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When I was younger (about 8ish) I used to talk to the ants on my primary school field and I also insisted that everywhere I went I had to ride on my white unicorn Uni (very original). But overall Bob and Spike have to be my favourites. Bob was a one-eyed, purple beetle with a monocle and red bow tie. Spike was a six foot flouresent green cricket who wore a red baseball cap backwards. I still have drawing of them in my room.

I'm now 16 and have lost touch with them...although I have developed a penchant for holding conversations with myself.

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When I was 5 my brother told me there was a wolf that lived on the moon. After dark if little kids were still outside, it would come out and eat them. I refused to believe the wolf could be that evil. The wolf, Moon Wolfy, soon became my friend and would ride the school bus with me.

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When I was about 4 years old, I would always grab telephones (without dialing) and listen. You know how you hear that voice saying, "Please dial a number..."? I believed that was someone called Mowday (mow as in "meow") and that she was talking to me. I would always grab the reciever of payphones while my mom was using one, and tell her about Mowday when she was finished with her call. I also used the phone at home to talk to Mowday. Next time you hear that voice, remember Mowday ;)

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my gran has this picture in her living room of 2 dogs that came from a chocolate box her mum had like and kept the picture from (? - whole other weirdness that). when i was a about3 or 4 i was convinced that they were my granda's dogs (both my granda's died before i was born)and that i really lived with him in scotland and i would tell this to anyone who would listen. i remember this so clearly and sometimes i wonder - was it real....

weird norn irish girl
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When I was ten I had a friend named Henry who i used to talk to every recess. He was a tree.

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I had two imaginary friends. One of them was half-real because he was a stuffed animal. A calico cat. The people who manafactured him named him "Chip" but I liked to call him Bennifer (a boy version of the name Jennifer). The other was a round green cute alien with big eyes and feathers named Green Snitch (because he resembled the Golden Snitch from Harry Potter.) My parents never knew I had them because I thought them in my head. I always pretended they would take me to Green Snitch's home planet called Technaria, where the buildings were all like hovering circles. Since my parents never knew, they never told me to grow up. I had them for years.

My third creation was a bad guy and not an imaginary friend. I gave my friends special powers to defeat the bad guy. He was a penguin named Brainy-Beaks III. He terrorized Technaria and kidnapped Green Snitch, turned him into chocolate and almost ate him, if it wasn't for Bennifer's lasers!

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When my brother was 3 he had 3 imaginary friends,Jimmy,Jonie,and Steabo. Where ever we went his "friends" would come with us and they would have sleepovers. Now my brother is four and he has 15. One day he told me that Jimmy died so I played along and gave him a new one and then all of his friends died and I told him that I had no more people and he cried and cried and finally I told him I found some.

Imaginary friend be holder
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My dad used to point out the reflection of his watch face(only I didn't know it was his watch face) on the ceiling and the walls and I thought it was my imaginary friend, a whale named Jeremiah. And when my parents made me mad, I'd say, "I'll tell Jeremiah on you and he'll come and get you!!!!"

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I used to have an imaginary friend, HE was a mouse, called... well mouse (Yes very imaginative, I know). I could only talk to me, I could only talk to him. The best part was on holiday in sapin once, on the beach... I had recently found out that 'Babys come form a mummys tummy'... Thats alll i had found out though, not into how it gets there... Anyways, back to Mouse, I was walking on the bach with my dad and i suddenly came out with "Dad, I have got sometbing to tell you, mousys pregnant, he's got a baby grwoing inside his tummy". Considering it was a HE this was wierd...

I also used to belive my stuffed toys were alive and they could talk to me...

Dave_the _magic_tonsil
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When I was little, I used to go up in the 3rd floor, just under the door (in the ceiling) to our attic. I used to sit very long next to the ladder, and talk to my imaginary friend up there. I only remember her being a 'she' like me, and she had some weird imagined name (like all of my stuffed animals!) - and she was the best ^^ can't remember when I stopped believing in her though.

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I used to have an imaginary friend named Chickity. I have absoulutely no idea how i came up with this name, I just knew she was very pretty. she had thin blonde hair (as opposed to my thick brown hair..), and i used to pretend that we had a tree house where we would hang out.

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i USED To beleive that cartoons were real and i made them my imageniary friends!

Shaman Queen
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My niece is three, and for the next few months will be an only child. When my sister first tried to explain to her that she would have a little brother or sister soon, she explained in great detail that she already had sisters. She tells everyone about how she has sisters, and they all have totally unpronouncable (to the rest of the family, who all speak in distinct Texan drawls) names full of rolling r's. One of her teachers at preschool is bilingual and has been teaching the children some basic Portugese (like the Spanish lessons on Sesame Street), so we think she is incorporating her Portugese lessons into her make-believe, which is really cool.

Aunt Again!
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i had an imaginary friend who lived in my babysitter's bathtub. he couldn't get out because he was severly obese. i could only talk to him while i was going to the bathroom

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When i was little i had an imaginary friend named Emile, i used to believe that he was what i would be like if i was a boy instead of a girl which is why his name is Emile because i thought it sounded like my name except for a boy. However i went a little over board with the whole imaginary friend thing when i gave my pet mouse (Nibbles) an imaginary friend/ baby named Chesley (dont ask how i got the name, i dont remember) but i always thought that she wanted to have a baby mouse so i made her an imaginary one

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I use to have an imaginary friend naned mr.boo he would eat other imaginary friends so ivenchually he turned evil so I made up a nother imaginary friend that was a scarecrow he would repel mr.boo.

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When I was younger, we lived in a pretty secluded area, and my brother and I made up invisible friends named Jerky, Nobody, Sally, Zack and Shufale [Shoo-Fall-Ay]. We made things up about them like, if you called Jerky a jerk, he called you "helmet head" in defense.

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when I was young I had an imaginary friend called mark and we used to play football together (how weird because I was the only one who could actually physically kick the football).

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when i was 5 and under i used to have an imaginary tiger and bird and i would stand there crying and pouting untill someone would talk to them and stroke them and when i was between 5-8 year old i had a bunch of wild animals that when i went into the bathroom for the toilet they would chat to me (i was scared of the sound the toilet made)

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I used to have loads of imaginary friends called aaron, rosita, sam, josie and julie. this took up a lot of space at the table!!

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