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I used to read in bed and the light from the lightbulb would leave the imprint on my eyes. only i thought that this was ghosts coming out from the lightbulb and into my eyes. and since my mum couldn't see them when i got her to look i figured they must have already "got" her :S

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I used to believe that,if you stood on someones grave,that their ghost would follow you home.

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The blue lady was a big topic among me and my friends the rumor was that she had been a cleaner at the school who had pushed a student into a peg and it had kill him.It was said she haunted the bathrooms that class 6-8 used and it was believed so much through the school that not even the oldest students liked going to the toilets down there which you had to at dinner.

People would go into the toilets turn the lights out and say "Blue lady,blue lady I've got your baby" three times.Me and my friends would do it all the time and my friend got so scared one time because she was sure she saw a pure white girl with blue lips behind her.

The blue lady kids
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I had a square light cover on my overhead light in my room when I was six-ish. When the lights were off and my eyes adjusted, it looked light the square was slowly growing larger (some sort of trick of the eyes..) I thought there was a ghost in the light all cramped up trying to get out, and if he did, he would eat/kill/maim/etc me.

Also, like most children, I believed in monsters in my closet. To this day (many years later) I refuse to sleep with my closet door open. It has to be FIRMLY shut.

Em Eliz
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when i was in 6th grade (i think) while practicing for a school play one day, me and some of the other kids were behind the curtains waiting for our cues to come in, this huge box fell from the top balcony thing and hit a piano. nobody was up there in order to make it fall and as far as i knew no one had been up there in a long time. afterwards the other kids were saying that there was a rumor that someone had been murdered in the audience a long time ago. im in high school now and we've been on stage practicing for the Christmas concert (band and vocal stuff) and every once in a while i could swear that outta the corner of my eye i see some guy sitting in the corner. i still dont believe it tho.

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My Grandaddy once told me close your mouth when you pass by the bone yards. He also included that if you forgot? A good dose of castor oil an you could flush them spectors right on down to the treatment plant.

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I remember when I was at my friends house a couple months ago, she had this porcelin[sp?] doll on top of a china cabinet. We were sleeping in the base ment, but, there were too many people there so me and 2 or 3 other girls had to go upstairs, where the doll was. And when we went to go raid the kitchen at like 2 am, we looked at the doll and noticed that the doll's head and eyes seemed like they were following us before. We were SOO creeped out!! Unfortunately, we had to deal with it and go to bed on the couch across from the cabinet. We still don't know if it was really following us or not, but, it still creeps me, at least, out.

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my belief (and still is) when i was little was that at night all the ghost in my house were active so i always had to have a night lite or something to listen to because i always see dark figures of a woman and a man run around my house and that creeps me out. The side i lay my head on is a wall and the other side of that wall is a room no one hardly ever goes in. Its cold and its creepy. One night me and my friends were playing truth or dare ( in my room) and we heard a boom like someone was knocking on the wall and we all stopped talking. One of my friends jumped all the way across the bed towards me. we all freked out and then it stopped. later that night was asleep and i woke up to a boom again i freaked out and stayed up the rest of that night.

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While playing in the basement at age 5, I was fairly certain I had seen a ghost for a split second as it turned a corner. It looked like my next-door neighbor, only flat like paper.

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When I was in Kindergarten, there was a grove of spindly trees by the door that led into the school building. these trees leaned against the wall, which is stone.

A girl I still know (and I'm in Junior High now) told me that she was sitting in the middle of the trees when a very pale boy wearing bloodstained clothing appeared an warned her away from the wall. The girl said that she was so scared that she ran TO the wall, and a torn up (as in, a ragged toy that was chewed on by as dog) bear, also pale, came out of the wall. My friend, the girl, was then chased by the bear around and around the trees, screaming for her life. (this was at Reccess, and none of the teachers heard her cries? Hmm...) The ghost bear cornered her against the wall, and scratched it deeply. Then it grabbed the ghost boy and jumped through the wall. (they would have ended up in the 2nd grade class room.)

My friend then showed me the scratch marks, and boy, was I scared! For about three years I was terrified to go near those trees alone, and even with others around, I was still scared. (Rather unfortuanate, since my class often had picnics on a grassy knoll right in front of the "Haunted Mini Forest".) Finally, my best friend convined me that my other friend, the girl, was yanking my chain.

Scared of Ghost Bears in Haunted Mini Forests
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I actually believe on ghosts because at my house i used to hear whispers but un another language and i have hear a baby crying at my house when i was with my neighbors and nobody was at my house.

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my cousin and i both had this belief. she first told me about it when she thought it happened to her, and then i soon caught with what i thought was my own experience. she told me that sometimes when she wakes up in the morning and opens her eyes too quickly, she sees the face of a ghost. after having heard this, the next morning i saw the same thing. i must admit that the face looked more like a character out of "casper" than a real person.

boo radley
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when i was really little my sister got an old sheet and cut holes for eyes. she came to me and said she was a ghost. this ghost would visit me sometimes and give me nice soft hugs. i was unsure about whether this was really a ghost that looked like a sheet, or my sister....

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When I was ten I used to see little spots of lights "walking" across the ceiling. I thought it was a ghost of a baby, leaving its footprints as it passed through my room. I later worked out that when a car passed by our house at night, the lights would move through gaps in our venetian blinds and cause the ghostly reflections on our ceiling.

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This is pretty crazy, but I used to believe that if I sang 'Do you know the Muffin Man' in front of the mirror, a ghost would come out and kill me. I don't know how I came to this conclusion...

Muffin Man
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when i was 4 i thought i heard a ghost calling my name and i ran to my dad. he told me to get back to sleep so i did. but from then on i slept with my blanket covering my whole face untill i was 6!!!

scaredy -ghost-
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About death I used to have some strange thoughts. For example, when I was about 4 or 5 years old I used to believe that the moment I hear the announcement of people who died, they would disappear forever. That is why I used to pray for God to make them alive again because I had pity for crying people after their lost. I also used to believe that when you step on a tomb, the corpse draw you inside it. Moreover, I would afraid of cemeteries a lot. Especially in the darkness I wouldn't dare to pass by the place where there is a cemetery.

Mr. Used to
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When I was a child I used to believe that there were ghosts or spirits in my bedroom because when I went to bed and couldn't sleep I used to hear some breathing close to me. I could feel it was sitting on my bed too, but when I turned on the lights there wasn't anybody. Other times I used to cover my head with the bed clothes and tried to fall asleep quickly. I remember it was a horrible situation.

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My brother used to tease my sister and I terribly when we were little. He made up a story about our attic (loft or whatever) that people used to hang themselves in there. As a result whenever it was dark in the attic and I was alone and i'd only gone up there to fetch something down, i'd run up the stairs and down the stairs as fast as possible so that the ghosts of these people couldn't get me.

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