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top belief!

When I was very little I had 4 or 5 imaginary friends. My mom told me a few years ago she used to worry about me, because I would change my voice and pretend to have conversations with them - with me speaking for them. :)

The only one I remember clearly is Goldilocks. She loved to cut off people's heads and eat them with catsup and mustard.

When my older brother and sister would pick on me I would threaten to call my imaginary friends if they didn't treat me better. They always just laughed...

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I used to believe in an imaginary friend named Robert- He was the best. I remember he stayed the same age, lived in this huge house, had tons of cool stuff that he always forgot to bring around and was around whenever I needed him. I totally believed that he was real!

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top belief!

I remember a few imaginary friends growing up:

From about 6-7 I believed my name was Kelly and I had a host of older brothers (actually I was the oldest with a younger brother and sister). Some of them I remember were named Kevin and Ken. I can't remember how many of them there were but I do remember we worked in the circus as an acrobat act.

Later in middle school (about age 12-13) I had several animal friends, mostly a big Golden Retriever named Brownie and two squirrels named Chip and Dale. There may have been others; I remember a cat and a bird but I don't remember their names.

In high school I pretended (to myself) that I had a daughter named Faith at age 16 on my birthday. I imagined caring for her and reading about her stages. Even now at 29 I think about Faith and how now she would be 13!

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top belief!

when i was six i had and imaginary friend named mr. lipstick man and he was a little spider who lived in the keyhole of my front door. he wore a top hat and had big red lips. i spent hours sitting three inches away from the lock talking to him and his brother.
his brother was mr. robin face, the miniature bird who lived in my mailbox.

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Me and my cousin Aline were crazy about this brazilian boy band and their plane crashed and noone survived.A few days after that me and her started talking to them, they were very nice friends actually and we even dated two of them.I know this is crazy, but my cousin even got a valentines card from her "boyfriend", at the time I believed but then I understood she was crazier than I or much more of a big big lier...

Ana (Brazil)
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top belief!

When I was four, I would hold my hand close to my face, flat and facing up so I could talk to it. But that's only what other people saw--I was really talking to Bowser the white mouse.

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top belief!

I had an invisible friend named John Wednesday and I beleived he was real. He didn't have hair...only leaves growing out of his head and his mother sent him out in the rain to play instead of washing his hair with shampoo.

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My imaginary friend when I was young was, believe it or not... my ten speed.... I named my ten-speed.... Clyde.. the one hump. I imagined it as a camel with one hump (the seat). I had clyde from about the time I was ten until he finally got stolen. In memory of Clyde - the one hump. 1974 - 1989

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We had a fireplace in our old farmhouse and when the wind would blow it would sound like someone was talking to you through the chimney. This person soon became my best friend Mrs. Hollister! My mom said that I would lay on the hearth and talk to her for hours on end. She was the best babysitter my mom ever had.

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when i was very young i usually would walk home from school with a friend. On the days that i had to walk by myself i use to believe that half of me was a boy and the other half was a girl and i had someone to talk to on the way home.

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I use to have a make believe friend her name was Hun-a-burg and we were in competition with each other all of the time I had no brothers or sisters to compete with so I had to imvent one. I was the smart one and Hun-a-burg was the dumb one. I listened to my Mom and she did not and so on. It got me through many of lonely day and nights when I had no one to play with. Hun-a-burg died sometime before I went to High school but I never forgot my little friend today her memory is still with me.....

Suzi Q
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I used to believe that "shadow-cats" lived on my bedroom walls. They were sort of cat silhouettes/shadows that would jump on and play about on the other shadows on my walls.

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top belief!

I had an imaginary best friend when I was a kid named Gringo. Gringo and I did everything together and we even 'dated' for a while. He then bought a house across from the mall so I didn't see him as much...only then did I learn he went off and married some woman and moved to Australia w/o even a goodbye! Every time I pass the mall, I still wonder how he's doing... I think he dumped me because it was easier on me than putting me thru the pain of telling him that I was in school now and it wasn't cool to have an imaginary friend... of course his rejection of me was just the beginning in a long line of men to follow... :)

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top belief!

My parents used to tape record me talking and singing. When I heard the girl on the tape talking back to me, I was sure there was another me in the tape recorder! Despite my parents best efforts to convince me otherwise, I have a tape of myself whispering, "I know you're in there. I'm going to press rewind and listen to you talk now."

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top belief!

I do not believe in "imaginary" friends. I STILL believe in invisible ones. My parents tell me stories about my group of 'boys' who would go with us where ever we went. I remember a crowd of "seafoods" after eating at Red Lobster one night, they usually lived in the floorboards of the car. I have had a ghost named Peanut butter, a whole family if Pegasuses, some "good luck bugs"... Sadly, most of them left when I was about 15 and realized I didn't need them.

However, now at 25, I keep the company of two dragons and a white hawk. *grin*

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My daughter, has an imaginary friend named "Out of the Box".It's really weird how real they can become. One day we were in a restaurant, and she had left him in the car. I was at the counter getting our food she was at a table. My daughter yelled over to me "Mom, Out of the Box isn't sitting down!" I immediately responded "Dee, Out of the Box is in the car!" After realizing what had taken place I was soo embarrassed!

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When i was a little kid i had an imaginary shark/whale friend who made videogames out of malls and cows etc. just by pointing some invention in that direction and push a button, he lived in the clouds and put a banana on the sky when the moon came up
and an orange when the sun came up.
he had over 200 children and was really good at surfing
(he's norwegian name was Ola Bonga)

Weird imagination, huh?

LH from norway
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i used to think a small man named homer lived in my grandmother's freezer and made ice.

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one summer when I was a kid (I can't remember how old), I could see a twinkling
star outside my window. It would talk to me in my own secret language and his
name was george. He was my best friend that whole summer.

Then one night my mom heard me talking to George and she told me that stars
don't talk and I should go to bed. The next night George was gone. I was so sad
because I thought my mom made him leave me and not be my friend.

Sometimes I still wonder if this was just my imagination...

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when my daughter was 4 (she is now 10) she had many imaginary friends one of whom was named colt well for a child of that age i could tell she was watching way to much "grown up tv" because colt was a boy one day a girl the next and at the end of week not even colt was sure what sex he/she was

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