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i believe that if u think u r being haunted and u want them 2 go away u say "hello ghost,i know ur there but can u go away ur scaring me...i still believe that.
i used to believe the ghost are real & they might find & kill me
Me and my cousin Christina were on the computer once and books kept moving out of the bookshelves! Sometimes it was just Christina messing about but most of the time she wouldn't have been able to reach the books!My cousin Christina said she saw three Victorian people/ghosts on our landing too! Also she slept over last night and said she heard someone calling my name so she hid under the covers for the rest of the night! We still believe this and are quite creeped out by what goes on in my house!SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKY!
When I was 4, i accidentally saw like 5 minutes of "Ghostbusters" and it was the scene where Dana is sitting in armchair and is attacked by some hands coming out of the chair.
For next 2 years i believed there could be monsters inside an armchair which could attack you if you were alone in the room.
I am an adult now and I am still nervous when watching Ghostbusters.
i used to believe that there was a ghost at my grandmas house who took all the toys that "dissappeared" to the attic
i think the reason i believed this was bekuz one day my dad went up into the attic and brought down a whole bunch of toys and asked my grandma where they came from and i came up with the theory of the monster
I use to believe in the Ouija board..and use to play with it with friends around a table..and u could contact people from beyond!
when i was little i was convinced that i was always being stalked by ghosts, and because of this, for some reason i would never turn of the light in a room withought being completely out of it first!
I used to believe there was a ghost in my bathroom.I cant believe I thought that!
When I was 7, I watched Darby O'Gill and the Little People, and the ghost scared me so bad I slept with the covers over my head for many years after that in case the ghost ever came into my room.
the bloody mary storie that all the kids in my elementary school went crazy about was something about some girls husband and a guy with and axe who chased this girl and eventually chopped her up in her bed with an axe. If you went into a bathroom with all the lights out and the door and windows closed, spun around three times and said her name three times then you would see her in the mirror, and she would appear to come out of it, but when you turned around you would realize that she was really behind you and just getting closer. If you didnt turn on the lights in time she would kill you with a knife or axe or something. She was supposed to be wearing a white, bloody nightgown. I was scared to death. Unfortunitly for me, this rumor eventually escelated into you could just walk into a dark bathroom and THINK about bloody mary and she would sence your thoughts and come kill you. It was to take revenge for how she got killed. The only thing was, since there was only one bloody mary, she wouldnt come if she was busy killing some other kid in a bathroom. Hence, even if someone tried it and nothing happened, it was perfectly explainable. Pretty much it made sure that everyone stayed terrified.
i kept my hand on the lightswitch in bathrooms for like six years.
i was so freaked out (in first grade) that my mom went to do it so i wouldnt be scared, but of course that made it worse cause i thought she was gunna die. Then when she came back alive, i told her bloody mary must have been busy but she was gunna come get her later if she had time.
my poor mom. she gave up trieing to convince me.;)
I used to believe the sounds in the house (Laundry, Air Conditioner, etc), were created by poltergeists.
I thought that when you were making your bed, if you moved the sheet up and then down really fast so that air got trapped, you would have trapped a ghost. I called it, "The Sheet Ghost." I also thought that the ghost of little red riding hood lived in my basement and was always trying to steal my clothes.
i used to belive that ghost will get me wherever i go in the house
I used to believe that my Barney stuffed animal was possesed b/c my brother put it in a closet cause it creeped him out and it was malfunctioning so it kept talking! And it was wierd!
After watching the Phantom Of The opera one summer, when I was about 9, I decided that If I became a famous singer, like I had always wanted to be, I would become Christine, and this my friend, who was a boy, would be The Phantom, Erik. I don't remember who Raoul was. I got this idea from a dream I had the night after I'd watched it.
It just made me want to be a Famous Singer even more, because I wanted something exciting and fun to happen! I also thought that if I wwent near any mirrors, the Phantom would swivel it round and kidnap me! I was also convinced if I went to an Opera, which I never did anyway, the 'Opera Ghost' would come and get me! Now, I am a HIGE Phantom fan.
When i was little i thought ghosts were hiding behind me when i was on the stars so i went down as quickly as possible so the ghosts woudln't catch up whit me . Growing up i understood ghost did not exist so finally it is a good memory.
when i was living in montana my mom told me a story about this haunted doll that my aun had when she was a kid cause when ever my mom slept on the couch ext morning she was laying in the chair then my aun wanted my mom to play a game with her the haunted doll and my uncle and my other aun so she did when the doll was sitting in the midle of the floor she could see the wall coverd with blood andthe doll coverd witrh blood she ran out of the room my aun came after her so did my uncle and othr aun anyway they askd her what happend she told them they said tat neaver happento this day they will say that naver happend then they gotrid of the dollwhen they came home my aun scremed it was sittingon he bed then they sold it and neaver wouldtalk aout it again it was scary
I used to believe when you died you became a ghost. Then, I didn't died.
When I was little I used to think that gohsis would come and get me when the lights were off.
i thought crow is symbol for ghost
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