i used to believe

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A truly bizarre fear: I saw the Kirk Douglas movie about Vincent Van Gogh and became convinced that Vince's ghost was searching the world for a replacement ear. I couldn't go to sleep after that without having mine covered.

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When I was younger I would walk up stairs from a dark room waving my arms behind me because I thought it was protecting me from the monsters and ghosts that lived in the dark.

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I once told my friend that the long line of trees that was on the common was an invisble gap that if tere was an earthquake it would open up and all the spirits and witcheswould come out!!!

he believed this for six months !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i still think he believesthis now hahahahahahaha!(secretly)

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I used to believe that if you look between your legs, you could see sprits.I was 6 or 7 then.

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When i was little i saw a tv show about ghosts. there was one ghost and if you saw her, you would die, and if you heard her crying, a person from your family would die. She only came out at night, so at night, i used to shut my eyes if i was alone going to the toilet or something so i wouldnt see her, Imagine how many walls i crashed into. At about nine i learned that she lived in england and that the all the bumps were for nothing

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I used to believe that there were two ghosts who would come and check each kid's room at night. If they couldn't hear breathing they would move on. If they did, they would come in and dump a whole gallon of ice cold water on you and you would freeze. So whenever I heard the wind blowing outside, I would hold my breath. Once I passed out.

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When I was about 7 we moved to a new house. The neighbors didn't hesitate to tell me about the previous owner's wife who committed suicide in the house. For years I was terrified to go into the basement. Sometimes the kitchen faucet would turn on by itself, and other times we would hear "footsteps" in the attic. The kitchen problem turned out to be a faulty washer, and the attic problem was caused by squirrels in the eves. For years I believed in ghosts.

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When I was a child, my family made monthly trips to visit out-of-town relatives. We always drove by a country cemetary with a tall radio tower next to it. I used to believe that, at night, the ghosts of the people buried in the cemetary would come out, climb up to the top of the radio tower, jump off, and float back down to the ground, kind of like base jumping.

PC in Tx.
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i used to believe that there was a ghost at my grandmas house who took all the toys that "dissappeared" to the attic

i think the reason i believed this was bekuz one day my dad went up into the attic and brought down a whole bunch of toys and asked my grandma where they came from and i came up with the theory of the monster

attic attack
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when I was young, about from when I was 3 up until I was about 11 at the latest, I used to see black shadows running down my stairs, I swear it looked real.... I used to chase after them but they seemed to dissapear halfway down.

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When I was 6,7,8,9 -10 years old I used to have bilions of toys. Just before I went to bed I would think about a laser protecting all my toys and evry room in my house. I went around and touched EVRY toy then went to sleep. Also I was so afriad of puttting a foot or leg outside my blankets as they were saving me from ghosts.

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When I was 3 I used to believe that when ever I slept in my mom's bed there was a ghost ,that had a blue cap.When ever I looked at it the ghost would turn me in to a ice cube.

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In kindergarten, after school, I used to hang out with some " cool, grown-up," fifth graders, Roxy and George.Being six years old, naive and superstitious, (sp?) I believed in a ghost they told me about, Marley.Marley was a headless clown-ghost in chains who ate brunettes.I WAS A BRUNETTE! Roxy was a brunette too, and she told me we would be safe on the slide, because Marley was afraid of yellow.George, the blond "dare devil' would get on top of the jungle gym and chant "Marley is coming!Marley is coming!" in a most somber voice.After a while, he would tell Roxy and I that Marley was on my lap, or in the playgroung swings beside us.
Little did I know that George was best friends with my best friend's ( Ashley) brother, who was an evil goth to me.After school one day, I was at ashley's house, playing with barbies.I had just told her all about Marley, when we heard a jingling sound , ( The jingling sound was the metal chains, spikes etc. on her brother's pants.) We heard I deep, moaning sound, so we hid under the bed. We saw a clown wig and attatched mask clovered in paint or ketchup and screamed our heads off!
Then ashley's big bro snuck up behing us and moaned.We screeched bloody murder! I was so scared I peed all over the carpet!

Elizabeth Anderson
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when i was in 6th grade (i think) while practicing for a school play one day, me and some of the other kids were behind the curtains waiting for our cues to come in, this huge box fell from the top balcony thing and hit a piano. nobody was up there in order to make it fall and as far as i knew no one had been up there in a long time. afterwards the other kids were saying that there was a rumor that someone had been murdered in the audience a long time ago. im in high school now and we've been on stage practicing for the Christmas concert (band and vocal stuff) and every once in a while i could swear that outta the corner of my eye i see some guy sitting in the corner. i still dont believe it tho.

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top belief!

I used to believe that my blanket was a special kind of body shield that blocks ghosts and monsters from harming you.

Numbuh 7
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From the time I was 6 to 12, I always used to be so afraid of ghosts because I was (and still am) such a big horror movie fan. I would watch those movies constantly, and I dont get scared anymore, but I did then. When I went to bed, I would lay with the blankets right up to my chin and look around the room to watch for ghosts. If I heard the tiniest noise, I would put my head under the blanket. I actually thought that the blanket would protect me from ghosts, along with knives, guns, monsters. I thought that nothing could get through a blanket.

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When I was little I used to think that gohsis would come and get me when the lights were off.

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i used to belive that ghost will get me wherever i go in the house

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There was this very big tree in front of our school. Not only me but all the students (till 3rd grade) in our school used to believe that if we touch it we would turn into Ghosts! Now that was scary and we used to stay as far away from the tree as possible.
I went there after I was quite grown up and believe me I didnt touch the tree even then.

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when i was younger i used to believe ghost.
if i were crying loudly , ghost is killing me in the
bush, my mum said so, i stopped crying
immediately .

honest man
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