certain I would be pulled from the safety of my bed into some place of unknown horrors.
"The duvet rule" as I referred to it, was not only necessary when I was in bed. It was also vital if I got up in the night to use the bathroom or get a drink.
So, imagine the fun as, my head covered by a duvet, and my hands clutching the sheets around me, I shuffled down the landing, feeling my way to the bathroom each night. It made quite a sight for my parents, should they wake up.
Also, I was firmly convinced that a ghost lived under my bed. Don't ask me how. But I was convinced an evil spirit waited there for me and it was only a matter of time before we met up. To prevent this, I went to the extremes of keeping a hammer beside my bed.
This belief died a death the night when, my dear older brother, who knew of every one of these fears, decided to hide under my bed after everyone was asleep, for his idea of a joke. He waited there, shook the bed slightly until I woke up, and then slid his hand up and grabbed my ankle.
I was prepared for the moment. I let out a blood-curdling scream, reached out, grabbed my hammer, leant down to my ankle, and firmly battered the hand holding it.
My parents were not pleased with being woken up. I was not pleased with my brother's sense of humor. My brother was not pleased with entering casualty with three broken bones in his hand.
But one good thing came of it all. For some reason, the night completely erased my fear of ghosts. So I guess it wasn't all bad.
My brother, nursing three broken bones, may not have agreed.

The girl who took on a ghost with a hammer (and won)
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When I was kid I was scared of my shadow because it always keep me following. I thought it was ghost

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When I was little, I read Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. I read the Ghost in the Mirror myth. I used to think that if I saw a mirror in the dark, I would see a ghost and that the ghost might try to kill me. To this day, whenever I have the chance, I cover-up a mirror or turn it around before I go to sleep.

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I thought that when you were making your bed, if you moved the sheet up and then down really fast so that air got trapped, you would have trapped a ghost. I called it, "The Sheet Ghost." I also thought that the ghost of little red riding hood lived in my basement and was always trying to steal my clothes.

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If you put your hands out of the covers at night, then ghosts will come and take your hands and give you ghost hands.

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My family had this legendary ghost story that we would always tell on camping trips. It was about a man whose leg was cut off and he came looking for it. Well, my brother had me convinced that this ghost lived in the cupboards under my mom's china cabinet and that he and my brother were friends. If I ever did something to annoy my brother he would threaten to call out the ghost to come get me. The funniest thing is I always thought of it as a ghost leg. Older brothers are so mean sometimes (but I love him anyway).

Scared of the Leg
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When I was really little my grandmother had this house that was up in the Catskill mountains in upstate New york. It was a nice house, but there was something wrong with the heater. (I believe it was the heater.) and whenever it came on it made this loud noise with almost like a whistle noise in the beginning. Anyways, for the longest time I would hear it and get scared. So my grandma would jokingly say, "Oh, that's just my friend who lives in there, you cant see him because he's a ghost! " I believed her, but as I got older I kind of found out on my own she was kidding. I look back and think of how silly it was to believe such a thing.

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when i was little i was convinced that i was always being stalked by ghosts, and because of this, for some reason i would never turn of the light in a room withought being completely out of it first!

Gabby Ginger
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I used to believe the sounds in the house (Laundry, Air Conditioner, etc), were created by poltergeists.

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When I was a little girl my brother told me that white, styrofoam packing peanuts were, in fact, ghost poop. It seemed perfectly logical to my 4 year old ears, and from what little I knew about ghosts it looked exactly like what ghost poop should look like.

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I thought spirits of the deceased would float around on earth while we still lived and would watch everything we did..

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when I was younger I used to think there was a ghost in my laundry room name smokey so i never went in there as a child and when i did i made my little brother go in first.

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when i was little i used to think that (ghosts) would watch everything you do so when i was in the bathroom they would be watching me and when i went to take a shower they would still be watchin me so thats why i used to take a shower real quick and jump out and change untell i got to the age of 7 but some how i still think that the afterlife is alwase next to you watchin every thing you do ...pretty dumb huh

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my belief (and still is) when i was little was that at night all the ghost in my house were active so i always had to have a night lite or something to listen to because i always see dark figures of a woman and a man run around my house and that creeps me out. The side i lay my head on is a wall and the other side of that wall is a room no one hardly ever goes in. Its cold and its creepy. One night me and my friends were playing truth or dare ( in my room) and we heard a boom like someone was knocking on the wall and we all stopped talking. One of my friends jumped all the way across the bed towards me. we all freked out and then it stopped. later that night was asleep and i woke up to a boom again i freaked out and stayed up the rest of that night.

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I used to believe that towels were sleeping ghosts, and at night they would come out and get you

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I used to believe that my life was one big long movie and aliens in outerspace were the audience. Lights/light-bulbs were the cameras therefore they could always see what I was doing so I always tried to dress fast so they wouldn't see me naked.

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I was scared of ghosts only when i was sick (i dont know why, just something about being sick and hearing and seeing things) so i convinced myself that ghosts dont want to eat sick little girls. They prefer healthy ones. But this just made me affriad of ghosts when i WASN'T sick.

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