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imaginary friends

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I had these imaginary friends, although i don't remember playing with them or anything. i supose they were more like imaginary observers they used to live in taps and they were called Bass Bass and Dump. I was never really sure what they were exactly kind of a cross between citrous fruit (oranges and lemons that sort of thing) and cutlery. I think i was influenced by hey diddle diddle and this little plastic orange man i had.

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this was my little sister who had all these imaginary friends and she named them all by her name, Kate, except they all had different colored hair. So, one day my mom asked her why she had done something bad and her explaination was "I didn't do it, it was Kate with the red hair" it was the topic of discussion for quite a while cause it made my mom laugh.

una persona
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Once when my mother was waking my sister up in the morning, my sister jumped when my mom touched her.
"I'm sorry I scared you," my mom said.
"It wasn't you that scared me, it was all the other people in here," was my sister's half asleep, matter-of-fact reply.
The scary thing was that she was 17 at the time.

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Well me, I didn't just have one friend, oh no! I had an entire world! I used to pretend to visit it all the time. It was kinda sad.

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i used to have an imaginary friend named Jack...and everytime i went for a ride in a car i would pretend he was chasing behind the car so noone sat on him or something..he was a big brown monster..then one day i decided he was boring so i said he moved away. He was mean cause he started looking like me and mocking me. Wow as i type this i realize he was the big monster from Muppets Meet Manhatten. Hehe

Steve A Moo
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Ok now in school in 2nd grade we used to have literacy centers and one of them was a games center that you were supposed to play with your group at least twice.my teacher saw my friend William playing by himself(he was in 1st grade i was in a multi-age class) and then she asked him "William who are you playing the game with ?" and he sad "My imaginary friend Fred!and everyone in the class started laughing at him and my teacher said "You're too old to have an imaginary friend!"and to this day i asked him "Hows Fred?" and I pretend to punch and kick Fred.

Fred doesnt exist william!
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when i was little i used to beleive that i was some kind of animal or another. for the longest time i was a half-sheepdog half-dalmation, with rainbow heart shaped spots and my name was heartlove-rose. i was convinced that this was my true form and that i turned into a girl whenever anyone was around. before that i beleived that i was a blue and yellow macaw parrot named cricket, after i had seen such a bird on vacation. i had a huge basket that was my nest and i would sit in it with my stuffed parrot.
i also had an imanginary siamese cat named thermos who liked to catch hummingbirds but didn't hurt them, and a puppy named Otto who was my best friend when i was the sheepdog-dalmation thing. otto and i had all kinds of lovely adventures like the time we busted a guy for making a u-turn at the no u-turn intersection. My parents also tell me that i had an imaginary friend named lambert, but i don't remember much about him. whenever i hear the name i do think of a boy with a sheep's head, with like a white curly fro-thing for hair.
i was a pretty imaginative kid.

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I wanted an imanginary friend. But not a person, I wanted a dog. I got my imanginary dog,Wolf, from the "Imanginary Dog Pound" and I loved Wolf so much that I made him a leash out of tinfoil. Then when I got sick of taking care of Wolf, I let him in the street and he got hit by a car.

Molly, Who is cool,
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When I was younger I loved Pokemon (haha)! I had the gameboy game, the posters and the cute pikachu gameboy carrier - its true. My friend and I used to think Pokemon were invisible and they were in our world! I had a pikachu and a togapi she had a ninetales. One day I went to my music lesson (with pikachu and togapi) and on my way back I realised that I had left Togapi in my classroom. I cried for ages cos I thought my teacher would have stolen her!!!

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Used to believe? I still have imaginary friends! Of course a few years of having them and I got it through my head they couldn't like, lift things or be detected by other people, but there's really no reason to stop believing that they're there.

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Most of us had an imaginary friend that we played with. Mine was a bit more complicated and bordered on some multiple personality disorder.

When it was imaginary friend time, I BECAME that friend. His name was Danger (pronounced Dain-JAH, yeah yeah keep laughing).
So I was Danger, and Wes was the disembodied figment of my imagination beside me that I played with and carried on conversations with.
Does anyone follow me on that?

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Odd, But I still have imaginary friends (two of them) and I'm sixteen! Life's just more fun with Billy Joe & Jay and the odd looks we get when I tell that to people. Billy Joe come around to my school when I was in the 8th grade, near the end. He was friends with my best friend's imaginary friend, Bob. I even wrote an english paper on him and why people, even if they're older than seven, should have imaginary friends. Jay come at the beginning of 9th grade and is mute. Oo;;; He just stands in the corner most of the time while Billy Joe makes a fool of himself.

And the most suprisingly is none of my friends or family (besides my mom) think it's odd. *shrugs* Oh well.

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When my older sister was younger she had this imaginary friend that lived i her fist. I cant remember his name it was something weird though, like nallywag i think, anyways, one day he got married and there wasnt enough room in her fist anymore so they moved into the electrical socket. She always used to sit and look into the socket and talk to them. She did that untill we moved out.

Christine Valente-Gibsons
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when I was 6 I made up a little sister, Lisa, and I just told everyone she had spilled invisible paint on her and that's why no one could see her

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When I was little, I had an imaginary friend, named Stacy. She dressed like she lived in the 80's, ya know, with the ponytail on the side of the head, wearing all bright pink and stuff (she was 8 years old) She would always walk me home from school, and fly away until the next day.

Mary S.
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when i was about 5 i had an imaginary friend named bob. Bob and i would walk at the beach and have ice cream and then when i still believed in him he walked in front of a tracktor trailer and died.

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This is gonna sound sad.....
When I was just finding my feet in high school, I suddenly found myself apart from all my friends, so I made up this guy called Jack who I could talk to telepathically. At first we just talked, then I began to think I was mad so I forgot him, then he came back cos I missed him, and I really believed in him. I was 14!!!! LOL if only my friends knew........

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When i was little, i had an imaginary friend name Sarah.I would take her everywhere...and one time we went to a catfish resturaut and i was arguing with her very loud about who's going to who's house."no!you're going to MY house!" i would say."no!you're going to MY house!" she would reply.everyone around my family and i stared and giggled thinking it was cute!

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Okay, this is somewhat odd. I had an imaginary friend until I was like... 7 or something... Her name was Shadow. Guess what!? SHE WAS MY FRICKING SHADOW! I used to pretend to follow her around (so I was following myself around, which is kinda hard to do if you really think!) and play games with her. We would be spies and steal candy from "The Evil Spies" and all that happy crap. Now I know how fun I am.

Katie Wallick
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top belief!

When I was a little girl, I had an imaginary place called "Cat Land" in our backyard, and when my friends and I entered the backyard we would turn into cats. Being the bossy little girl that I was, I insisted that my friends and I go to the bathroom outside, since that's what a real cat would do. My mother, who happened to notice our "cat droppings" one day, exclaimed, "That big dog is getting into our yard again and crapping behind the shed!" LOL, 15 years later and I still don't plan on telling her what that really was!

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