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i have an imangry friend when i am 8 named illuson she was a pink and green and she would fly and turn my sis into a monster i still have her

madison .b
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I have an imaginary friend and his name is Darkstorm. He's an electronic freak! I always say that he has millions of GBA games and a GBA. I only believe in him because one of my best friends, Rustyn Kerbs, inspired me with his imaginary friend Bob! One day when I was outside with darkstorm, 15, he "metioned" that I had to do this one thing to get past a level on my GBA. Since he's really not real, I acted like I heard him talking to me. It was so freaky when I thought I heard him "or make believed", I actually heard someone! Then to my surprise I turned around to see my next door neighbor giving me hints. I thought I heard Darkstorm talking to me. It wasn't real though,and it disappointed me. :( Even though it wasn't Darkstorm talking I still believe in him and if you people across the globe stop imagining then start imagining again! What's the point in not, nobody has to know,and you control the person you're imagining so there isn't anything that can go wrong. Well got to go DArkstorm just found out a cheat and I am going use it. Later!

Tyler Klenda
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I never had a make believe friend but my sister used to tell me I DID but he left cause I was really BORING.

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when i was 4 yrs old, i had an imaginery best friend.her name was saima. she only existed in my room.so around the house when i used to do something bad like bully my younger brother or break stuffs, i wud go to my room and tell saima what i did and she would tell me that it wasn't a good thing.she would also sometimes scold me for doing this or that. and i always listened to her.i used to think she was a real girl and i also knew how she looks like.but later when i was 12 yrs old i got to learn about this imaginery friends thing and then i got to know that saima was just an imagination of mine.now i know that though i was a naughty girl but i always knew about the goods and the bads...

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When I was in primary school the whole school had to sit in the main hall on the ground and listen to boring assembleys. So I used to sit cross legged and have thrilling imaginary conversations with my shoes. They were shiny and the light reflected off them making face like shapes. I would make the faces move their mouths and talk by wiglling my toes. I actually believed that they were real people who had come in the form of light reflections to entertain me.

Charlie girl
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When I was a child, I had an imaginary friend. His name was Sconny Implenadus. I used to tell everybody that he rode his moped from New York to California.

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When my sister was little she had an imagery friend called Roger n she used to sit in her room for hours talking to him n playing schools n stuff like that. My mum always thought she was wierd n kept trying to tell her he wasnt real but she wouldnt have any of it n continued to play with him. Eventually he left, he moved to America i think, n my mum was really happy that shed grown out of it. When my sister was 6 she came home from school n told everyone that Roger had started school and was coming for tea, my mum was horrified n kept saying he wasnt real. But it turned out Roger was actually the name of a boy who had just moved to my sisters school and he did come round for tea.

Cherry Girl
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I used to have these imagary friends. They were busisness people. So I guess that they were really imaginary buisness people. They used to ware suits. One guys name was bob and one girls name was sally or susan i forgot. The others didn't have names.

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I used to try to call my super hero friends by pulling on the outsides of my eyes to make them squinty. My parents really didn't like it when I did that.

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When I was about 4/5, my dad told me a little girl lived inside the stereo. he would put a tape in, press record and I would talk to the little girl asking her all sorts of questions including 'would you like a cup of tea?' and 'Are you coming to the park'?

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When I was about 5, I had an imaginary friend named "Baby Nobody"
She was my good bud until I became bored of her, so I decided that she broke my bike on purpose (strange I didnt notice that my bike was in perfect shape afterwards) and i made a new imaginary friend- Becky.

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When i was about 4 - 5 years of age i had an imaginary friend which was a golliwog and he used to visit me at night before i fell asleep and if i did he used to wake me up. The only problen with this imaginary friend was that i was scared of him and he made me cry everytime i saw him. He also used to leave me tiny peices of newspaper in my wardrobe every morning which i still havnt figured out why to this day

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When I was little I had 2 imaginary friends. One was a cow that lived in the bathroom floor. But he died when my mom put down new lanolium. The second didn't have a face and would run alongside the school bus on my way to school. And on rainy days he rode ontop but he was never alowed on the bus.

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When I was little I had an Imaginary friend named Jay Jay. She was a little Mermaid. She was very pretty but she told lies. She told me that Doctors eat little kids like me. So when my mother toke me to the Doctor one day. Jay Jay went with us and Jay Jay told me to run or I'd get eatten so I ran outside and I claimed a tree. Then Jay Jay came runnin out with me. It toke us 5 hours before we decide we would come out of the tree. The Doctor's Office had to call the local Police office to come and get me down. I can remember them Policemen talking to me and Jay Jay it was so funny. Then Jay Jay told me that the Policemen were strangers and since I wasn't allow to tell strangers my name...I wouldn't tell the nice Policemen what my name was....He would say "WHATS YOUR NAME SWEETHEART"? and I would say "JAY JAY SAYS YOUR A STRANGER AND I'M NOT ALLOW TO TELL STRANGERS MY NAME"!! But they did get me down after 5 hours and after that I wasn't allow to talk or see Jay Jay ever again.

Country GirL
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i used to have 2 imaginery friends called annaboogoo and bamboozlydoo and they went everywhere with me and once i thought they were really real because my mom knew about them and gave me a birthday card and present from them. they lasted from when i was 2 and 1/2 til i was 12 and 3/4. yes i no im sad

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I had a somewhat imaginery friend it was actually more like a voice in my head. It sounded like an older and british me she would know everything going on in my life and was my voice of reason and comfort me when I was sad. I also had a mean voice that sounded like an evil me and would make fun of me and put me down all the time. Surprisingly they never fought with eachother. I still hear them from time to time.

Penny Lane
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when I was young I had many imaginary friendsbut I never told anyone about them. there were three little wildcats that were less that an inch tall. they would climb all over my desk at school and would cuddle into my shirt pockets to sleep. also I knew an old asian man with a whrinkled and friendly face. he would piont things out to me when we went on walks and would oftn keep me company when I was alone for prolonged periods of time, we would sometimes laugh hystarically together at the silliest things.

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More my brother's belief: He had an imaginary childhood friend called Batty Edwards who used to come on our camping holiday to Wales each summer and stay in the tattiest old tin caravan on the whole site. My brother quite happy with his "friend" but the rest of us were frightened to death and imagined a sort of serial killer hiding out in there!

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I had a whole crowd of imaginary friends, mostly nameless apart from sisters Sally and Sallid. I remember sitting on the top of some ladders as their queen while they all bowed to me - funnily I haven't turned out to be particularly despotic. And my mum had to wait for them all to get in the car whenever we went anywhere, she'd stand there holding the door open for them all.

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When I was about six years old, I had an imaginary friend. She wasn't like most imaginary friends, mind you. I remember her well. She was a vicious dinosaur (She was nice to me, of course.) . I thought that if anyone did anything bad to me, she would become real somehow and attack the person. I told a person that she was right beside me and ready to attack them.

Attack, my friend!
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