i used to believe

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When I was four and five, we would travel over the mountains to visit our relatives waaaay out in the country-middle-of-nowhere. On the way, I would always look and observe little abandoned 'country stores', like the little grocery stores country folk shopped at back in the day. At some point my granny would get tired of me pestering her for ghost stories and she would tell me that when ghosts needed to 'buy food' they went to shop at the 'Ghost Stores', which were all the little empty abandoned country stores dotting the landscape. She said at night that the whole store filled up with 'ghost food' and such and ghosts would come from all over to buy food. I really believed this until I was like seven years old, that ghosts needed to eat and that abandoned building were their grocery stores.

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When I was younger, I thought that there were ghosts in my room that came out when the lights were off. In order to make me safe, my dad would tie a bandanna around my head and that way nothing could get me. It worked...

I was around 5-6

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i used to believe the ghost are real & they might find & kill me

pratheesha & shashya
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when i was little the window to my room faced a portion of the street. at night i would see a light travel across my wall from one end to the other. it was always square shaped and happened sparadically (spelling). i assumed the lights were ghosts in my room. it wasnt until years later i realized everytime i saw those "ghosts" i heard a car drive by. it was the headlights shining through my window as they drove by. whenever i see a light go through the window at night, the first thing i think of are ghosts.

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1 day when i was a sleep i herd foot steps up the stairs i got SOOOOOOO scared i would think a ghost woukd be walking up the stairs and come to my room and scre me i would plead 2 my mom and dad 2 keep the halway light on during the night cause i no that ghosts hate water and light.

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when i was living in montana my mom told me a story about this haunted doll that my aun had when she was a kid cause when ever my mom slept on the couch ext morning she was laying in the chair then my aun wanted my mom to play a game with her the haunted doll and my uncle and my other aun so she did when the doll was sitting in the midle of the floor she could see the wall coverd with blood andthe doll coverd witrh blood she ran out of the room my aun came after her so did my uncle and othr aun anyway they askd her what happend she told them they said tat neaver happento this day they will say that naver happend then they gotrid of the dollwhen they came home my aun scremed it was sittingon he bed then they sold it and neaver wouldtalk aout it again it was scary

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i believe that if u think u r being haunted and u want them 2 go away u say "hello ghost,i know ur there but can u go away ur scaring me...i still believe that.

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I once told my little brother that when our house had been built one of the men working on it had fallen into the cement and drowned in it, and that his body was still under our house. I then proceeded with that this man haunted our house and looked out the window and pretended i saw him walking up the driveway. When I got older I would think on that and get scared when I was downstairs in the den by myself....just in case it was real.

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when my sister and i were little, we would go to stores like home depot. well stores like that had concrete floors, and there were always stains and spots all over them, so we thought that ghosts left them, so we would follow them and go ghost hunting.....we used to call it "following the clues"

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i used to have bunkbeds and believed that if i slept on the bottom bunk a ghost appear.

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Well when I was 7 or so I had just seen the movie The Shining.. And there was this one part in the movie when this reaky dead woman pops outta the bath tub and after I watched that movie I was scared so after i took my shower I would close my shower door and dry myself off quickly 'cause I thought that the lady from the movie would get me...

Candie♥ aka sad_eyez
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I used to believe that while i was walkin up the creeky old stairs (my hous is 94 yrs old) that the creeks & squeaks were people shouting HELP! and if you walk too slow they'd get you. I used to run up & down the stairs to keep away from those ghosts.

Tater salad
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When I was young, I used to believe that churches were ghosts's houses. My family was not religious, so when we visited a church, I didn't understand why we had to keep quiet. So my Dad told me it was "not to wake the ghosts". Strangely enough, still now, I tend to associate churches and ghosts in my dreams.

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When i was first introduced to Casper the Friendly Ghost i immediately figured that surely there must be unfriendly ghosts and they would fly through my walls at night and try to harm me. I'd pleaded with my mom to stay with me until i fell asleep.

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When my neighbor and I were little kids, she had a bar in her basement. Behind the bar was all this alcohol, but there was a bottle of vodka, that scared us to death. There was some sticky brown substance on the front of it, and we thought the bottle housed a ghost. We never ever played close to the bar for fear that the ghost would come out and kill us. I guess that explains why I still don't drink vodka!

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Despite being in my mid-twenties, I have a very active imagination. Ever since seeing a certain Japanese horror film some years ago, I have been convinced that the vengeful ghost of an angry little girl is lurking somewhere in my house every night. Lights and pillows tucked behind my back seem to keep this fear away, but I still walk a little faster going up the stairs every night....and I don't dare to look behind me!

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I lived in Hawai'i for a long time, and we have many beliefs over there. Most of the kids ride in the back of their parents trucks, never inside the truck. Well, I loved to ride in the back. We lived in Kihei and a lot of our friends where on the other side of the island. There was a twisty road to get to the other side, and at night it would be scary from all the island ghost stories. I would freak out that a ghost was going to attack me in the back of the truck.

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When me and my cousin were young, we believed there was a ghost in one of my grandparents bedroom closets. So, we tried to "fight" the ghost using toilet plungers. I carried around the manual plunger while my cousin used the heavy-duty automatic "super-sucker". Boy, were we weird!

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I'm from Hawai'i and theres this one windy road that if you drive there late and night there's going to be a white lady if you look back in your rear view mirror. I use to get scared of that story. But not anymore.

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One time I was in Thailand (I used to live there). When my dad was a monk, I went to sleep in his place one night. Before that. I was lighting holy candles at the place where the big "statue" suppose to be. Also, i throw rocks around the temple. After that night I dreamed something so freaky and scary!!!! God, I was do scared. I went back to the temple and said sorry to the spirits. My dad told me spirits are real and they can come and scare you. It freakled me out and it had not ended. I'm 13!

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