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imaginary friends

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i had one imaginary freind who was a three headed dinosaur.
one day i decided it would be fun to split the three heads into seperate bodies.The first head was a general raptor-type personality.
The second a nicer personality.
then finally a cutesy and kinda clueless one!
I drew them every where... but then they were back as one 3 headed raptor again.. I still cant get rid of him/ them to this day.

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I had two imaginary friends, KeeKee and Lottie. I would tell my family on a daily basis what me and my imaginary friends had done that day. I can remember sitting in my parents station wagon in the driveway pretending to drive. KeeKee and Lottie were in the backseat fighting, so I would have to pull the car over and spank them both. It was a lot of work taking care of those two.

Karin Lyn
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My little sister ,Sarah,now 8,had belived for along time she could travel to there houses.Very odd method..

We'd grab a sleeping bag,crawl inside,crawl out and spin in twelve circles.We we're supposed to be there.She went far enough to try to rearrange our furniture...oddly enough I belived her for a short time....

Rachel K.
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A friend of mine used to have an invisible friend. the invisible friend was a lizard, called Lizzie. Lizzie went everywhere with my friend. then one day, as my friend was on the bus (Lizzie running alongside the bus in the road because she had no bus fare), and Lizzie the Lizard was run over by a mini. My friend has had a severe vendetta against minis ever since. tee hee.

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I used to have three imaginary friends called Phineas(Finny), Elwin(Leper) and Brinker. Finny was my childish side. Leper had all my fears and Brinker was my conscience. One day I imagined I pushed Finny off a tree. Then my friend Brinker gave me a trial but Finny, with a broken leg, ran out of it and slipped on marble steps. He died because a piece of bone marrow got stuck in his heart. This happened when I was 5. Leper went crazy and died going to war when I was 13. Brinker however stayed until my 18th birthday.

Gene Forrester
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I hated going to sleep at night in the dark, all alone..until one evening a very kindly giant carefully stepped over all the buildings in my city to gently lift my entire house and rock me to sleep...zzzzz

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One year ago,my grandpa died in his sleep. My lil sis who is 5 now, had an imanginary friend named 'Reese'(rhymes with greasy). Then one day close agter grandpa's funeral, She was outside, and I came out, and she was so sad. And i was like, "juliana, whats wrong?" and her reply was "Reese died in her sleep."
We had a funeral too. So sad!

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I used to have an imaginary friend named Marcho, he was a little boy that always wore a long sleeved red and white stripped shirt with blue overalls. Marcho and I used to have races and play competative games in my front yard, he would always loose. But he wasnt a sore loser, infact i think that he let me win half the time, but good for him. Hopefully now Marcho is with another little girl racing in the front yard.

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top belief!

I used to believe that I had an arch nemesis. An opposite of me. His name was Semaj, mine backwards. But I'd never actually seen him because he could transform into ANYTHING, except my next door neighbours 3 on their letterbox. I never found out what happened to him.

Arch Nemesis
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I had this imaginary friend named Calvary. Calvary was a punk/goth even though i was 6, and had never been exposed to that "scene" i saw her as a purple/green haired (depending on her mood) girl, with piercings everywhere. I held her hand everywhere, including to church. Her parents owned a huge famous zoo, and i could go play with their animals anytime i wanted. Then one day she moved to Poland.

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When I was little I had an imagenary friend who had crabs. His name was Bobo and one day he got ran over with a bus and then molested by a compaq presario computer. I miss her so much.

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top belief!

When I was like 4 or 5 I wasnt social and I like to talk to my imaginary friends (out loud). My sister hated it and decided to tell me one day if I kept talkin to myself that I would catch this disease called "Aintlifegrand" (she said it so fast it sounded like a real diagnosis). She said that your legs would be your arms and your arms would be your legs and your eyes would fall out. then everyday you would knock on peoples door and say "AInt LIfe grand?" I was so scared and i never talked to my "friends" again.

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When I was little I had an imaginary friend named Junglerye, but the thing was he would only be with me when we went to Disneyland; especially on the Jungle Ride.

Kyle Scott
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When I was little, I used to have this imaginary friend named Tar, and I would talk to her whenever I looked in the mirror. Sometimes when she decided not to be in the mirror, I would just stand around and argue with her and there would be much telling to shut up. Sometimes I think that Tar decided to become my consience.

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When I was around 4th grade, I made up a little cat named Diana. She sat on my head all day long. One of my friends in the gifted program that I saw once a week had an imaginary dog that followed him everywhere. Everytime I saw this guy I would grab Diana off of my head and protect her because his imaginary dog would come up and eat her. This happened a couple of times. I got mad at him and I would kick his imaginary dog and stroke my dear Diana. o_o;

I don't like cats.
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When iI was like 4,5,6 and possibly 7 i had this imaginairy friend named 'Occa'! The weird thing was i only talked to her when i was on the toilet, not any other time.

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When i was little, about 6-7 i had an imaginary friend called sally.
she was a pink dragon :)
but one day she had to go meet her mummy dragon and become a cloud.
i actually believed this, so firmly that i punched my mother when she laughed about it when i told her.

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Whenever I was in the car I'd pretend it was being chased by the Bomb Rat. I used to have pet newts, and they would eat these little cubes of "freeze-dried tubifex worms". I thought that whole concept was really fascinating, and it wound up the Bomb Rat's favorite food.

As we drove, blocks of this fish-food would fall from the sky into the Bomb Rat's mouth until he swelled into a sphere. His tail then became a fuse and he would roll after the car, ready to explode. He wasn't bad, though.

Jonathan Franz
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I remember when I was about 6 I had an Invisible friend when I was 8 I totally forgot about her but one night I had a dream that I met her again she had found her name and wasn't invisible anymore she told me that I was her best friend and always would be when the dream ended I just started crying feeling guilty for ever forgetting my very first friend who had stayed with me for so long.

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When I was younger, and first started going to school. I developed like an imaginary big brother type of imaginary friend. I think his name was Mike, and the idea was that he'd protect me. Probaly because I felt vunerable after this 1st grade teacher made me apologize to a bully at school, I slammed into a locker.

Also when I was younger I would think my stuffed animals were real. And that if they weren't all on my bed, or I didn't sleep with all of them, the ones I didn't sleep with would feel neglected.

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