i used to believe

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We have this extra flat on the top of our house, which is pretty much empty. Me and my friends used to have sleepovers up there, and me and my sister used to believe it was haunted because we kept hearing wailing in the corridor. It was actually just our old cat who couldn't sleep.

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I used to believe I had a money ghost in my child hood home. Simple because I would found money around. Not just penny's or dimes but things like half dollars. Too bad his not around any more, I could use him!

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When i was young i thought that if you said that ghosts weren't real they would get mad so i would go to my room and apologize

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i used to believe that if i screamed WAZZUP!!! into the street while putting the milk bottles out when i was six, that the echo would kill the ghosts and everyone would be left alone by ghosts for the night.

Benny Stock
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Whilst we were in France we were on a boat ride around a lake that had tiny lilly pads covering the surface. To keep me from the edge, my dad told me that the green surface meant a ghost named Ginni Greenteeth lived under the water and would grab me if they came close. So I had nightmares and for years was afraid of lilly pads.

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I used to believe that Harry Houdini, the magician, was buried in my front yard. I would go there and ask his ghost to give me magical powers too. Man did I get some weird looks from my neighbors.

Yo Mama
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I believed that English was the first language. All the other languages were just english words mixed up.

So I spent so much time thinking "So...black is Schwarz In german? Lemme see...there is a C...."
I got so confused.

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one time when i was little, me and my older sister were fighting over who got to play on the computer. it was raining outside so my sister told me that anytime you use a computer when its raining, the rain ghost will come and suck out your soul. she told me she was friends with ghost so if i didnt let her use it she was going to sick the ghost on me.
hmm i was always afraid to go near the computer after that. so i geuss she won.

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I used to believe that ghosts could only be out from midnight to 12:01. I didn't live close enough to a cemetary for ghosts to come and get me in that one minute. Monsters in the heating ducts were a whole nother story though!

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After watching the film Darby O'Gill and the little people, I was terrified of Banshees (even worse since I live in Ireland and this is supposedly where they come from) I thought if you heard one it meant that someone in your house was going to die, and I used to be terrified at night when I heard the wind howling

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When I was quite young, maybe 3 or 4, I believed that there was a ghost in our house. I'd ask him to do all sorts of things for me, like to bring me the gumballs from the counter, or help me fly around the house. He didn't ever help me out, but since I was SURE he existed, I assumed he was just very stubborn. I would get very angry with him, and yell into thin air each time he didn't do what I asked him to, which was very often.

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I still believe this a little bit.

My house has an attic that creaks around alot. I used to think there were a bunch of hillbilly ghosts up there all playing cards and cooking stew. Whenever they ould scooch around in there chairs the attic would creak! It scared the jeepers out of me!

Lala bear
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My grandma told me that midnight was when ghosts and demons come out to take away children that aren't asleep yet. I completely believed her and instead of making me go to sleep it kept me up (for many years) because I was scared of the ghosts and demons.

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When I was 3 or 4, we lived in a small flat so when I went to bed I could hear the tv going in the next room.
About half an hour after I went to bed, A medical drama called GP came on tv that my mother watched religiously. I have no idea why, but I truly believed that if I was still awake when GPs theme song began, a ghost would appear in my room and kill me.
I was often still awake so I screwed my eyes tightly shut and pretended to be asleep even though I knew the ghost would know I was faking. I just had to keep my eyes closed and hope for the best.
I believed this until I was about 8 altho When I was 4 we moved to a bigger house, and I couldnt hear the tv anymore, so I stopped being scared.

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When i was little i saw a tv show about ghosts. there was one ghost and if you saw her, you would die, and if you heard her crying, a person from your family would die. She only came out at night, so at night, i used to shut my eyes if i was alone going to the toilet or something so i wouldnt see her, Imagine how many walls i crashed into. At about nine i learned that she lived in england and that the all the bumps were for nothing

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I used to believe in poltergeists. My cousin told me they looked like raisins and would fly around the room and move objects. I was terrified.

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i used to believe that every tuesday night the dead would have a parade. for them it was a grand festival but if a human layed eyes on them the goblin leader of the parade would take a bone and rap it on your gate. that was a mark and and the goblins would come back the next day and kill you no matter what. the thought that there would be no escape once i was marked terrified me beyond words but i was so impossibly curious to see it. i used to stay up all night tuesday nights listening under my window for the sound of theyre music but i was always too scared to peek because i knew if i did they would see me and id be marked. i have no idea where this whole story came from!

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When I was little, I sincerely believed that there were two ghosts that only I could see. One of them was an English butler who lived in the corner of my dining room. The other one was a drunk, lecherous cowboy with a gun that layed under my grandma's pool table in the basement. It took me years to stop believing in them.

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I used to believe i was a new member of the film 'ghostbusters' and one day, my mum got me some dressing up shoes from the dollar store.
they were cheap plastic with green on the foot and pink splodges. i LOVED THEM! i wore them everywhere, and i allways told people that the pink splodges were where i splattered the bad ghosties (like in the movie, with the pink goo coming out of the drain!)

i don't know where they are, now. probably some new kid's got them, and playing ghostbusters without me!

Rennie-woo (the ghost-buster)
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when i was young me and my friend used to go to the park and when the swings moved in the wind we thought there were ghosts in the park

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