imaginary friends
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I used to believe I had a million imaginary friends, all about the size of those hobbit action figures from LOTR, and they all worked at Macs convienience store. So every time we went for a drive and passed the convienince store, I'd have to unroll the window, say goodbye to all of them (by name) and let them go to work. I would be imaginary-friendless until we passed the convieniance store again. . .unfortunatly one day we took a different route home, and I never saw sally, susie, jimmy, bobby, or any of the others again. I was heartbroken.
top belief!
I used to believe that a little ant named Sylvia lived inside my body. She was my imaginary friend, I guess...She controlled all of my bodily functions, like running the potty factory! She also went on vacation inside my yellow tri-cycle.
when i was around 4 or 5 years old i used to have a imaginary friend named tom.
He was like a shadow , i never let my mum set the table without a place for him etc
Then one day my older brother said come and show me were tom lives and near me there is a cemetary so i took my brother to were i believed tom lived n guess where i thought he lived.
yes the cemetary!!!!!
Weird eh
when i was 5 and 6, i had a imaginary friend named melanee and i went out with her brother, (i forgot his name) until he cheated on me with another imaginary friend. but the strange thing is 9 years later, my neice melanee was born. same name, and the funny thing is, they act just alike
I used to have an imaginary friend called Casper who lived in my elbow. I used to talk to him, and feed him, because he couldn't pick up the spoon himself.
Apparently, I even told my school teachers about him! None of my friends can remember him, but my mother loves to remind me of him for some reason. she just randomly starts talking abiut him!
I know I'm a bit old for this, but I currently have one. (I have had him since I was five) He never used to talk until recently, when he told me that his name was John. He seems so real, but I'm sure that he's not...or is he? *cue eerie music*
I used 2 have an imaginary friend named Bobby. My mom was really supportive about him. If i wanted him to come to dinner, mom would pull out an extra plate and chair just for him.I took him EVERWHERE!!!!! my friends finally started to grow out of him and told me i was a BABY. One day i walked in the kitchen and my mom asks " Where's Bobby Ema???" I finally told her what i thought had happened. "He went to Disneyland on Vacation."........ He never came back.....I LOVE U BOBBY!!!!
I had an imaginary friend names "Bigey Little". He lived in my ear and he could change size, from very very tiney to very very large.
When I got older my cousin asked if she could have "Bigey Little" and so one day I had him come out of my ear and go into hers where he's lived happily ever after.
when i was about 7 i walked in the living room of my grandparent's house and found my five year old cousin crying really hard in the middle of the room.(real tears and everything). when i asked her what was wrong, she told me that her imaginary boyfriend broke up with her! she's always been really boy-crazy.
when i was 4 i had an imaginary friend named mary. she was my absolute best friend in the world. one time i was playing outside with my brother and sister and mary was sitting on the curb watching. well i looked over again and she was gone! i asked where she went and my brother thought i was talking about a ball we had been playing with so he responded with "i kicked it down the drain"....i didn't talk to him for a long time....but i never found out where mary really went??
top belief!
I once had an imaginary arch-nemesis called Daywood. He was nothing more than a lopsided pattern of squares that made up his face, but he had his own dimension and legions of robotic demons and stuff. He scared the crap out of me from when I was about one and a half until I was about eleven.
He was everywhere!
my imaginary friend is called mooky, mooky the donkey! I keep gettin' annoyed with him for spillin' my cerial all over the blinkin' table! Its great havin' imaginary friends 'coz when I accidently spill/break anything I blame it on mooky!!!
I not only had imaginary friends (I made them up 'cause it was cool to have an imaginary friend, i didn't really believe in them), i had imaginary pets! (I did believe in them!) Let's see if i can remember thier names...
Rainbow and Starry the Unicorns
Blacky the labrador (I shared her with my friend Gabby, who could also see her)
...And a whole lot more...
When I was little(like 5) I had TONS of imaginary friends. There was Rainbow bear, rainbow puppy, uni(unicorn) and super name a few. I would tell my parents how I felt through my friend(i.e. uni feels sad.). then my mom would say, oh, then I'll take uni to the zoo so she'll be happy. so I stoped doing that. Over time my friends faded away(mom, super puppy has to save the world and isn't coming back)ya...i was weird. i still am.
Currently, I am 14. When I was around 3, I had at least 3 imaginary friends. Jezzel, Kader, and Star. I don't know why, But Jezzel was a hamster, Kader was a dog and star was a fairy. On my 5th birthday, Jezzel and Kader were sitting in a big chair, and my friends sat on them! I was so upset, and Star, who was the one I hate the most, Had survived. To the day, Star sleeps on the top of the headboard of my bed and gos with me to school, hiding in my pocket or in my purse. sometimes I'll say "Star wants some pizza" and my firneds will look at me insnaely.
top belief!
when me and my little sister were about 4 and 5, she had an imaginary friend named "rosie". i was so jealous, bcuz i thought she actually had an invisable friend that only she could see. so one time we were on vacation at a house on a lake. i was outside by the lake and when she came outside i told her i had pushed rosie in the lake. she started crying and my mom made me go out in the lake and find rosie. i must say it took me a long time...
I used to have several invisible dogs, my first being an Irish Setter named Sinnomin--no, not 'Cinnamon'. Once I began horseback riding lessons, a number of invisible horses lived in my backyard. However, now I am left with Sinnomin, Dash the paint horse, a pack of wolves who visit occasionally, and the ever faithful Padfoot. (No, Padfoot is not Sirius Black, just named after him.) ...I am 14 years old, and still believe firmly in my invisible--not imaginary--friends.
In my house there has always been the same person running about: Not Me. He was never much of a friend as you can imagine, but he was VARY active. No one got along with him and I honestly don't want to even talk to him. Not Me is very mischievous, when something go's wrong it was always Not Me's fault. Latly though he sees to have calmed himself, but my things still go missing sometimes...
I used to think I had a serial killer as a friend... Thats why i never let him by my cereal... His name was "Pete Killerr" I dont know where i got that name from, anyway, i always ate unde rthe table, because Pete, "annoyed" me.
And uhm... well thats it really... It's stupid, but... hehe.
I have an imaginary friend named
Scott Leadready also known as
Spot Helperman.Scott ben with me since I was 10 years old.
I have imanginary friends of my own.Most of them are from tv shows.
I had my imaginary friends since I was 7 years old and I am now 11 years old.
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