i used to believe

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Since I was 4, I thought pink and blue ghosts came and stole my toys while I slept (though, usually, I misplaced them the day before and blamed it one the ghosts). I even think I saw one once. ;) Soon I made an imaginary swarm of super-strong flies to keep them away. I still pretend that they're there; Some times when I'm reeeeaaally bored I imagine them flying about. ^_^ I'm currently 12.

Evilspirit; Black Beast of the Northeast
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When I was little I had an "aunt" who was my imaginary friend. Her name was Aunt Itallyamoo (it-ul-e-ah-moo) Supposedly she cooked the best pastina in the world! She had a husband named Jack. He used to get kicked out of the car from my Aunt Itallyamoo and pee on peoples lawns. Of course he was fake also. My grandmother sent me a card that was Aunt itallyamoo and she sent me pastina! I freaked out! Jack looked like a gray haired Bob Saget :D and Aunt itallyamoo looked like the fat kid from the disney show Recess. The freaky part was....The kid who she looked like was a boy! I loved her so much! I can still see them in my mind.

I [3 Aunt Italyamoo
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I used to have a family made up of a lady, a robot and a few other characters i can't remember, all in my mind. They would never appear before me, but they'll just advise me in my mind. Sometimes, the robot would talk so loud, I had to shut my ears, but to no avail. But, they have disappeared for very long already. I guess it was my mind's way of bringing me on the right track and making good decisions as a small kid.

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I had an imaginary friend named Saiya when I was in kindergarten. We went everywhere together and having conversation like normal people.
Saiya is a boy with brown hair and always wearing red shirt and red short.
I still remember the day when Saiya's gone.
My granddad forbid me to talk with him. Of course because actually he cant see Saiya. Only me can see him and I do miss him. I hope I could meet him again.

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i used to believe that to have an imaginary friend u had to only imagine really hard once - like barney - and then they would actually appear and be your friend...mine ever lasted :(

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when i was little i had an imaginary friend named cik madot.i think it looks like a duck.well,i don't really remember it but my mom said she saw me talking alone,and when she asked who i was talking to,i simply said,of course cik madot!haha

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when i was 8 i used to have an imaginary friend named denise, we went everywher together, so i decided to make a city of them, turned out my sister told me they were fake and stopped believing. then a year ago i made another named ellie, she was my very best friend, one day she did a cartwheel on the way to school and a truck ran her over, i am very sad and now, i feel more quiter.

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When I was young, I had an imaginary friend named Margot(I would flip if you didn't pronounce it like Margo), and she lived downstairs because she was in a wheelchair until I "bought" her a rocket wheelchair that could fly her up to my room and she couldnt get out of her wheelchair, so I bought another one that reclined back because she got back problems from sleeping sitting up. Margot had a boyfriend whose name I forget. One day I blew up a balloon and drew a picture of Margot and her boyfriend. I then thought that if the balloon popped, then they'd die, so I kept it safe. Eventually, the balloon lost all of its air and Margot and boyfriend were flattened to a pancake, so I had to send them to Colarado to get them their shape back because I believed there was a big air compressor in Denver. So they walked to the airport in my backyard (it was imaginary), and they said their goodbyes, got on the plane, and they never came back. :'( I thought they filled themselves with too much air and they popped

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When I was little I had two good imaginary friends that I used to play with all the time. When they stopped coming to play with me (i.e..I grew out of it) I assumed that they must have died. My mother apparently found me sobbing my eyes out at the kitchen table. I was mourning their death for weeks...

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when i was younger i used to belive that i had a friend in my computer that would talk to me by typing to me,it all started one day when i came home from school and on my computer it said hi melody my name is jamie can we be friends? i typed yes and left to go to the bathroom. when i came back it said cool! on down it said after you type to me go to the bathroom for one minute and don't look in this room till the one minute is up! that went on for a couple of weeks till one day i came in and found my uncle typing on the computer welcome home mel, from jamie! well the jig was up!! i felt dumb!

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when i was in first grade i hade a horse.he was all black with a white mark from his forehead to his nose and from thetop of his hoof to his knee on every leg.i named him Storm.every recess day i would ride him and groom him.my best freind had a horse to.his name was Acorn.Acorn was all brown and had black hair.Acorn and Storm were best freinds.i beleived in it since first grade and i still do,and im 9.

Kali Parke
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i havee an imaginary friend named bob and he is a stick figure with no fave hair or hands.just a simple stick figure.he worked at the office and had a wife named barbara who was a stick figure like him but with hair. i started having him when i was 5 and i still have him (im 19) i order him food and introduce him to people

Eric (Bob u Rool!!!)
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I used to believe that i could talk to the wind and it could tell me the future...but none of the things "the wind" told me came true.

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I had two imaginary friends, Nadine and Suki and I would draw them all the time. They were very boring so I got to be the leader. ;)

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when i was 11 and 12 i used to have tiny faries that followed me around and i talked to them and they talked to me. I always had a bad memory and i couldnt even remember how old i was sometimes, so i was always forgetting what my faries looked like so i was always having to make up a new one.

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i used to give the alphabet and numbers genders for example a would be a girl and her best friend would be b who was a boy d always teased c since he was a scardy cat they were both boys e and f were best friends but they were both nerds h would protect i and scold g because g was there butler j kinda hid in the shawdows being mysterious k and L were best friends l was nice and k was nice but kinda preppy k was a girl and L was a boy and looked after m since he was being teased by n and m had no courage n and m are boys o is a boy also but is helpless and was perked up by p who is a girl and also perks up q since q is different and is a boy rs and t belonged to a gang but were like the 3 stooges and were all boys u was a boy and was a coward v was self concious and only thoght of herself v is a girl w was v body gaurd but not really that meanx was a science nerd and liked how nucular energy worked y kept to herself and was alot like hinata on naruto and she had a secret crush on z who was like naruto

the numbers im only going throgh 10 1 was a boy and was best friends to 2 they were like bart simpson and millhouse 3 was also their friend and was the brainy onethey were all boys and were always scolded by 4 who was 3s mom who was maried to 5 and 5 had his work buddies 6 and 7 who were all boys 8 was a boy and a coward but was cheered on for by 9 who only did that so she could have some one to do her bidding her boyfriend was 10 who was kind and also kinda jockish 0 was a ghost that just watched everyone else the negatives were the same

i know im wierd and im not gonna go in to colors k

step away from the video game consoles
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i have an imaginary friend her name is midna from the legend of zelda twilight princess. i used to have a bunch of imaginary friends that i cant even tell all of them. i sent them to pluto to find some martian buddies to hang out with. the only one i made up myself was a really ugly kid with acne named hart someone asked me if i had an imaginary friend and i said yes so i was looking 4 some thing to call him after she asked me what his name was so that was what i came up with dont blame me. after they went to pluto i got lonely so i created midna!!!!

i also belive every one has there own gaurdian angel that never shows there face much only when your really sad & lonely. mine is either a dragon thingy or dimentio from super paper mario... just cuz he kicks @ss!!!

step away from the video game consoles
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When I was a little girl, I fell secetly "in love" with people I saw on TV. For example: When I was 9, I fell in love with Harry Potter.
"We" walked together to school every day, and talked. I wasn't talking loud, because I knew he was fake - I was just thinking. It gave me a good feeling, and I were never alone.
I had a lot of fun, when I was alone then :)
Aw, I miss that feeling ...

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I wanted a dog very badly ever since I could remember. However, we lived in an apartment that didn't allow dogs. I figured that my parents didn't want to get a dog because they didn't think I was responsible enough, a common reply to many of my inquiries. I decided to prove to them that I was- I "found" a cocker spaniel puppy whom I named Spunky. She would always follow me around, even in school for a few days until she got me in trouble with some teachers. I would even put food and water out for her and leave certain spaces for her to sit. I would constantly talk to her and apologize for other people's rudeness towards her when they accidentally slammed a door on her.
My parents just thought I had an overly active imagination and told me Spunky wasn't real so cool it. I told them I knew that and would they please get me a real dog and went on taking care of her to prove my worthiness.
Funny thing, even when we finally got two dogs, I stirred up some plan that Spunky ran away because she got jealous of them even though I put out three bowls of food for awhile.

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top belief!

When I was younger I was afraid of the monster in my closet. My Mom told me to be brave, so one night I decided to make friends with this ferocious monster. It turned out that it was a baby monster named 'Little Monster', and it turns out he was just lost, and he was stuck in my closet. We became friends and went everywhere together. We would always go on adventures to find his parents, and then one day we found them, and I never saw Little Monster again.

Zach P
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