i used to believe

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When I was 10, I watched a travel channel special about exorcism, and it completley freaked me out,
It still does to this very day.My mother is a minister and in the special, A minister was performing an exorcism ritual
thingie, to get rid of a ghost/spirit that was in a cemetary in Scotland that was hurting people.
The day after he performed the ritual, he died. I never let my mom near a cemetary again.

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When I was around 7/8 years old my dad told me my grandparents house, where I used to spend a lot of time, was haunted by a man who had hanged himself on the stairs, and that sometimes you would see him dangling from the rafters. This scared the poop out of me of course, and I was then frightened to go upstairs. I told Grandma what Dad had said and she said, "Take no notice of your dad, he's just being silly. There's no ghost. A man never hanged himself here - he actually gassed himself." Hmmm ....

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One day my family talking about ghosts when my little sister piped "Remember when we saw REAL ghosts?" She looked so convinced that my mother dug into her head to find out why she was so convinced she saw a real ghost. Two years earlier we had been on the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland, and all of this time she had believed in ghosts!

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My grandfather died not long after my family moved into our new home. I used to believe that my grandfather's ghost would come visit at night, like mary, from the mirror and so i'd sit at the foot of the stairs waiting for him to come talk to me.

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I used to believe that if I slept with any piece of bare skin showing from under the duvet I would die. I don't remember how I realised this was wrong, but evidently it was.

Also, my cousin told me that I would be killed by a ghost if I was still awake past midnight.

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during my first seven years, the window right next to my bed looked out onto our backyard and the railway tracks just beyond our back fence. when the window was raised it exposed a dime-sized hole in the metal screen through which i was terrifed a ghost or a hobo would crawl and "get me".

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For many years i believed that my room was filled with ghosts and they would watch me at night. Every night before going to sleep i would check beneath my bed and in my closet. I would then sleep with the blankets pulled over my head. One night i was even convinced that there was a skeleton standing against the wall and i layed in bed trying to stay as still as possible so he wouldn't kill me until morning when i realized it was just a sweater.

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My mother used to tell me that the cemetery was called the "Quiet Park." For many years I thought that ghosts played in cemeteries, but were very quiet about it.

Justin L
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When I was 5 or six I never turned the light on in the bathroom at night as I thought ghosts would be able to see me. I also didn't flush the toilet, as this would have been silly, you know as they'd hear it and know where I was. I'm not really sure why I thought ghosts lived in my bathroom

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I was 7 years old and I thought that I had a ghost who liked to play tricks on me in my house. Well, one day my mom asked me to get her some potatoes from the top of the basement stairs (where we kept them) and as I got the last potato, I slipped on a stray one and fell all the way down the stairs, getting a huge scrape down my back and bumps on my head from tossing the potatoes in my hand from shock. Sobbing my heart out, I vowed revenge on the ghost who did it!

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From the time I was 6 to 12, I always used to be so afraid of ghosts because I was (and still am) such a big horror movie fan. I would watch those movies constantly, and I dont get scared anymore, but I did then. When I went to bed, I would lay with the blankets right up to my chin and look around the room to watch for ghosts. If I heard the tiniest noise, I would put my head under the blanket. I actually thought that the blanket would protect me from ghosts, along with knives, guns, monsters. I thought that nothing could get through a blanket.

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A truly bizarre fear: I saw the Kirk Douglas movie about Vincent Van Gogh and became convinced that Vince's ghost was searching the world for a replacement ear. I couldn't go to sleep after that without having mine covered.

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I was scared of ghosts only when i was sick (i dont know why, just something about being sick and hearing and seeing things) so i convinced myself that ghosts dont want to eat sick little girls. They prefer healthy ones. But this just made me affriad of ghosts when i WASN'T sick.

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When i was little i used 2 belive we had a ghost called Fred and used 2 cry when we went on holiday because he would be on his own and might get stollen if we got broken in 2

lee dixon
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When I was 11 or so, a friend and I decided to have a seance. We drew the board, found a suitable glass, and sat down at the dining room in my house. Half way through it, the glass broke (crystal - my mom was really mad...). We called another friend, who was the school expert on all spiritual things, and she said that when the glass breaks it means the spirit is free in your house and doesn't want to leave. I was horrified.

It took me a few years before I was able to go in the dining room when I was home alone...

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When my neighbor and I were little kids, she had a bar in her basement. Behind the bar was all this alcohol, but there was a bottle of vodka, that scared us to death. There was some sticky brown substance on the front of it, and we thought the bottle housed a ghost. We never ever played close to the bar for fear that the ghost would come out and kill us. I guess that explains why I still don't drink vodka!

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When I was younger, I thought that there were ghosts in my room that came out when the lights were off. In order to make me safe, my dad would tie a bandanna around my head and that way nothing could get me. It worked...

I was around 5-6

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When I was about 9, I had some friends who found the name "Kevin Traas" scratched onto the door of an old disused toilet at school. They took this to mean that a ghost named Kevin Traas (pronounced "Kevin Trays") lived there.
At playtime they would wander round with a plastic Ghostbuster PKE meter (which they termed an "Amy Peeker") to try and catch him. He even found his way into our creative writing lessons, along the lines of
"I went to scool one day an I found Kevin Traas an he tryed to kill me but I got him with a gun and he was dead"
Our teacher couln't make head or tail of it.

St Sauverais
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When I was 5, I walked into my parents' room to see the shadow of someone lying dead on the floor. I went screaming to my mom; and when I brought her back, the person was gone.
She told me that it must have been the ghost of "the lady who turns on the streetlamps at night".
After that, I stayed afraid of the moment of when streetlamps would turn on at night.

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when i first moved to be closer to family, my older cousin told her little brother, me, and my little sister about ghosts living around us all the time. We had just built our house when we went exploring with my dad in the backyard, when we found a big bumb in the ground. Daddy said that a big bear was buried their, and in turn my cousin told us that the ghost bear was living in our cellar. the cellar is divided into two rooms: the actual hard-floor, and a carpated area where we all sit and watch tv at night. Once when i was cuddling with my mom, i saw through the cat door into the hard-wood area a glowing light. i was convinced this was the Ghost Bear.

i'm real smart.
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