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When i was little, i had an older brother and a younger brother but no other kids living nearby to play with, so i spent hours upon hours making up friends. The one i remember the most would be my dog, Spot. I wasnt allowed to have a real dog. At one point i found an old yellow swing set seat and dragged it all over , telling everyone it was my dog, Spot. This went on for a few years untill i left him in the driveway and my dad ran him over. He "died" and my dad threw him away for me :-)

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When I was about 4 I had an invisible friend, Oscar, who was my "invisible pet octopus". Oscar would tell me what I should eat or whether or not I should do things - "No, Oscar says that I shouldn't eat those vegetables" or "Oscar said I don't have to go to bed now". I was an only child so it was nice to have this friend. My mother says she wasn't overly fond of Oscar, and I don't know why I decided upon an octopus.
I did try for a bit in kindergarten to convince people that this big tall blow up doll I had (NO!! Not that kinda blow up doll!) was my sister, who was very quiet except for a squeak when she was bent. I always wanted siblings, I guess.

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I used to tell my stepkids about a friend of mine named Mr. Donkey. A donkey with seven antlers. I told them that he came over to visit when they were with their father every other weekend. My favorite story was to tell them how he'd relax in the bathtub, reading the newspaper and smoking a big cigar.

Once, I made little muddy hoof prints in the bathtub, and made some leading through the kitchen. Neither of the kids had believed a word of my stories up until then. But they became instant believers.

For about a week.

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Apparently when i was very young i had an imaginery friend name colin, as i can't remeber this i've had to go on my mothers word. My mum use to have to set an extra place at the table for him, a bed made up next to mine, after many months of this going on, my mum went to set a place at the table for him one night, and asked how colin was going, to which i replied, he's not comeing back anymore, which prompt my mum to ask , why?, and i said, because i shot him.

Now i've got no memory of this event but my mum still makes jokes about it saying, he was a better kid than i was cause he never left any mess, even when he left. lol

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I had an imaginary friend Jeff who was invisible except when he wanted to be seen by me. He liked watermelon and spat out the seeds. My mom helped me write a book about him. We both miss him.
I also believed Superman lived under the table and ate scraps, and brushed against my legs.

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When I was younger my parents took me camping for the first time. Right before bedtime my mother read me a book entitled "Mickey Goes Camping". Big mistake... cause at 1am I woke up believing that Mickey was camping in the woods with us and that I needed to find him. Needless to say my parents didn't get any sleep (I kept them up till 5am) and I never found Mickey. To this day I still wonder if he's out there! j/k

Brynn Lovell
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I had two imaginary friends, Tommy and Stacey. Stacey looked the way I wanted to look, with dark hair, brown eyes and freckles. I thought glasses were cool, so Stacey wore glasses. She always did everything right. Tommy looked like me, with blond hair and green eyes - except of course he wasn't me, because he was a boy. He always got in trouble. When my mother said "Don't stand on that chair; you'll fall and crack your head open," I told her "Tommy fell and cracked his head open once."

Tommy and Stacey lived in a big house with lots of other children and no adults. The basement of their house was called the "rooty ground" - growing out of the floor were huge tub-shaped roots filled with bubbly water, like natural hot tubs that the kids could play and swim in (I don't know where I got this idea; I'd never even seen a hot tub).

One day I announced that Tommy and Stacey had died. They sat too close to the fireplace (I was always warned against this but never understood why), and died of "fire sickness". Occasionally after that I wished that Stacey would come back to keep me company, but she never did.

When I grew up, I met the real Tommy and married him.

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being an only child i used to create my own make believe world to keep me company. i used to think that all my friends had this magic potion which on drinking could make them invisible. they would then come to visit me and although they could see me, i couldn't see them. but somehow i always had this feeling that they were around. and if i wanted to go the bathroom or change my clothes, i would close the door quickly so no one could come in and have a good laugh. i still somehow find it difficult to let go of this feeling. wonder why my friends can't just share that magic potion with me. :(

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When I was young I had an imaginary friend named Fred who was a goldfish that was put under a spell and was forced to walt around the earth on his tail because he had eaten to much fish food.

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Imaginary friends (2) "Beanda" and "Lube" from three through six. Refused to allow anyone to sit next to me, as they were there. Served them food. So much a part of my life that relatives knicknamed each other "Beanda". I (female) was the first of four children, 3 female, one male, almost nine years senior to my next sibling. I was raised among adults, primarily. Started school at 5 and 1 month, the norm was 6. Have above average intelligence. Great Grandmother provided most care. She was a New York "Superintendant" and managed apartments. I was very big into real estate rentals from the age of 16 through 50. Hope this helps your research.

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I used to have an imaginary friend named April. She looked just like me and had the same name as me. As an only child, if someone did something wrong, my parents always knew I was the one who had done it, so I would say that "April" did it. At first, my protests led to confusion for my parents, thinking that I was suddenly referring to myself in the 3rd person, but they figured it out after a while and started punishing both "Aprils" when "we" would do something bad.

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I believed that this owl would come into my room and fly around my room, and sit on my desk and stare at me

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i used to believe that a elf familly lived on my window, long after a new my parents were Santa Claus

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top belief!

When I was around two or three, I had an imaginary racoon called Marshmallow Marshmallow. The local children's library has different events every Summer, and I remember that one of my favorites was the Stuffed Animal Pet Show, which was meant for very young children, or those who had no pets. Despite the fact that I had a multitude of stuffed animals, I insisted on entering Marshmallow Marshmallow. Evidently the fact he was a real racoon, not a stuffed animal, didn't bother me.

I won the 'Most Imaginitive' category.

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When I was 2 or 3 I had an imaginary friend in the form of a small white mouse. He was cleverly named "My white mouse" He talked to me in a whisper, and was always around though he slipped conveniently out of site whenever I had visitors. One day My white mouse wanted to fly a kite, and since he was much too small to fly my kite, he urged me make him one of his very own. So I pulled out my crayons, and drew in red a kite that was just his size on the floorboard of our hallway. Needless to say my parents were not impressed at my budding artistic talent, and forced me to scrub the kite away. I never revealed to my parents that it was My white mouse that urged me to draw the kite in the first place.

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When my daughter was 3 to 4, she had a large number of imaginary friends that she was always telling us about. One day I had invited a real friend over to play with my daughter. When she took her friend in to introduce her to my husband, he yelled to me, "Barbara, I think Shannon's imaginary friends are starting to get to me. I think I see this one!"

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When I was five I used to belive I had a boyfriend named Darren who had a red ute and would take me on romantic dates to Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Erin Jones
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when my girlfriend was a child she had four imaginary friends. one in particular - suzie- was very 'realistic'. the two would 'play' for hours. my girlfriend also has clarivoyant abilities and we think suzie could have been from the past.

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When I was four I had an inseparable imaginary frind named Susan. One day she left for England - I have never been exactly sure when: just that I started telling people that she had up and left me.

Erin Jones
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When I was 5, I used to pretend that 'Sarah' lived in a hole in my wall next to my bed amongst the Holly Hobby wallpaper. Sarah's auntie lived down the corner of my bed and a nasty man lived 'next door' to Sarah. Sarah and I used to argue and we'd not speak to each other for days however I'd stick up for her when the nasty man was being horrible to her.....

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