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imaginary friends

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i had an imaginary friend named stanley. he was a venus flytrap. i thought he came from venus. he had legs and arms and eyes and a tail and - get this - greasy black hair. i was weird.

The Doom Cat
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When I was little, I had 10 imaginary friends. I was also a messy child, and refused to belive that I was the one who messed up my room. I blamed it on my imaginary friends. One day, when I was about 7, my dad told me I was grounded untill my room was clean. I got so pissed that I threw all 10 imaginary friends out the window. After that, I had no more imaginary friends.

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My brother used to have imaginary friends named donk and ponk. They were twin donkeys, but I don't remember which one was a boy and which was a girl. They would gaurd the house whenever we went somewhere so all four of us, (me, my brothers and sister) would shout out, "Bye Donk and Ponk," as our dad pulled out of the driveway.

I remember when I was about seven, my brother, the creator of donk and ponk, hadn't mentioned them for a while, like a couple years, we asked him what happened to them, he told us that they had tragically died bunjee jumping off of the Calgary tower without a bunjee cord.

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i used to be obsessed with Pokemon when i was 7,& my favorite was Eevee.she was 1 foot tall,had chocolate brown fur, and big black eyes.id hang out and talk to & about her.id tell my friends what she would say to them, but 2 of my cousins made fun of me, so i said goodbye.

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I had piles and piles of imaginary friends, in fact i think i had a whole imaginary neighbourhood complete with imaginary enemies. i don't remember the imaginary friends but i do remember one imaginary enemy was called Cherie, my parents thought we (my siblings and i, not me and my imaginary friends) were so weird!

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I had an imaginary freind named Lisa, who was my daughter who came from the future to alter my past. She would never tell me who my wife was going to be, and once she tried to kill me. She returned to the future when she found out I was the wrong guy... I watched too much Sci-Fi junk...

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When my sister and I were younger, we used to believe that we had imaginary cats called Fred and Bread (mine was Fred... Bread was my sister's). We would run around the backyard holding our 'cats'.
The strangest thing was, my sister would often 'eat' her cat, Bread. He would then regenerate... She's a little weird...

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When I was a kid, I used to have three imaginary friends... Dina, Mina, and Coona. They looked like Cabbage Patch Kids, and were about three feet tall. One had brown hair, one blonde, and one red. They used to run around my grandmother's house making trouble happen right in front of me!

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I had 3 "boyffriends" when i was little (like, about, 7). they were guys named Joe, Moe, and Quinten. They were always fighting over dating me. One week i went out with Joe the next with Moe. I ended up dumping Joe and Moe. I dated Quiten because he was the "cutest". We got "married" after our 3rd date. ha ha ha.

Joi (pronouced Joy not joo.)
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I saw her in a dream at age 7 and called her angel. She is the most beautiful image I've ever held onto. I've been searching for her ever since.

Tommy B
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I have a imaginary friend Bob. He loves baseball. He either playes it or watches it. He playes in tournaments and plays for the Centre Cougars. His favorite teams are the Cubs and the Braves. He was born on Aug. 16, 1991. Well thats my friend Bob. If you read this tell him Bob said hi.

Rustyn Kerbs
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The only thing i ever believed in was my imaginary friend, jonny rose, who lived in morley. i used to pick up the phone and try to call him when i was little!

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i used to have 3 imaginary friends called Ginger, Fred and Betty. Ginger was my husband. I used to talk about him to my nursery teacher. 'Yesterday me and Ginge did this...'

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i not only had one imaginary friend...i had 5. gapa, jhon (couldn't spell john), mark, timothy and timothy (they were twins). jhon was my best friend. when i was 8...they all died except for jhon who went to magic school.

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When I was three I would bring two imaginary mice to the dinner table with me every night. I have no idea what had gotten into me.

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When i was a kid i had an imagionary friend called scamp, every time i did any thing bad, i would blame scamp. eventually my parents got so sick of it my dad told me that scamp got stood on by the Big Friendly Giant, i cried and cried and held a funeral for him... sad isn't it?

scamp mourner
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When I was younger I used to have make believe friends. One day my mom said thatthose people you might just meet some day and see reality by a past time kid thing.

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when i was little no one could convince me that i didn't have an imaginary friend who lived in the mirror who had a white mom and a black dad my mom thought i was crazy but one night she walked into her room and i sitting on her bed looking in the mirror talkin she said "who are you talking to" and i said "debrick, can't you see him!" she jus turned around and said "whatever you think bran"

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I once had an imaginary friend whom i named 'Almira'. Her skin was completely green, her hair was green and she wore a long green dress. One day on a particularly long car journey i had a nasty argument with her. It resulted in me pushing Almira out of the window, and her being crushed to death under the wheels of the car. For months afterwards i was racked wih guilt, and thought i would be locked up for murder!

Lizzie W
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I didn't have an imaginary friend when I was litte. My daughter who is 3 has just picked up her first imaginary friend named "sweety pie". Sweety pie travels with her, she buckles her in the seat bealt when we get in the car. This is new for me and wierd!!!!

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