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imaginary friends

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As early as I can remember and up until the age of five, I had an imaginary friend whose name was Nanik. I don't know whether it was a girl of a boy, I don't know how old it was, I don't know what it looked like, I don't know were its name came from (it's definitly not a regular name in France!) I just know it lived in the bathroom inside a big driyer closet we used to have. Its voice was the echo of my voice in the closet. I used to talk with Nanik for hours (or what seemed to be hours) telling stories, telling my life. In my family, everyone knew who was Nanik, it was like a family member. My parent would say: "So, how's Nanik today", and I would smile back...

This message is just a tribute to my good friend Nanik.

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Whenever I watched a TV show, film or read a book, if it was about little talking animals, i'd pick 1-2 of my favourite characters and they'd follow me around for a few weeks. The most memorable is that once i was followed around for a month by Beatrix Potter's character, Samuel Whiskers, and his wife, Anna Maria.

Lily Goodier
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I used to believe that all the characters in the cereal commercials were real and that some day they would come off of the box and talk to me like they did on t.v.

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When I was in fourth grade, I was reading a series of books called Animorphs. I was obsessed with them at the time, and one of my friends had started to read them too. She didn't know about them as much as me, since she had just begun, and I (of course) was an expert... soon we knew most things there were to know about them, and started making up that the characters in the book, which have the power to withdraw DNA from another living creature and become it, wanted to be our friends. It started out small, that we had seen them sneaking around looking "suspicious" and kind of watching us... then we talked to them.. and it progressed that they wanted us to become part of the group. Then we had the powers (we had totally convinced ourselves that it was real by then and that we had the powers) that they had, then stronger, then we were the most powerful beings in the universe, and we had to keep it secret. we were aliens, and we had our code because evil aliens called the "yeerks" were always after them... it went on for a couple of years.. then I was away for a year, and when i came back we had forgotten about it and didn't talk about it. Really funny to think of now.

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Being an only kid, I used to have a few imaginary friends. When I was 2, I used to have an imaginary friend named Beano (long before the popular gas relief medicene of the same name premiered) I used to tell ppl he was invisible to everyone except me because he saw me from his invisable world and wanted to be my best friend, so he made himself visable just to me. When I was around 7 I had one named Courtney, named after Barbie's little sister's best friend, and she looked exactly like her. She and i would pretend to be everything from angels to witches. And if someone I saw on the news had died, we would go to heaven and see them, and make them our friend, and visit everyone in heaven, like God,Mary, Joseph, etc... and our family members who had died. I also imagined I had 7 little brothers and sisters, and used look through catalogs to pick out beds and clothes that they could have. I probably needed medication.

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i used to have an imaginary friend named Gordy. Gordy was a cow and he was my friend for a few years. unfortunately the hamburger factory started looking for him and they eventually caught him in California. My friends and i will never forget him.

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I used to believe that Pippi Longstocking lived in the house across the street and that Bobby Shasto with silver buckles on his knee was really going to come back from his trip to sea and would marry me. I told people that Bobby Shasto was my boyfriend.

Dawn T.
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after i saw cinderella for the first time, i loved that she was friends with all the cute little mice. so of course i wanted to be friends with all the cute little mice. so i made mine up. i can remeber sitting in my room talking to them and my mother walked by and asked me what i was doing, i looked at her and said talking to my mice friends. i out grew that after a few weeks.

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This is my experience with my daughter's imaginary friends. She had three main imaginary friends : Meanie...mutagenic bat/rat/boy with an attitude problem, Gogonagi...a giant six foot long rat....and Silly Beaver...a tree eating rodent. What upset me most was my daughter would wack herself on the head over and over saying.." Get out of there ! Get out of there !" ...when i asked what was going on she would say " That silly Beaver jumped into my brain again!!"....
I never really got any kind of explaination from her as to how this all happened or came from or meant.
I would sort of bite my lip and hope that it didnt mean she was truly crazy or possessed or anything...so far she seems to be ok for a teenager.

vitus the mad
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I just got to this site and though I'm not much older than when these people talk about, I want to tell about my favourite belief, the Light People, who I saw one day when I was lying on my back and little light sparks looked like they came out of my lightbulb. I used to ask them questions and it was comforting.

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I used to believe that the smurfs were real. There was this huge cluster of Pine trees by our house when we were little. Tons of mushrooms would grow under there.
My sister would say "I just saw a smurf!" and I would scurry under the pine trees to find it!! :D

Julia Meachum
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I used to believe that the cast of the Partridge Family was in my desk at school. I could look inside and watch re-runs of the show because if they could shrink themselves to fit inside the tv, surely they could shrink to fit inside my desk. I really could see them in there; that is the scary part ;-)

David Cassidy Fan
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When I was growing up, I had an imaginary friend named Hammer. My mom told me that one day I was very upset and crying. She asked me what was wrong, and I told her that Hammer died. Mom said that a couple days later I was really happy again, and I told her that Hammer was alive again.

All of my aunts and uncles knew I had an imaginary friend. They sometimes still make fun of me and ask me about Hammer.

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We all believed in guardian angels and so my dad told us to name them. I named mine Danny (after a boy I liked) and my sister named hers Peanut Butter. We thought they would do things for us like be an alarm clock in the morning or find parking spots for us. My dad still believes it works.

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when i was younger, i had an imaginary friend, liam i called him, we used to go everywhere together, till one day, we climbed the tree in my back garden, it was all going well, he told me not to worry about anything and that if i got into trouble i would be ok. but that wasnt the case, when i was near the top of the tree my foot slipped and i fell down hard, hitting the back of my head on the concrete slabs, i was rushed to hospital right away, i split the back of my head open, and now i have a phobia of any thing that is higher than me,i also cant bare to walk past trees, because of my "imaginary" friend.

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I had two imagniary friends. Carol and Jacko. Jacko looked like the Fonz (from the TV show Happy Days) and was my best friend. He hung around for a while then one day he broke his arm and died.

Carol had split personality disorder. There was "good" Carol and "bad" Carol. Bad Carol made me cut ALL my hair off when I was about 4. I looked like a little boy...was my dad HOT!
I remember crying and telling my mom that "bad Carol made me do it!!"

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I believed Mighty Mouse was real and played with me and my friends. Once when one of my friends suggested we should pretend to play with Mighty Mouse again, I said, "It's not pretend!"

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Starting when I was about 5 until I was about 10, I was the instructor at an imaginary boarding school for girls. I used to teach them how to bathe and shampoo as well as how to be a model in TV commercials. I guess that entertained me thru the mundane everyday stuff. I'm now 32 and I'm still bored with mundane everyday stuff, but I don't have an imaginary boarding school for girls.

Kim Perry
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I had a little hole in the wall under my bed when I was little and I thought that Fraggles lived in there.....

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When I was little I had an imaginary friend Day-Day. She was my best friend. My family members frequently tried to trick me and say they saw Day-Day somewhere, but they couldn't fool me, she was always with me. I was sad the day she had to leave me...

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