i used to believe

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When I was 6,7,8,9 -10 years old I used to have bilions of toys. Just before I went to bed I would think about a laser protecting all my toys and evry room in my house. I went around and touched EVRY toy then went to sleep. Also I was so afriad of puttting a foot or leg outside my blankets as they were saving me from ghosts.

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i used to believe that if i wasn't sleeping with an adult and i had any part of my body, other than my head, sticking out of the covers, then a witch would come get me.... i still believe that, althought the witch has turned into ghosts...

0_o don't look at me like i have problems......
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Never step on a grave or their ghost will haunt you

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I used to believe in ghosts because he usually listened to legends and talents of terror.

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When I was very small, my parents had cable, and I turned on the T. V. one time just to catch the part in Poltergeist where Carrie-Anne reaches up to the T. V. and she is grabbed and pulled into the aternate universe. My mother saw what I was watching, and she ran to turn off the T. V. I asked her "Mommy, what was that hand doing?" and she said, "it was a friendly ghost wanting to say hello!" Until I was in college, I thought Poltergeist was a movie about friendly ghosts!

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When my famliy and I went to Disney World for th first time in 1998 we went on this "Hunted" ride and my sis the chiken rode with my older bro and half way thrugh the ride all you herd was this little 7 year olds voice yelling HELP THE BAD GHOSTS GETTING ME!!!!!!!! well need less to say we NEVER went on that ride again

Girl With Stupid Sis
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i use to think that there were ghosts always watching me.i felt like i could feel them all around me i still to this day i do.when i was 7 i thought that i saw a man iin my kitchen staring at me with pale white eyes like he was blind or somthing.i now have a head full of gray hair and refuse to sleep with out the hall light on.i will never forget that mans eyes.or what ever it was

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i used to think my highschool wasn't haunted but infact my teacher told me that it was built over a Pagan temple where little children were sacrificed.....and i thought they'd come for me one day...but i hyave eluded them so far.....

dude, my school haunted...
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when my sister and i were little, we would go to stores like home depot. well stores like that had concrete floors, and there were always stains and spots all over them, so we thought that ghosts left them, so we would follow them and go ghost hunting.....we used to call it "following the clues"

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When i was six i thought Aliens and Ghosts were who drove cars, and our family was the only one who were people driving cars, unless....

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Around 1st grade my friends and I were obsessed with ghosts and hauntings. We thought that ghosts had certain colors, example: black ghosts are the evil ones, red ghosts are evil too, Blue ghosts were evil but not AS evil and the White ones were nice. Well one day at YMCA summer day camp a light in the pool room was sort of broken and had a bluish tint to it. So my friend and I would get all freaked out telling everybody that a blue ghost was by the light watching us.

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When I was younger I would walk up stairs from a dark room waving my arms behind me because I thought it was protecting me from the monsters and ghosts that lived in the dark.

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I am a boy from Norway . When i was a child , i saw a cartoon called ''mumi trollet'' ! In that cartoon , it was a ice queen called '' vinter damen'' , a big ghost called ''hufsa'' , and millions of small ghosts called '' hattifnatter '' ! I was really scared for those monsters ! But i was must scared
of ''vinterdamen'' .. Because she could do sombody to ice when she saw them in their eyes !
I used to belive that ''vinter damen'' was in my brothers room , and came into my room at night , to see me in my eyes ! Thanks to the cartoon ''mumi trollet '' , i was so scared that i had to lie with my dune over my head , and over the rest of my body ! I was so stupid ! :)

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I used to think i was being perminently watched by dead peoples spirits (XD) and i used to tell them to leave the room when i went to the toilet, got changed, had a bath or did something bad

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When I was eight or nine I used to think there a ghost following me. She was a lady dressed in a long black dress and a mourning veil. I could only see her from the corner of my eye and if I tried to look directly at her, she would disappear.

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I used to beliave that ghosts moved us and if ghosts werent around that we would just flop around.

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One night, when we were young, we heard a noise that sounded like our dog running down the stairs but when we looked out he looked up at us (in a way that we then thought was nervously) from his basket upstairs. We thought that this noise was a ghost trying to scare us and we hardly slept. The next morning when we woke up we found out that the cause of the noise was a hairbrush that had fallen off a shelf in the bathroom and rattled down the towel rack and onto the radiator. It was such a dissapointment when we found this out - we really wanted a ghost in the house!

Spud & Bumps
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I thought spirits of the deceased would float around on earth while we still lived and would watch everything we did..

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when i was about 6, my older cousin told me that you got a nightmare if you slept facing a wall. i believed him for years...

he also told me that any little spots of light that are on your wall are ghosts and are coming to get you!!!! i believed that for years too...

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I used to believe that ghosts lived in any room that was empty of furniture or people in my house so I was always afraid to go into an empty room. I was afraid of leaking ceilings, too, as they were very scary-looking. Man, I was really a strange kid!

Grew Up to be a Real Chicken
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