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top belief!

When our oldest boy was 5, we bought him a bow-tie, in a brown paper bag, for his first school concert, but his little brother cried because he'd missed out on a present.
In a moment of desperation, we told him, "There's no need to cry, your present is still in the bag."
Of course, the bag was empty, but we told him that only Mommies and Daddies could see the little Fresh-Air inside.
Well, we had that little Fresh-Air doing somersaults, jumping in and out of the bag and all sorts of circus tricks.
He carried that crumpled little brown paper bag around for months, showing it to envious friends and to grown-ups with looks of barely strangled laughter on their faces. We had to warn family in advance that the Fresh-Air was being brought for a visit.
Things came to a head 6 months later when he realised that nobody was feeding the Fresh-Air.
We told him, "He's eating the inside of the paper bag"...
"But there's no holes in the bag", said he, triumphantly...
"But it only eats the inside of the bag", we shot back...
That bought us another couple of weeks. He swears blind now that he twigged it straightaway.
We all know different...

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top belief!

I used to have an imaginary friend who went everywhere with me. We had just moved and my mom was talking to a new neighbor, and I came running up to her crying because my imaginary friend was stuck in the fence and couldn't get out. I made her come to the fence and pull my imaginary friend off.

Another time, we were in a store and we went to the checkout. After we left and were walking home, I started crying and screaming. My imaginary friend was still at the checkout sitting by the cash register. My mom had to go back into the store, lift my imaginary friend off the counter, and walk out of the store with it.

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top belief!

when I was around 5 or 6 I had an imaginary elementary school class...they all had distinct personalities and went everywhere with me. (Ruby was the bad one, Penelope was the good one, Tommy and Toby were twins, Annika and Clarence were in wheelchairs, etc.) There were approximately 15 in all. I would write up lesson plans, administer severe discipline, and carry on full conversations with them in public places. I was a weird kid. Oh, and, of course, their music teacher was John Lennon. :)

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top belief!

When I was very small, I conjured myself an imaginary friend whom I named Rufus (though I've no idea why). I never told ANYONE about him, he would always ask me not to, I always thought he seemed really frightened at the prospect of anyone other than me knowing of him. Rufus was always changing his age, he was the same guy all the time, just at different stages of his life. He would be a tiny kid, same age as me wanting to play in the dirt and tell me silly stories about horrid things that REALLY lived in wombat holes, or a teenage kid who knew all about cricket and always watched me play, or this kind of 20-30 something scrawny adult, scruffy, unshaven, dishevelled - but who knew EVERYTHING and looked after me whenever I was scared of something. Very occasionally he would appear as an extremely old guy who had lived so long that any questions I had about dragons were adequately answered due to his first hand knowledge of this 'ancient species'.

I did have a sister so I can't really claim him as a sibling substitute, and really have no idea what part of my mind decided I needed an imaginary friend, but I loved Rufus dearly and even once I knew he really didn't exist I kept on pretending, just to cling on so he wouldn't be a complete non-entity (as I assumed he would be if I let him slip into obscurity.) I'm nearly 19 now and I still bring him out and dust him off every now and then just to make sure he still lives (And, I think because it has become psychologically reassuring)

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top belief!

I used to have 3 imaginary friends- 1 girl(Ashley) and 2 boys(Peter and Jon).
The girl didn't like me, because they were girls and I didn't think girl liked girls (catty-factory I guess) So we always got into fights.
Peter didn't like me because Ashley was prettier and Jon was always talking to me about liking Peter. Then, one day Ashley and I got in a fist fight and I actually came out of it with bruises (god knows how...)
After that, they all left.

Black-eyed Rose
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I was born in 1947, and for the first seven years of my life had an outside toilet, which really frightened me.It was dark, cold & lonely so I invented three friends who could come with me, David, Dennis & Helen. I kept these friends for many years & mother was so worried she actually went to the Doctors about me. He said it was because at that time I was an "only" child.

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until the age of about 4 years, i believed that little peope (elves) lived at the bottom of my bed. Only i could see them, and they only came out after dark. They had a world world on the bottom of my bed, with farms and schools and houses. They had special hats wich allowed them to fly up to me. some world tiggle my toes and feet while they worked on the farm. Others would sit on my knee and tell me things about every thing. they were always friends and i was never scared.

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When my sis and I were younger, we would play make-believe mermaids. One day one of our mermaids was having a baby, so we had a lengthy discussion on mermaid reproduction. Obviously they couldn't have a baby the "normal" way, pooping one out (lol- I don't know why so many people believed this), because they had no legs. (Of course we had fish and had seen them poo, but...) So it would have to come out their mouths, as that's the only other way to get something out of their stomach. I said they must have vomited them up, and she agreed, but we decided that was way too disgusting. They didn't lay eggs like fish because they were half-people, so because they were magic they could burp up a bubble with the baby inside (it would grow in the bubble, after it came out of her mouth). Never looked at bubbles in the same way again. We really elaborated on this, and decided that after it started to grow she could sing a magic song and decide how it would look and what age it would be when the bubble popped, if she just wanted to skip it being a baby altogether and have an 8-year-old.

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When me and my sisters were younger and afraid of the dark, my mum told us that imaginary creatures called 'biddies' would line up at the end of our beds to look after us in the nite. They were triangular in shape with little faces. They got me thru the nite for years!!! I also used to draw them all the time and ask my mum if that is what they looked like, to which she would say yes. Thanx mum!!!

Jude Horrocks
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After I had a dream about a small white dog, I turned him into an imaginary friend. I went around telling the other kids that I had an invisable dog! i got very upset when my mom didnt believe me. Some of the kids seemed to kind of believe me though.

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I used to have an imaginary friend as a kid called Mick and I used to shout at my parents not to stand on him (cos they almost did all the time) cos he was only about a foot tall and he used to tell me to pick rubbish up in the street to keep him alive. I stopped doing it and he disaapeared over time :( goes to show its all psychological

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i used to have a n imaginary friend who would only appear when we were onl ong car journeys and would jump along outside the car as we went along. he wasn't aloud to touch the floor and he wasn't allowed to stop, but he could jump for miles! lol@me,

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top belief!

When I was little (but considered too old for an imaginary friend) I saw Harvey (an old classic movie) and saw that this 30 year old man had an imaginary friend and he was his BEST FRIEND! What a deal, I thought. So, I adopted Harvey. I don't know how, he just appeared to me. I was in 4th grade at the time and he was my best friend. We use to play dress up, but to everyone else I was just a crazy little girl in the supermarket dressed up like Cinderella (he was the beast). I'd even do my homework with Harvey. He was my best friend. He read me "The Catcher in the Rye." I'm still convinced he was real, because I myself have never read The Catcher in the Rye, but I know the WHOLE story.. Fishy!

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I used to believe that my imaginary pals lived in two places and I would talk to them when I visited. My friends were called The Shaggy People, purely because they had very long fur! They were green, red, blue and yellow and looked a bit like Muppets. Except all you could see of them was their long fur, eyes and feet. They lived in the school toilets on the wall there and also in the waiting shelter on the platform of Brough Railway Station.When I was on a train going through Brough they would line up on the platform to greet me.

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my imaginary friend was the cheshire cat (as in from Alice in Wonderland). He always used to pop up and give me riddles, an tell me to do stuff (which i always did, even if it was naughty....i mean would you argue with a cat with a mouth that size??) When people asked me what i wanted to be when i grew up, i always said the cheshire cat...he was my inspiration :P

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I had 2 imaginary friends, they were cowboys called Tommy and Jackson. Tommy was an eldery cowboy, and Jackson was a young man. They wore jeans and checked shirts with leather waist-coats. We watched The Lone Ranger together. Ahhh those where the days!

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when I was seven i thought that that tingling feeling when the skin on your face tightens was my imaginary friend. I called it spirit and used to talk to it when i was at school. (I'd seen the tempest on tv and thought i had an aerial like that).

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top belief!

My imaginary friends were three little dragons - one red, one green and one purple. The purple one was the pest and I was always having to "clean up after it". My mum only persuaded me not to bring them shopping with us by saying that the No Dogs sign meant No Dragons as well.

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When I was younger I had an imaginary guy friend named Jonny. Jonny was a sailor, and he was mean. When I did something wrong I would tell them that Jonny mad me do them.

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I used to have two imaginary fiends who both looked like Jerry out of Tom and Jerry. One was Diggy (who was red) and one was Gog (Blue). Gog was responsible for anything that was broken/eaten/ruined and Diggy would always tell him off. Diggy was also there to back me up when telling my parents that Gog had done everything. I swear they could see him but blamed me anyway.

Paul N
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