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My younger brother had an invisible friend called "Bungbing" (Because it kept "coming" to see him but he couldn't say coming) I got jealous of him always having some one to play with so I made up my own, a cat called Scratch. I convinced my brother that we ought to swap for a day and he never saw Bungbing again! Apparently he was cross at my brother for swapping him for an invisible friend that never even existed!

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I used to have an imaginary friend called Robin...I don't know if it/she/he was a girl or boy but we would have long chats every night before I went to sleep...about our day, school etc. I reckon I was about 5 to 9 years old and as an only child I suppose it/he/she was a sibling substitute. I can still see it/he/she standing by my bed now. Robin gradually disappeared, faded with time. I expect it/he/she went on to become some other poor lonely child's friend....any one out there know him?

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I used to have an imaginary friend named Laura who hailed from the 1800's. I spent most afternoons after school showing her the modern world and especially how to ride a bicycle! She never did master that!

Laura's friend
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I used to have a cat who sort of appeared about the time my sister was born. Obviously he could talk, but he was also blessed with the natural feline talent of riding a moped. He particularly liked to wear an old fashioned leather helmet with his goggles over his ears and would follow us around. I don't think he ever made it into the house - probably because he was always covered in oil.

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I had two imaginary friends when i was young. They were named On and Off. On was good, but Off was a vandal. One time when i heard sirens out in the street, i told my mother that Off had pulled the fire alarm in a building as a prank.

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When I was little (early 80s) I used to love the Monkees. I watched all the time, reruns, not the originals. The Monkees were my imaginary friends. Mostly Davey. I had a hobby horse that I rode like crazy, and I'd jump on the horse with the Monkees. Davey got to sit right behind me, how the other guys crowded on, I have no clue. Sometimes, Davey would fall off the horse, and I would wipe his brow with a red washcloth. Red from the blood, of course!

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I had an imaginary friend called Silly Sally Stupid. She couldn't do anything right and I spent most of my time acknowledging this and proving that I was better than her at absolutely everything. The funny thing was, being a smart child, even then I was completely aware that Silly Sally Stupid's sole purpose was to boost my self esteem!

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I had an imaginary friend named Bull's Eye. He was a skinny bull who walked on two legs, all black, and had one red glowing eye. I guess I was a pretty disturbed child since he would be deemed frightening by appearence.
I would talk to him and he would talk back. I remember my baby sitter's daughter, who was my age, going nuts over Bull's Eye. She told her mom about him and she said he was evil (she was very religious, must have been the whole Giant Raging Black Bull From Hell thing), and from that moment on I never gained full trust in him. I still have fun doodling him in class and addressing my thoughts to him at times. :)

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I used to have these 4 imaginary friends: Vicky & Tara, two Boarder Collie dogs; Frilly Baby (a baby with a pink dress & yellow hair) and Squeaky Mouse (cartoon-type mouse).
If they're reading this, I'd just like to say hi!

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I had two imaginary friends, one called Giant and one called Spider (who may or may not have gone on to be a environmental protester in Coronation Street, we lost touch). Giant and Spider used to travel everywhere with us and I would make sure my family left room for them in the car. Many a time I would shout at unsuspecting aunts and uncles when they sat in what they mistakenly thought was an empty seat only to be told that they were squashing my friends.

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My parents told me that as a 3 or 4 year old that I thought Bob Geldof was my invisible friend. I would talk to him and I wouldn't let them walk up the stairs because he was sat on them. I have no idea why I chose Bob he was in the boomtown rats at the time.

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I used to have an imaginary friend named Mr. Nobody. He would protect me from my imaginary enemy, Bad Elmer.

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Since my name is Wendy, I was enchanted with the movie Peter Pan. I imagined I had my very own Peter Pan who I had lots of adventures with every day.

My mom loves to tell this story:

My cousin, who copied everything I did was in the shopping cart with me while my mother was standing in line at the (very crowded) grocery store. Apparently we were playing with our imaginary Peter Pan friends because I suddenly looked at my cousin and announced in a loud voice, "My Peter is green, what color is yours?"

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My imaginary friend was called Swacky Boom, who was a sort of elf-like guy usually fond hovering cross-legged at ceiling level in the corner of the room.

He liked his tea stirred a special way, in ever decreasing circles, then in a cross pattern.

Dunno where Swacky is now, but I hope he is still enjoying his cups of tea.

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I used to have an imaginary friend named Henry the Ghost. Whenever I heard a noise or something and was scared at night, I would sing
'Mud, mud, glorious mud, nothing quite like it for cooling the blood'
Henry would appear and would protect me and talk to me. what mud had to do with anything i'll never know!!!

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My imaginary friends were a family named Ampsnee. The mom was She Ampsnee and the father was He Ampsnee. They had two kids, Him and Her. I didn't hang with the kids too much, usually just the parents.They would help me dig between the floor boards with a bobby pin to find gold dust. But they would get sick and go to the hospital alot. When asked I would say they were gone for a long long long long long long long(you get the idea) time and sort of put myself into a trance by the chant. I would sit in the triangular sliver of space behind the front door when it was open and carve totem poles out of raw carrots with my teeth and eat the cardboard rolls that toilet paper comes on. I would chant a word over and over until I lost the meaning. I remember doing that with the word 'carrot' so that it was like 'carrot carrot car rotcar rotcar rotcar rotcar rot'. One day the Ampsnee's moved away, far far far far far farf arf arf arf arf arf arf arf ar away........

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up until I was about 8, I had an imaginary friend named Sprogget. (originally stemmed from a fairytale book I had as a child) He would go everywhere with me and ride in my pocket. I believed in him so much that it drove my family crazy. On one occasion, my father sat down to dinner,on poor Sprogget, and I started screaming and crying hysterically "YOU'RE KILLING HIM! YOU'RE KILLING HIM!" The same night my sister decided she had had enough. She got out the Fairytale book and called me to her room. Well, whenever she read his story, Sprogget had to get in the book to make the story work. When he got in the book, she slammed it shut and said he was trapped forever. I cried a whole lot as a child. Carrie (my sister) hid the book and I never saw Sprogget again. I really believed that he was trapped in the book

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My brother believed there was a family that lived in the sponge in our bathroom called the Smiffs and they all had upturned, piggie noses.

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There were these old trees in the playground at my school and in kindy I thought there were mice living in them, and the knotholes were doors. Then i changed schools, and there weren't any trees, so i believed they ran around in the walls and I used to talk to them through a missing brick.

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I used to pretend that I was a twin named Patricia and my twin sister was named Beatrice (these were the names of two twin girls who went to my school.) In my imaginary family I had lots of younger siblings, including: Emily, the baby, Polly, Jonathan, Mary, who was a girl from school, and Dan, my real brother. I had two older siblings, Susan and Michael. I would always pretend that I had long golden hair and I was the prettiest one in the family and, well, you get the picture.

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