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i had a imaginary friend named Shilly when i was about 2 or 3. she had red hair in pigtails, wore polkadots and only at cheese. i would always talk to shilly and she would come on walks with my mom and i. then one day, my family was at the mall and shilly accidently fell down the crack near a large water fountain. and that was the last time i saw her. or imagined her. its funny how strange lil kids can be.

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I actually had an entire imaginary society, Project Reality. The "project" we were trying to accomplish was to create another world to live in when we got tired of Earth (read: ASAP). We had some pretty elaborate schemes, involving portals and time travel and whatnot, in hidden areas in various wooded areas.

A few of the project's members, if I remember correctly: Annie Dinny, who was my age and my best friend; Andro Gene, whom I eventually married; Jack Dodger, the six-inch-tall elf who kept the library; and Paul McCartney. I'm not sure why he got involved. I must have been an odd child.

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I had an imaginary friend when I was little. My imaginary friend was my washcloth in the bathtub. I would make him swim around all over the place and his name was Towlie.

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I had a imaginary friend named Head-head ( I must have benn the weirdest child) he was a professional tightrope walker in the circus. I scared my parents plenty of times by climbing high and walking on the edge. I thought I was safe cuz Head-head was with me.

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I used to believe that we were all just part of Alvin the Chipmunk's dream. I constantly tip toed around the house because I thought if I woke him up, "the end" would come and would fulfill the prophecy. (My parents were religous freaks.)

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I had two imaginary friends called Sally and Jane. They would sit either side of me in the car and slept in the bottom bunk of my bed. They wore matching dungarees and coloured t-shirts just like me. The wierd thing is that I really, really believed they were there!

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i used to have an imaginary friend called emily and one day we went out and i asked if i could take emily and my mum said who is emily and i said my best friend and she says no so i tured round and said no to her and my mum said oh right emily oh ok sure she can come but then my mum ended up sitting on her and this was when i was 4 years old and i was very upset but now i am 13 and i have a new imaginary friend called bob

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After seeing the film drop dead fred i always used to see him every where i went. He seemed so real and acted as mad as rik mayall. I even made a mud pie in the garden with him and he taught me bad language.

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I used to believe, when I was 5 or 6 that planes used to come and set down in my backyard and take me for rides. I would go inside and tell my Mother about my "plane ride" in full detail and convinced myself that it really happened!

Jessica D.
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My mom used to tell me I had a brother named Irving. She would hug him and tell him how much she loved him whenever I wouldn't come to her. A vase ended up broken one day. When she asked me what happend I told her Irving did it. Haven't seen him since.

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i used to believe that there were little people living in the air conditioner vent and whatever i did they were doing the same thing so if i went to my friends house they went to their friends house if i played a game they played the same game etc.

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i had an imaginary bear who's name was woka. i had him for nearly 3 years. I don't remember how i met him, but he used to live in our chook pen, until one day it burnt down so he had to come and live in our house. i don't remember that much about him, except for when my parents tell me stories about what we did together.

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When I was around 4-5 I had two imaginary friends named Schaffer and Kaffer. They were twin Russian boys who had a magical submarine, and together we would go searching for "The Ruby of the Black Forest. I have vivid memories of floating down a river in a creepy forest on top of a submarine, even though I'm pretty sure it never really happened. I once invited my grandfather along, and he in return he gave me what he said was the real Ruby - a plastic turtle with a bright red rhinestone on its back. Kaffer, who was the "bad boy" of the twins, told me it wasn't really the Ruby but I should pretend it was so I didn't dissapoint my grandfather.

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When my uncle was little, he had 3 imaginary friends who always "got" him into trouble. Thei'r names were Onk-ink, Zaif, and Johnny Catalog. (?) My grandma caught him shoving a stick down a kitten's throat once and his reply was: "Johnny Catalog made me do it!"

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When I was little, I used to always want horses, but my mom always said no. So I pretended to have a horse. People would wonder what I was doing when I used to swing my leg up in mid air, and jump. I would just say "I am getting on my horse" Then I would pretend to ride this "horse" around in public. I would make horse noises, and get on and off it. My parents thought it was cute, before I got carried away, and started a "farm" of horses, and started selling them.

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I was about 3 yrs old when my dad took me down in the basement because of a tornado. My dad ran upstairs for some reason or another and left me by myself in the large basement-sitting on a reclining lawn chair (I do remember being scared)! I don't remember this part, but he said he came back downstairs and found me chatting away with new "friends". That must have been my way of calming my fear. He said (and I do remember this par) that every night afterwards, I would make him open up the basement door and I'd holler good night to all of my "friends". My dad says when we moved from the house I told him that they weren't coming with us because they liked where they lived.

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My mother used to tell me that there was another world called the dopple-ganger world which was exactly the same as this world with people doing exactly the same things as we did on this world. There was another me and another mum on the dopple-ganger world having this exact conversation at this exact time.

She told me that the dopple-ganger world was the real world, and this world was just a simulation.

She also said that whenever we went on holidays the dopple-ganger gods got really angry because they had to do extra work making the simulation. (Normally they just had to simulate our house, school, the supermarket etc...)

I never really believed her, but I thought that was a pretty twisted thing for a mother to say to her daughter.

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When I was four, I had an imaginary friend. Naturally, it was a purple cow that looked (ironically) like the calf on the milk cartons.

One day, my mother--who was totally unaware of my dealings with THE cow--came and sat down in my room while I was chatting away. I turned around when she said something and was extremely shocked to find that she had sat on my purple cow, and, in effect, had deflated her. You can only imagine how angry I was with my mother.

Things did pan out though. After all, purple cows come back to life, and mine did an hour later.

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I used to believe when I was a child that little, transparent people really exist and they live between us, but only a few people can see them. One of my friends told me that she can see them and their home is in an old tree in the park where we used to play. One day she gave me an empty bottle and she said that one of these little people is in that. So I have to give him food and drink every day, talk to him and then, maybe one day he shows himself to me. But it never happened...

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