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I used to think that ghosts rode on vaccum cleaners

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When I was a kid, I used to think there were ghosts in my bedroom. One day my mum came home and gave me a spray bottle full of clear liquid and said it was called "Ghost Spray". She told me to spray it whenever I felt scared and it would make the ghosts disappear. I believed this for years and years until I got old enough to realise it was just water in a spray bottle.

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When I was about 6 or 7, I always used to be able to hear the high schoolers in my neighborhood outside my house early in the morning going to the bus stop. For some strange reason, I always thought that they thought my house was hanuted...I always wanted to open up my window and yell out, "This house is NOT haunted!" Luckily I never did.

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When I was in Grade One, my school shared the same building as my church, and the other students in my grade believed that there was a ghost in the chapel room who played the piano after everyone left. You could hear the piano playing, but it was actually someone practicing for the next service on Sunday. The kids didn't believe that, however.

One day, myself and several classmates were walking past the chapel when we heard the piano playing again. Suddenly, one kid looked through the window and shouted, "It's the Chapel Ghost! Run!" All the other kids ran away. I peeked into the window to see for myself.

It was a man carrying a pile of clear plastic covers, which partially hid his face.

The "Chapel Ghost" was never brought up again.

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My classmates believed that there was a ghost who lived in our auditorium and played the piano that was in there when no one was there (the building that housed our school was also a church, so the pianist would practice for the next service in there.) (Another thing to note: I didn't believe this story). One day, a bunch of my classmates and I were walking by the room, when the piano playing started again. One of the kids looked in the window and yelled, "It's the ghost! RUN!" and many of the students ran away. I looked into the window to see for myself what the kid had seen.

It was a man carrying a pile clear plastic covers that concealed his face.

After that, the "ghost" was never brought up again.

Sparky the Other Reindeer
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i used to believe that there was a ghost in my kitchen so ever time the light blows out he comes and haughts me

Spooked Kid
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Everytime i go in the bath room and locked the door iheard a scraping noice from the shower so if i made a noice like turn on water the ghost would kill me

Later,i found out that that scraping noice was the wind from the over head window

spooked Kid(:D)
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At my summer camp, there was a random sign that said "please don't feed the elephant" When I asked a counselor where the elaphant we couldn't feed was, she said that there used to be one here, but it died, and we weren't to feed its ghost either. That night I swore i heard huge elephant footsteps and hid under my covers all night.

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i used to believe that every tuesday night the dead would have a parade. for them it was a grand festival but if a human layed eyes on them the goblin leader of the parade would take a bone and rap it on your gate. that was a mark and and the goblins would come back the next day and kill you no matter what. the thought that there would be no escape once i was marked terrified me beyond words but i was so impossibly curious to see it. i used to stay up all night tuesday nights listening under my window for the sound of theyre music but i was always too scared to peek because i knew if i did they would see me and id be marked. i have no idea where this whole story came from!

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When I was about 3, I was awake in the middle of the night, and my uncle had fallen asleep on the couch with the tv on. I wanted to watch it, but I knew that I'd get in trouble for being up. So, I put a blanket over my head (an afghan, with the holes in) so I could be a ghost. I thought my uncle wouldn't be able to see me, so I watched tv through the holes.

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when i was a child my mother used to frighten me of a ghost known as 'mother of noon' (in my language as 'gharmay mor').. so that we should sleep ..
and me and my siblings really slept after this threat

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i used to believe that when you drove by a cemetary you should hold your breath and the ghosts wouldnt pocess you.

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My aunt tould me ghosts lived in her house.The house is old but nice looking. Like even if the air conditioner wasn't on, you could feel a cold rush on you. She told me the ghosts came, went away, & came back. My uncle said you could
hear someone walking in dining room but if you
look over there, there is nothing there.

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i used to tthink that when something happened in history, like a war then the ghosts of the people would keep on fighting and if you had a special gift yu could see it happen

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so I'm Portuguese, and in Portugal there's this legend about a young seamstress, long ago, that was very poor. she made a promised to the Virgin Mary that, if she managed to start earning money with her sewing machine, she would give her first day's pay to the church. but when it happened she didn't, she just spend the money. so after she died (supposedly she died very young and poor) she had to work and work to try and make up for the promise, but she could never because her first day's pay was already spent.

my grandmother was also a seamstress and she told me that, when seamstresses work late, they can sometimes hear the Seamtress' old noisy sewing machine and her crying because she's doomed to sew for eternity.

one night I was staying at my grandma's (I should've been something between 6 and 8 years old) and she was working late sewing some clothes I had accidentally ripped, and I was laying in the couch. when she was done and stopped the pedal, I swear I could hear another sewing machine working! I was scared like Hell!

my grandmother told me the Seamstress doesn't harm anyone, though. she told me she's just a reminder to always keep your promises. I think she was just messing with my head, but I still can't explain where that sewing machine noise was coming from!

Freaked Out SerotoNina
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My elementery school was named after Rachel Carson, and everyone said her ghost haunted the school. I was convinced she was burried in the basement, so i went up to the principle and said
"i know that Rachel Carson is burried in the basement." She just looked at me funny and said
"we dont have a basement."

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One time,when I was younger (10-11), I went with my mom to the store in town at night. We took a back road because it was quicker. It just so happened that the road went by my town's cemetary. Back then I always watched ghost shows like Truth or Scare so when I saw 'balls of light' out in the cemetary I thought immediately that they were spirit orbs. (balls of light made by ghosts). They even seemed to follow the truck and stopped when we got past the cemetary. The next day I told EVERYBODY that I had seen ghosts. A few weeks later, my dad took me through the cemetary even though I was crying for him not to. It turned out that the 'spirit orbs' were only the lights on the truck reflecting off the shiny grave stones. I was so embarrassed!

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I had a square light cover on my overhead light in my room when I was six-ish. When the lights were off and my eyes adjusted, it looked light the square was slowly growing larger (some sort of trick of the eyes..) I thought there was a ghost in the light all cramped up trying to get out, and if he did, he would eat/kill/maim/etc me.

Also, like most children, I believed in monsters in my closet. To this day (many years later) I refuse to sleep with my closet door open. It has to be FIRMLY shut.

Em Eliz
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I never knew what the empty gas containers were for, but being round and made of metal stilts, I believed they were ghost coliseums. The ghosts, which looked ike traslucent skeletons, would sit on the stilts and watch whatever was in the middle of the 'coliseums'. That is to say, nothing. I knew it must be something awful, so I did not take the risk of imagining wht it might be. No-one ever told me I was wrong, but as I'm now fourteen and no longer believe it, clearly my common sense intervened.

Totally Crazy ^^
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One night, when we were young, we heard a noise that sounded like our dog running down the stairs but when we looked out he looked up at us (in a way that we then thought was nervously) from his basket upstairs. We thought that this noise was a ghost trying to scare us and we hardly slept. The next morning when we woke up we found out that the cause of the noise was a hairbrush that had fallen off a shelf in the bathroom and rattled down the towel rack and onto the radiator. It was such a dissapointment when we found this out - we really wanted a ghost in the house!

Spud & Bumps
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